I Spread the Cosmos By Live Broadcast of Food

Chapter 294 Cosmic Simulation System

Looking around, she thought, she probably entered the school's universe simulation system.

The universe simulation system, as the name suggests, simulates a universe.

Lan Siyu looked at the vast and boundless universe in front of her, and she found that her vision had become extremely good, so good that it was far from the highest vision that humans can achieve now, so good that it was like an astronomical telescope, and her field of vision became extremely wide.

13.8 billion years ago, hydrogen and helium atoms made up almost all matter in the known universe, and 13.8 billion years later, these two kinds of atoms made up 98 percent of the known universe substance.

Of course it includes human beings. The real physical matter of human beings is made up of countless atoms.

Lan Siyu looked at his feet, there was a planet not far from his feet, oh, no! It may be hundreds of thousands of light years away, but in the eyes of Lan Siyu now, it is not far away, because she can clearly observe the planet.

This is a planet, a planet that has been hit by tens of thousands of boulders floating in space. The several craters on the surface resemble the surface of the moon.

She looked around and saw planets moving in the distance, gravitationally bound by a massive, massive star.

As soon as Lan Siyu thought about it, she reached the upper edge of the huge star. The star glows and heats like the sun.

Lan Siyu knows that when this massive star reaches the end of its life, it will start to expand and grow at an extremely alarming rate, so large that it is unimaginable, and the temperature is so high that it can melt the surrounding planets, and the star will continue to flow. The energy of the universe pours out into the vacuum.


The star, which had swollen to enormous size, exploded! The constituent matter of the star began to scatter around and drifted to all parts of the universe.

Lan Siyu thought, the light from the explosion could definitely blind her beautiful titanium alloy eyes without any effort.

In fact, the bright light of that explosion will last for a long time, weeks, months or even years.

After a massive star explodes, it will form a neutron star, and if the mass is large enough, it will form a black hole.

Billions of years later, the sun will do the same. At that time, all the matter in the solar system will be affected and destroyed, and the ancient earth will no longer exist.

Of course, she also believed that if humans existed at that time, then the people on the ancient earth would have already migrated to other planets.

Lan Siyu looked to the right, it was an asteroid belt composed of extremely small planets, they revolved around the star like a ring.

Lan Siyu left the star and began to drift aimlessly in the vacuum.

One of the planets is extremely eye-catching, a water-blue planet with an extremely beautiful blue-purple star ring, which looks very much like the neighbor of the green hat star, the purple hat star.

Drifting along the way, Lan Siyu saw many celestial bodies - comets, natural satellites, meteors, dwarf planets, red dwarfs...

Looking at comets with three different trajectories: ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola, and looking at planets with double satellites, Lan Siyu was silent.

If she had seen how these celestial bodies moved earlier, she thought, she would not have lost six points by choosing one more wrong option on the basis of the correct answer in the multiple-choice question of physics in the college entrance examination.

This is really a tearful story.

Heroes do not mention the courage of the past, just as Yu does not mention the physics multiple choice questions of the past.

Lan Siyu saw many stars along the way, big and small.

For stars, the greater the mass, the shorter the lifetime, because the fusion rate of atoms in the core of a star with a large mass is much, much faster than that of a star with a low mass.

Stars are not suitable for biological habitation, at least until the interstellar 100,000 years. The number of stars in a galaxy ranges from a few million to hundreds of billions.

Not every star has a planet suitable for living creatures, and "habitable" is an extremely harsh condition.

This is also why the Interstellar 100,000-year Federation has ten galaxies. The number of stars in the ten galaxies adds up to tens of thousands of trillions, and the number of planets is naturally more. But among so many planets, there are currently only a few thousand planets suitable for living organisms.

Of course, there are also many planets in the top ten galaxies that have not been explored and developed by the Federation. As for the stars that are about to run out of life, they will naturally not be within the scope of the Federation's development.

Not only that, but the surrounding stars will not be in this range.

Top 10 galaxies probably have star explosions and new births every day...

The blue is like Yu floating, and there is another blue nebula in front of him, with a red-orange smudge around it.

It is as dazzling as the sunset glow of Huoshaoyun, but it is completely different from the sunset glow of Huoshaoyun.

A nebula, consisting of a huge cloud of ionized gas and dust.

There are three main types of nebula - they may be the remnants of massive stars that exploded as supernovae; they may be made of stars that have reached the end of their lives before they can go supernova; or they may be places where new stars are born.

When you look at the nebulae of various colors in the universe, you have to know that there may be new stars being conceived or the end of stars.

Nebula is a wonderful thing.

The galaxies, which contain most of the celestial bodies such as nebulae, planets and stars, also contain infinite wonders.

Galaxies contain all the celestial matter mentioned above, and more of them are dark matter.

Standing in the universe, Lan Siyu looked clearly at the emerald-green galaxy in front of him. There were four propeller-like cantilevers revolving around the galaxy, and there were bright gas, stars or black holes and dust on the cantilevers.

The colorful light of the galaxy is precisely because of the dust.

Dust can float not only in the air but also in the vacuum. Countless dust gathers and floats outside the galaxy, which will interfere with the color of the galaxy in the eyes of the observer.

For example, Lan Siyu is now admiring the richness and beauty of the colors of the galaxy in front of him. In fact, the colors of the galaxy may not be so rich.

Looking into the distance, those light clusters with various colors are also galaxies.

Below fifty galaxies form galaxy groups, above form galaxy clusters, and galaxy clusters and galaxy groups form superclusters of galaxies.

In the 21st century, thirty-five superclusters of galaxies were discovered, and in the interstellar 100,000 years, hundreds of superclusters of galaxies were discovered.

Looking at it this way, you probably understand it clearly.

The number of planets in the universe cannot be calculated at all, it is really an astronomical number.

And there are countless cosmic creatures with life in the universe, and the Federation only started to develop outward from the tenth galaxy, the former Milky Way. One hundred thousand years, it is only ten neighboring galaxies.

Compared to the universe, the Federation is just a tiny place. More precisely, it was the size of an atom on that pill.

Lan Siyu passed through galaxy groups, galaxy clusters, and superclusters of galaxies. Now she is drifting further into the universe.

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