I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 692

If you continue to disguise your identity and obey the orders of your superiors, it will be difficult to find such a golden opportunity.

He can't explain the abnormal situation on a few warships alone, especially when he has the possibility of revealing his identity. Once Bai Xing is delivered to Robin, it is not known how the navy headquarters, which has lost the last sway, will deal with him. .

I have to say that Robin's appearance was a bit surprising, but it was just an accident.

They have already cleaned up the idlers on the warship, and the [Sea King], one of the three ancient weapons, is bound to be won by the world government.

"Forgive me for not being able to follow my orders. I hope you can understand that Princess Baixing is very important to 'us'. It is more appropriate for Your Royal Highness to take care of you personally." Sensing that the agent whose plan had been seen through did not intend to give up the mission, he slowly He took off the navy cap that served as a [signal], and continued to pretend to the devil's son with a smile.

And the sailors guarding Bai Xing all the way looked at each other in blank dismay, completely unaware of which song their chief officer and Lieutenant General Robin were singing.

"We?" Robin shook his head as if he had heard a big joke: "Mr. Agent of the World Government, I don't know if the 'we' you mentioned just now refers to the deep-sea habitat ship? Or the World Government?"

"Agent? What are you talking about?" When he noticed that several sailors who were in charge of watching the ship came out of the cabin behind Robin, the smile of the agent with the rank of major general grew wider—even when he heard Robin After his words, there were several accompanying sailors beside the agent who noticed that the situation was different drew out their swords and aimed at him.

"If you want to prove your innocence, you might as well hand over Shirahoshi to me." Robin obviously also noticed the few sailors who came out of the cabin leisurely, either belonging to the deep sea dwelling ship or the expeditionary force.

But more of those who came out of the warship were those agents dressed as ordinary gamblers and vacationers, wearing casual attire and sneaking into the city of gold in advance to stand by.

Immediately, she knew everything.

It was precisely this group of insiders who cooperated with each other that captured the warship anchored here in one fell swoop.

She finally knew the reason why the other party dared to snatch people under her nose. Presumably, the World Government would not hesitate to use most of the spies buried in the various legions of the Navy Headquarters for this operation to snatch ancient weapons.

"Little princess from the headquarters, can you clear up my doubts? How did you know we would bring Shirahoshi here?" The agent belonging to CP0 finally asked the confusion in his heart.

Although surrounded by enemies, Robin still calmly spread his left palm on the brow bone, looking into the distance.

It's a pity that she couldn't see the raging flames rising from afar and shooting towards this direction, but she was willing to give the boy she watched to grow up more time to sharpen. It will be of great benefit to Sri Lanka's future growth.

She shrugged, expressing that she couldn't understand why the agents were entangled in this, and the target of these 'ghosts' was not difficult to guess: "I actually understand how you plan to gain the trust of White Star, how to coax your navy comrades to let them relax their vigilance, and even how I don't know anything about the meticulous planning, and I don't need to know the whole process, and I can't know it.

I just need to understand the ultimate goal of your actions according to the "dialectical relationship between the whole and the part" that old man Sa told me every day. "

Robin, who intends to use this to delay the time, strikes while the iron is hot, and continues to explain his analysis of the actions of the agents:

"You see, if you consider your ultimate goal of action as the dominant [whole], the [whole] governs the [part] that is the course of action.

Therefore, no matter how many variants there are in the course of action that you use to cover your tracks, it must serve the fundamental goal of capturing White Star.

I don't need to know your many processes during this period, I just need to think about it in advance-your goal is to quickly transfer Bai Xing out safely and safely.

In the Golden City, which is closed everywhere and only has a port to enter and exit, if you want to send people out, you must need a ship.

Then as long as you aim at your ultimate goal, won't I solve the problem from the source? "

The agent who had expended countless scheming to spread the news, set up cover-ups, and misled everyone's pursuit route almost had a feeling of bloody depression. According to this, the other party had never thought about how to play a game with him about protecting Bai Xing.

From the very beginning, they came here with the bastard plan to block all the ships in the port!

"Son of the devil, how about we take a step back? You let the warship out, and we will exchange the stunned sailors on the warship." The agents behind Robin who had been dormant in the Burning Legion were obviously a bit wary.

The latest issue of the battle list is quite shocking. Although these agents are not weak, they have to be more careful when they think of the terrifying rumor that the woman in front of them is "within the same level and invincible first".

