I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 571

Large-caliber artillery shells plowed out countless fine ice chips on the ice surface, and ice caves and deep pits as high as two people were all over the ice layer.

Many giant beasts were hit head-on by shells, wounding their vitals and killing them on the spot. But even though more mutated beasts were blown upside down, they quickly dragged their wounded bodies through the artillery fire.

Among these giant beasts rushing towards the naval positions, there are also many beasts with thick scales and hard bone plates, and the firepower shower composed of artillery fire and bullets can hardly cause obvious injuries to them.

Seeing that the herd of beasts is getting closer to the land under the dense fire coverage, hot and dazzling lasers spew out from the mouths of the pacifists at the front of the position, and the more powerful prismatic tanks are extremely targeted to focus on the beams On the meat shields wearing thick bone armor, they quickly and effectively intercepted the charge of the herd.

"It's pretty good." Seeing that his fresh beast tactic was cracked by the navy, the golden lion clapped his hands and laughed, and his smile became more intense as he glanced around him from the corner of his view: "But can you Stop him?"

Even if the golden lion didn't need to say more, at least half of the people in the navy's position focused their attention on the huge figure driving the herd of beasts to charge.

Far exceeding the terrifying height of the Elbaf giants, it is 38 meters.

In terms of size alone, it is almost several times that of ordinary giants, and it is not an exaggeration to call him "the giant among the giants".

As a descendant of the devil "Yunguo Oz", Little Ozzy Jr is no smaller than his ancestors.

But what really made the admirals frown was the dark full-body armor the other party was wearing.

This set of "four different" thick armor looks very similar to the traditional large armor of Wano country at first glance. Both shoulders and arms have shoulder armor called "sleeves". It is composed of six to eight sections of iron decks with a thickness of two meters each. The "big sleeves" are straight and flat, and the wide overall area has a better protective effect.

The large steel guard plate in the "chicken breast" configuration provides terrible protection. These things with a thickness of more than 5 meters, not to mention ordinary artillery fire, even the 460 mm caliber naval gun deployed by the Megatron. It can only bite out of a small hole.

What made the naval gunners feel extremely fucked was that behind the plate armor, they could clearly see that Little Ozzy was wearing a set of scales of unknown beasts as the inner layer and countless interlocking iron rings on the outside. A mixed product of scale armor and chain mail.

Little Ozzy's legs are even more tightly protected, and the armor-like skirt hangs down to his ankles. As the giant walks, through the gaps, he can vaguely see a layer of leg armor that wraps his legs tightly. .

The head is the key protective part, except for the gaps that must be reserved for sightlines, only a pair of giant horns that are the signature of the Oz family are exposed on both sides of the head.

"Fuck... This is simply a humanoid bunker!!!" Esper's loud complaint almost expressed the aspirations of all the navy present.

Not to mention Little Ozzy's exaggerated physical strength to easily withstand ordinary naval guns, the Black Sail Alliance spared no effort to integrate resources to create a tailor-made set of high-strength armor armed to the teeth. It seems unnecessary, but it seems that the role of the devil in disrupting and penetrating the formation has been brought to the extreme.

The dense live ammunition could not even stop the moving human-shaped iron wall. Even the laser beams fired by the pacifists only left a small hole in the weird armor with protective capabilities that piled up to the sky, and it was impossible to completely penetrate it. The thickness can be called excessive armor.

"A plate armor of this size and thickness seems to call the Spear of Adun for a salvo attack..." Dauberman stared fiercely at Little Ozzy who was approaching the naval formation. The only reason why the firepower can't penetrate the armor - the caliber is too small, too small!

In exchange for the naval gun on the Spear of Adun that can be called a laser beam, let alone a movable steel fortress, the entire floating island controlled by the Golden Lion in the previous short air battle was almost shattered. .

The person standing side by side with the bulldog shook his head, his long brown hair squirmed quietly like a living thing, and in the blink of an eye, it became six long arms that looked like spiders.

Having obtained the thread fruit for many years, the more the ghost spider has a deeper understanding of this superhuman devil fruit, the more confident it is on the way to cut it. He, who was able to activate the birdcage already, saw Lie Xinxi's hands itching even more at this moment: "Dauberman, there is no need to call the main ship."

However, before he could pull himself away, a pitch-black bat dormant in the shadow suddenly flew out from the shadow of the Ghost Spider's feet.

"Molia? What do you mean?" You must know that Ghost Spider and Dauberman are all recognized as unscrupulous fighters in the militant and strength-oriented legion. Moria, one of the members of the Shichibukai under the king, blocked it for no reason, and the eight-armed general had a gloomy face, and immediately exploded.

