I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 409

What really troubles you is not whether the court-martial is judged, but the moral law in your own heart. "

Polusalino's words hit the point. In his opinion, Sakasky turned the battlefield and changed the general trend by himself. Although these people were affected by him, on the battlefield, this was originally possible. Avoid items.

For any general or leader, there will be more or less such misjudgments and necessary losses.

After finishing speaking, Polusalino repeated the cliché: "No one is serious about this with you, but you are obsessive-compulsive disorder and go to the edge of the horns. I don't believe that you didn't wipe your ass for the ghost spider, Shileu, etc., just because you didn't." It is normal for them to easily accidentally injure hundreds or thousands of people after a battle when they let go of the pirates who attacked the deck and bombarded friendly ships."

[Not to mention Shiliu's red-eyed murderer who doesn't know the enemy from himself] After talking to himself, Polusalino has already achieved a profound skill of telling himself.

But who knows, Sakaski shook his head: "This is not hypocritical and rigid, of course the old man knows that in this world where power is the most important thing, it is difficult for any law and power to completely override me.

It is precisely because of this that under the power and power that is too extraordinary, the three views and the bottom line that I adhere to are easy to get lost. I always remind myself in my heart that "sticking to it" is a challenge. "

He pressed the brim of his hat towards Polusalino: "I don't want to be defeated by external forces, and I don't want to be destroyed by myself."

Kizuna, who kept silent and listened to the other party's words, blinked his eyes hard, and suddenly he was shocked in an unscrupulous way: "Oh! Little brother Akaken teases me!"


"Seriously, Sakaski, you've got me, I'm a fan~ I've seen the order and justice you uphold."

"Trouble you, roll as far as you can! Be careful, I'll headshot you with a ghost dog!" Sakaski slapped the newspaper on the opponent's face.

A certain flash reporter who was frantically probing and jumping left and right on the verge of being beaten every day smiled and took the newspaper covering his glasses away. Just as he was about to continue molesting Gouzi, suddenly, he inadvertently glimpsed the title in the newspaper.

Polusalino's already weird smile became even more distorted. He tilted his head and questioned, "What the hell is the Generation of Miracles?"

Although the Navy and the New World are temporarily in a truce, the waves and ripples aroused by the two sides have not stopped abruptly.

After receiving the news of the legendary pirate [Golden Lion] Shiji's comeback, major newspapers and forces once again recalled and resumed the title that was suspended in 1510 - [Four Emperors].

With the new world joined by the flying pirates and the Golden Lion, even though the middle and lower levels have experienced drastic changes and are facing the predicament of being outnumbered, but in terms of high-level combat power, it has gone up to a higher level than when the three big pirate groups stood together.

In order to make up for the serious loss of the basic establishment of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates, the Pirate Alliance, which was originally created only to make the three pirate groups more frequent, has come into being due to this pecking and drinking accident. Getting closer.

What was published in the newspaper was the exclusive analysis of the New World Pirates [Black Sails] Alliance.

Because the pirates uniformly hang the skull flag with a black background and black sails, the name of the [Black Sail] Pirate Alliance is also reasonable.

It is a pity that it is precisely because of the indiscriminate killing and looting of the island residents of the New World by the pirates led by the Hundred Beasts Pirates that the world is in an uproar.

Treat this war provoked by the [Black Sails] Alliance against the Navy Headquarters representing the righteous side as an unjust war.

"The unprecedented confrontation with [Injustice] is the [Generation of Miracles] that the navy sequence is proud of." Sakaski almost thought that he had crossed over again when he saw this report before, and the alpaca index in his heart No less than Polusalino.

At the moment when the two camps are in unprecedented confrontation, the Navy headquarters has added two more honored generals, and the overall number has reached an unprecedented five serving generals, in order to deal with the Four Emperors who formed an offensive and defensive alliance.

Even a man as proud as White Beard once publicly admitted that any one of these five generals could dominate a large battlefield.

Even in the new world where talents are emerging in large numbers, he is the absolute overlord.

The appellation of the three generals has become a thing of the past, and those who do good things call these five admirals of the Navy Headquarters together and dub them the "Generation of Miracles".

Red dog, yellow monkey, green pheasant, and two newly promoted monster-level powerful fighters: Fujitora and green bull.