Robin turned around and glanced at the expeditionary comrades who were supposed to be her comrades-in-arms, looking a little lonely. Although she knew that according to the rules and unique mechanism of the Burning Legion, it is easy to mix in strong enough spies and agents, but when she found that the expeditionary force she had always been proud of was actually the hardest-hit area where world government agents hibernated, Still from the bottom of my heart, there was a kind of rage of being betrayed.

"We were supposed to be brothers and sisters. It's not that there were no spies, pirates, and revolutionaries in the expeditionary army, but as long as you don't mess around with the lives of your brothers, the soft-hearted captain of the army will always open your eyes." Close one eye." A mist appeared in Robin's eyes, leaving a faint red line on the edge of the eye socket.

She clenched her palms tightly, as if she could squeeze steel into a puddle of mud: "Obviously Sakaski himself hates the World Government so much, but because you are his soldiers, you have not been able to calm down to fight against the Legion from the beginning to the end." A big cleaning!"

Robin wanted to say something cruel, "None of you will leave alive today", but when the words came out, there was only an indifferent and cold sigh, "You thirteen bastards, you have been sent out by the expedition!" Dismissed from the army!"

610. The Decision Is Yours (Part 1)

Among the numerous agents on the deck of the warship, the thirteen sailors who had belonged to the expeditionary force remained silent. It is impossible to say that the years of getting along day and night did not leave any memories and emotions for them, but the two sides have completely different positions, no matter how regretful and regretful they are, they can only be erased together with the past.

"The [Emperor Project] started by Wulaoxing personally cannot be missed." The CP agent who knew that his identity as the rear admiral had been exposed, Shi Shiran replied: "The world government and the navy are one family, we protect Princess Baixing is also in charge, so please don't hinder us."

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the 'Sea Soldiers' who were gradually encircling him with horns behind him, and the coldness in Robin's eyes became more and more intense.

She condescendingly looked down at the spouting inner ghost at the port below: "A family? Oh, I want to know, what happened to those sailors who tried to [hinder] you?"

"Relax, they are not dead, at least for now.

This is a rare opportunity for the ancient weapon Poseidon to be alone. Even if there is a risk of revealing our identity, we will take the risk. "The 'soldiers' who came out of the cabin spoke to stabilize the other party's emotions.

I'm afraid that if I say a careless word, I will anger the most capable person in the entire new generation of the navy.

Although they have a large number of people, it is better to minimize the influence of the incident when it comes to ancient weapons.

And once there is a direct armed conflict with Robin, let's not talk about whether the fight can be successful, at least the movement will never be too small.

Bai Xing blinked blankly, first she carefully looked at the two groups of people who were confronting each other, and then looked down suspiciously at her adolescent body which was still growing.

"Ancient weapons? What's that? I...I'm only 16 years old, I'm so rude."

As she spoke, she spontaneously put on the heavy and rigid protective clothing, and slowly moved towards Robin's direction.

Although she didn't know what happened in the navy, the only one who could really gain her 100% trust was the adopted daughter of the admiral.

Seeing Bai Xing take the initiative to put on the special protective suit named [Iron Block], the agent did not stop him.

After all, from the standpoint of protecting ancient weapons, it is rare for them to maintain a consistent standpoint with the navy.

If Bai Xing made any mistakes, neither of them would be able to please them.

But when he saw Shirahoshi moving towards Robin in a cautious movement compared to her huge figure, the world government agent who easily restrained the princess smiled very easily:

"Why do you think your father and brother are so overly cautious about your safety? Why are you imprisoned in the Dragon Palace like a prisoner?"

It has to be said that these two questions, which were written by magic, hit Bai Xing's vital point every sentence.

This made the struggling mermaid instantly quiet, and she even looked eagerly at the agent who seemed to know the inside story, hoping to learn some truth from the other party.

Why did the father arrange the dragon palace city into a heavily guarded fortress? Why hasn't she been allowed to go out without authorization for many years?

These questions have lingered in Bai Xing's mind for a long time, and have troubled her for many years.

"It's ridiculous, isn't it? Everyone around you knows your true identity, but no one has ever told you.

Those you consider friends and family have been covering up, fooling you, deceiving you, and... imprisoning you all along. "

The divorce tactics adopted by the agents stuck in Bai Xing's heart every word, exaggerating the ancient weapons that everyone deliberately avoided mentioning.

He stared at Bai Xing, whose expression was becoming more and more confused, and said word by word, to the girl who was hand-picked by Wu Laoxing as his target: "Your relatives and friends all regard you as a tool to dominate the world, but you don't Should suffer such injustice and bullying, with your innate strength, you should be their [King].

The navy has never respected human rights and freedoms. They, a group of people who are accompanied by war and death, only want to control.

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