If a country has obtained a design drawing, other countries will inevitably join hands to suppress it, Jiang Cheng finally decided to choose to sell the drawings to the Eagle Alliance, because the Eagle Alliance’s own resources are not rich, and the national strength is not particularly strong, let other countries join hands to suppress, can delay the time for them to build the space foundation, the most critical point is that he has a lot of money. Of course, Jiangcheng is willing to fight for the greater interests of his group.

Fair competition, the highest price wins. The Eagle Alliance just raised the price in the instant of Jiang Cheng’s final decision. So it is no wonder that Jiang Cheng is not responsible.

The citizens of the Eagle Coalition were overjoyed when they received this news, and they did not feel at all that their country’s behavior of buying and selling drawings was very despicable in violation of the treaty. The whole country is celebrating this exciting event. It was as if its own country had already dominated the world.

After learning this news, Peter Gingin’s beard was almost crooked.

The leaders of Gaul were also very dissatisfied when they heard this news, so why did the strength of our two countries almost have to sell him to the Eagle Alliance? Isn’t that a contempt for us in Gaul?

At the instigation of many, the leaders of Gaul decided to unite with the Northern Bear Kingdom to suppress the Eagle Alliance.

But the leaders of the Eagle Coalition were able to do so, and of course they were not vegetarians, and they took a lot of measures to minimize this impact.

It is clear that the crackdown measures taken by other countries against him have not been very threatening.

Although there are problems such as asset bubbles and property bubbles, this does not lead to the conclusion that the bursting of the property bubble will cause the economy to burst. Actively crowding out the housing bubble at a time of rapid economic growth rather than downturn shows that the government has mastered the initiative and room for maneuver in squeezing the bubble. Under the suppression of other countries, the citizens of the Eagle Alliance instead united and united against the enemy.

The strength of unity is great, and under the suppression of the Eagle Alliance, the national economy has developed very rapidly.

With the assistance of accurate drawings, the construction of the space-based weapons program of the Eagle Alliance has developed rapidly, and the construction of space-based weapons has been basically completed in just a few months. At the same time, domestic resources are running out.

But everyone was shrouded in joy at building a space-based foundation, and few people paid attention to the problem of resources, and even if some politicians raised it, it was quickly forgotten.

At this point, the leaders of the Eagle Alliance stood tall and vowed to teach their oppressors a lesson. Let them know that the people of the Eagle Coalition are not vegetarians either.

Because the Eagle Alliance did not release its own country’s progress in building space-based weapons, according to the original construction speed of the United States, other countries agreed that the Eagle Alliance should not have completed the construction of space-based weapons so quickly, but they still underestimated the strength of the unity of the people.

Not long ago, the United States also announced the success of its own instrument construction again. And there has been a lot of progress in going, and the Eagle Alliance has a great intention of cooperation in this.

Peter Gripp thought about it for a long time, determined to follow the wishes of the people, and tried the power of space-based weapons with the Mi Lian, targeting those countries that had suppressed the Eagle Alliance in the first place. This was done in secret, so those countries did not know that they were facing a very big crisis.

Because the leaders of various countries are accustomed to rebellion, the contradictions between each country are not a little bit, they have accumulated for hundreds of years, but they usually make a big fuss and hold back without saying anything. Now this situation is giving people a flashpoint.

During the construction of space-based weapons by the Eagle Alliance, hydrogen energy was very scarce, mainly relying on the import of energy-rich Gaul, but did not expect that the Gaul country was fierce enough, directly increased the tariff of 30% to 40%, and pit the Eagle United countries fiercely.

Even if they are very reluctant, they can only obediently pay for things, after all, this is the last step of space-based weapons, and they must not make a mistake at the last step.

The people of the Eagle Coalition were very vengeful, they had been pit so badly, and now they had a chance to fight back, of course, they refused to let go, so they were all denouncing the Gaul state, vowing to give him a strong blow.

In the end, the two countries consulted and decided to make Gaul the first target. After a series of secret deployments, a detailed plan was drawn up, intending to directly attack the capital of Gaul without preparation, giving them a dismount.

The space-based weapons of the Eagle Alliance have also been successfully constructed, so that the function of space-based weapons can be tested and improved.

Unfortunately, the citizens of Gaul at that time did not realize what would happen and were still considering the construction of their own country’s space-based weapons.

With two loud sounds, the two missiles cut through the sky like swords and headed straight for the kingdom of Gaul.

The people of Gaul were not yet aware of what would happen, thinking it was just a brilliant shooting star, and when they saw it they were not aware of what would happen, thinking it was just a brilliant shooting star, and then they saw the meteor in their eyes falling towards the ground. It will reach the ground in a few seconds, and the damage caused can be imagined.

For a while, the sound of crying and mourning, the noise of chaos was incessant. Just like the end of the world, people are carrying their families and mouths, trying to run to the air raid shelter, thinking that they have entered a state of war again, just ordinary missiles, but how can the speed of people be comparable to the speed of missiles.

A few seconds later, with a bang, bright light illuminated the earth, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in the sky, and all the wailing, mourning, turned into dust in an instant.

The world seemed to be destroyed in an instant, dead silence.

Some people have their arms blown off (Morpho, some people have shed a layer of skin, and some people have even turned into slag. The power of the space-based weapons was so terrible that the entire kingdom of Gaul was reduced to dust in an instant. Space-based weapons are too terrible for farmers?

Fortunately, the leaders of Gaul at that time were not in the capital, but were dealing with things outside, otherwise the whole country would have to change power. Guo Jiahui was even more turbulent.

When the leaders of Gaul received the news, the whole person was confused.

The tall buildings were flattened to the ground, leaving only some of the remaining foundations, indicating that there was once a building here. Very few people have survived, and those who have survived by chance are also not ghosts and ghosts.

The grief of the loss of loved ones, the mental torture, the physical torture, all added to the hearts of the people of Gaul for a time, and the dark atmosphere can be felt on the road. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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