Sakaski reached out to catch the newspaper that Huang Yuan threw back to him, and suggested maliciously: "Would you like to take advantage of the truce and play a basketball game?"

382. The Call of the Times (Part 1)

To test whether a weapon has excellent performance, the best test platform is the battlefield.

No matter how good its initial design is, whether it is good or bad can only be seen in actual combat.

"How? Is this firearm still usable?" Picking up a brand new Mosin Nagant rifle, Sakaski skillfully pulled the bolt and loaded it with a cigar in his mouth.

In the harsh environment of the battlefield, the stability and failure rate of firearms will be severely tested due to the influence of high and low temperature, and different terrain environments.

But before Sakarski got the most truthful and pertinent evaluation from the sailors, he was flashed a card.

The camera, which relies on flash shells as the main material and operates in a strange way, truthfully recorded the ruffian photo of Mr. Sakaski inspecting the gun with a cigar in his mouth.

"...Fox, believe it or not, the old man fed the camera into your stomach?" Someone's tone was obviously bad, and he was obviously on the verge of the limit of unbearable.

For a whole morning, the calf kept following him almost non-stop with his point-and-shoot camera.

Especially in the previous one, Sakalski said that he had to make a V-shaped gesture for a fat man in conjunction with it?

"Mr. Sa, this is an order from the Marshal of the Warring States Period. We need to take a few photos for the newspaper to publish." Xu Shi was used to being bullied by Xiliu every day, and Lindeman listened to the threat of being fed by the camera without even changing his expression. Once, it means that it is not my turn to bear the blame.

The tragic real shooting of the battlefield is definitely not in line with the title given by the world government, "The Unquestionable Victory of Justice".

The other two fronts are not bad, how badly the navy was beaten on the frontal battlefield, as one of the parties involved, the fox, hasn't figured it out yet?

To put it bluntly, it's called a 50-50 split, but to put it bluntly, it's a complete loss for both sides.

The more than forty pirates affiliated to the Whitebeard Pirates were left with very few left, and even the captains of the main ship were killed to only three of them. From the low-level crew to the middle-level cadres, they were almost wiped out, leaving the white beard as a single tree to support the face of the Four Emperors.

Similarly, the navy was not much better. Under the sudden bombardment of the Golden Lion, the two main armies and the reinforcements of each branch decreased by as much as 30%.

Before he could catch his breath, the pursuit of the Whitebeard Pirates came one after another.

The navy, still in shock, launched a Jedi counterattack under the leadership of the general headed by Akainu, and finally forced the pirates to truce and retreat.

Lindemann really couldn't think of how to put materials in a title like "Justice Unquestionable Triumph", which is so fake that it has no friends.

We can only rely on the cult of personality mechanically, hoping to use the powerful charm of these "war stars" to attract the public as much as possible.

People need heroes, especially in times of war.

Whether it is the tenacity and unyielding spiritual quality of combat heroes, or the people's favorite

Heroic feelings will inspire and drive the overall trend.

[For the sake of justice and the image of our navy, it is natural for the generals to be "idols". Anyway, there is a precedent for General Huang Yuan...] With this idea that dead friends will never die poor people, Lindeman immediately Decided to take some more pictures.

But Sakaski put his mind on listening to the opinions of the sailors.

This rifle, which was jointly designed and developed by him and Vegapunk, actually drew the design before he took up the post of general.

The advanced design of the pacifist is certainly a gold-swallowing behemoth. It was not until the funds secretly sent by Sky Island that Vegapunk dared to say that it had the confidence to start further research and development.

Unexpectedly, this gun replacement is also a huge project. Complicated official documents, filing with the world government, waiting for approval, starting the manufacturing process, and final large-scale installation.

The five old stars are naturally quite reluctant. The strengthening of the overall strength of the navy has gradually aroused their vigilance, and the funds have to be deducted from the budget of the world government... This rifle has been born since 1507. Life was delayed until 1516, and the new achievement of "ten years of pregnancy" was almost reached.

Thanks to the complete industrialization system of Marin Vanduo and its many affiliated bases and secret research institutes, the navy has basically completed the refitting of the main force before the war.

But this delay lasted for several years, and it also made the military see clearly the extreme delay and low administrative efficiency of the world government.

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