"Hehehe, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, how about letting my 'big toy' try for a while?" The Shadow Heart, who is in charge of the Scourge, laughed wildly. However, there was a horrible three-masted ship frozen on the ice by Kuzan.

"I can't wait to see the wonderful scene where Little Ozzy and his ancestors kill each other!!!"

505. War on the Top (Part 6)

As Moriah's confident words fell, a deafening and strange roar rang directly from the three-masted island ship on the west side of the coastline.

"Oh?" Unlike the ghost spider's expressive doubts and distrust, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and others showed a look of great interest in Moria's proposal.

Although Moriah is active at sea as one of the most active members of the Shichibukai's camp hunting pirates, what the navy really values ​​is the blockade effect of this zombie king on the deep sea prison of Imperton. .

The cooperation and constraints formed by the two parties taking this opportunity seems to be a textbook-style win-win model.

The more Moria frantically exchanged the liver card pool for the shadow of powerful prisoners, the greater the impelton prison kept reducing the risk of powerful pirates escaping from prison and causing riots.

Prisoners who have lost their shadows cannot walk in the daytime, but their bodies will turn to ashes when they come into contact with the sun, so they can only stay in the dark prison without sunlight all year round.

In recent years, the Navy Headquarters has also done a bastard operation that has completely made the pirates give up—a circle of ultraviolet strong light lamps has been placed around the large prison of Imperton, which is specially used for lighting at night.

Turning the deep sea prison into a truly insurmountable death row.

Although Moriah and his subordinates have continued to grow and have developed into a powerful military force comparable to that of the Four Emperor Pirates in more than ten years, the navy is not worried at all about this big pirate who will not obey discipline and has no restraint.

Because in addition to Moria's own strength, it is the zombie troops with superior strength that make people talk about it.

And all of this is based on the premise that the shadow master is safe.

If the prisoner in Impelton dies, the many powerful combat forces controlled by Moria will also disappear.

Seeing that Moriah is so confident, the admirals who know his rich collection can't help but wait and see.

A huge figure covered in blood red suddenly rushed out from the inside of the island ship frozen on the ice. It was hard to imagine that such a huge body could burst out with such an astonishing speed.

In just one second, the strange walking corpse, which was nearly 40 meters high and weighed about 10,000 tons, spanned a distance of nearly a thousand meters at an explosive and terrifying linear speed, and slammed into Xiao Ao's body hard. hereby.

The impact force caused by any heavy artillery or laser is stronger. The strong inertia forces Little Ozzy to slide backwards as a whole. Stopped the retreat.

"That's [shaved]??! Is there a mistake? Such a huge body can use [shaved] freely?" There are many sharp-eyed sailors who recognized the monster used by the monster that knocked Little Ozzy away with a single blow. moves.

Little Oz, who saw the opponent's figure clearly through the gap in the visor, was even more furious: "How dare you desecrate the corpses of my ancestors!!!"

It was a huge and strange-looking frozen corpse, with shaggy golden hair hanging down to the back, and a pair of huge and mighty horns from both sides of the head.

The canine teeth of the lower jaw are particularly alienated, protruding from the lips like a beast, bared outside.

Just looking at his physical features, he is almost 70% similar to Little Ozzy.

It is the giant demon who was famous all over the world 500 years ago, [Yunguo] Oz himself.

The biggest difference between these two giants lies in their siblings.

If the appearance of little Ozzy is different from ordinary people, at least those giant hands are the same as most primates, with distinct and flexible five fingers, which can easily grasp objects.

But this frozen corpse that was released from the island boat was completely out of the category of [hand] from the forearm down, and it might be more appropriate to describe it with claws.

Oz's huge spindle-shaped forearm is covered with traces of sutures and reconstructions, losing the basic functions and functions of [hands], replaced by a pair of high-density skeletal claws.

Looking at this walking corpse that looks like a super-sized licker, Sakaski couldn't help asking Moria: "...What the hell did you make this thing??"

Wearing heavy armor, Little Ozzy acts like a tiger tank that has been magnified dozens of times, cumbersome but powerful.

He drew his knife and jumped up, as if he was about to chop off the opponent's head.

Unexpectedly, as the blade approached, the ancestor's corpse directly below him still did not respond to dodge or block.

Although a little doubt flashed in Little Ozzy's heart, the machete in his hand still chopped down resolutely.

When the blade was about to cut into the frozen corpse's neck, Little Ozzy felt a blur in front of his eyes, but when he looked again, there was nothing in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force suddenly came from the top of his head and pushed his head back, and the weight of tens of thousands of hectares forcibly pressed on Little Ozzy's shoulders.

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