Chapter 241: The Threat from the Impostors

“You must be wondering why you can understand me, don’t you?” Let me tell you, in fact, our ancestors went to Lanxing once many years ago, and then after learning the language there, they came back and stored the language of Lanxing in the language library. ”

Jiang Cheng and the others were half-convinced, but they couldn’t find out if there were aliens mixed in with humans.

Mingle skimmed his lips, “Whether you believe it or not, this is the case anyway, what I say is the truth, I dare to swear to heaven, anyway, you are all in my hands, believe it or not are the same, what I let you do, are you still not going to obediently do it?” ”

“Then what did you bring us here for?” Still dressed up as Sister Su Qing, what is your intention in doing this? Pushkin asked.

Mingle smiled and said, “This matter is very simple, that is, our clan has an enemy, it is the Anjiula clan, although they are small in body but their brains are particularly flexible, but our people are very strong in attack, but their brains are not good at all, of course, except for me, they are often deceived by them.” ”

“So what are you trying to say?” And can you please stop talking with Su Qing’s face? Jiang Cheng really couldn’t stand her using Su Qing’s face to do such a trivial thing.

“It’s good and good.” As soon as Mingle turned around, he turned into a red-haired man with a high nose and thin lips, and if he didn’t speak, he was definitely a very eye-catching handsome man.

“I’ll go, and it’s a man!” Pushkin was really stupid.

Su Qing watched him change back to his original form, and he was finally a little more comfortable psychologically, not having to see his face dangling blindly in front of his eyes.

“Okay, you go ahead.”

“Oh, by the way, the people of that clan are particularly cunning, and he has set up a checkpoint that our clan cannot enter at all, and it is impossible to attack strongly, because once they receive an attack, they will release a fog, and both sides will lose both.” But one of my people was captured by him, and you have just managed to escape, which shows that you are really very powerful, so I hope you can save my people. Mingle smiled very kindly, and almost shook the star effect next to them in their faces.

“Of course, if you go a few of you, there will be too many of them, so I will ask this young lady and husband to stay first, and when you rescue her, I will let them go, and if you can’t save them, then their fate can be imagined.” Ming Le pointed to Su Qing and Wang Jing, and the meaning was obvious.

“What to do, Brother Jiang Cheng?” Are we really going? In case this changes… What should I do if I deceive people? Pushkin thought for a moment before remembering the man’s name.

“No way, if we refuse now, we all have to die, anyway, horizontal and vertical will die, it is better to try.” The locator that Jiang Cheng installed on several people can also detect their life status.

“I put locators on them, you can see how they are, you should know what it means.” Jiang Cheng said coldly.

“Of course I knew, the people who came to give them back their weapons, and the brave men went all the way.” Mingle clapped his palms, and soon the aliens returned their weapons to them, and Mingle especially asked them to give them some food to let them eat and go on the road.

“How? Aren’t you afraid that we’ll run away halfway through the two of us? Jiang Cheng sneered.

Mingle returned, “Otherwise, why would I become the same as that young lady?” I believe in you, don’t let me down. ”

Feelings he turned into Su Qing is to test them? Jiang Cheng suddenly felt very speechless, and really couldn’t understand what was going on in the alien’s mind.

The two men stood on the endless ice, looking at the world of ice and snow around them, and suddenly felt tired.

Mingle only said that the enemy’s battleship was a snow-white warship, but this vast expanse was all white, where to find it?

“Brother Jiang Cheng, I see if we should go back to the detector first, and then directly use the radar on the detector to find it?” I don’t think this planet is small, when are we looking for a head like this?! Pushkin skimmed his lips, they had been gone for almost half an hour without seeing a single figure. He felt that if he went on like this, he couldn’t find the old man in the wilderness.

“Of course I know, I’m on my way to the detector.” Of course, Jiang Cheng thought of this kind of thing, and at the beginning he set out in the direction of the detector.

“But why did we walk for so long and still not see the detector?” Didn’t you guys come back in half an hour before? It’s been more than half an hour now, right? ”

“The detector is in this area, and we have circled around it a lot but we haven’t seen it yet…”

“If I go, I won’t be buried by the wind and snow, will I?” Pushkin exclaimed.

“I guess so, although the climate of the ice field is already fickle, but it is also very abnormal to have so much snow at a time.” Previously, he had parked the probe on a very solid sheet of ice, but now it was all soft when he stepped on it, so they had not left footprints when they collected the samples before.

“Find the detector first, I’ll dig this side, you dig over there, if you dig the first time to tell me.” Jiang Cheng said toward Pushkin.

The detector surface is equipped with a special surface film, which can be protected against high and low temperatures, and can even be self-adjusted, which is made of a rare material.

Jiang Cheng had already closed the hatch before leaving, so as long as the snow did not go inside, there was no problem.

Because he did not find any tools to take advantage of, Jiang Cheng directly began to dig by hand, and Pushkin also began to dig the pit like him.

Fortunately, the snow here is not very deep, although there are already signs of ice, but it can still be dug up.

“Brother Jiang Cheng, will you find the wrong place?” We’ve all been digging for so long and how come we haven’t found it? Pushkin’s depressed voice came from the radio.

Jiang Cheng looked at the nearby mountain peak, calculated the distance again, and made sure that he was not pointing to the wrong place.

“Yes, I remember this, this is the place, you dig a little deeper, maybe you can dig it.”

“Well, I’ll try!” Ordered to dig up the snow even harder.

As the minutes and seconds passed, the snow under his hands began to become harder and harder, and Jiang Cheng secretly cried that it was not good.

“Pushkin, let’s hurry up, we’ll be done with the snow freezing!” When it froze, it was impossible to dig again, unless the ice was directly blown open with a laser gun, but then Jiang Cheng was afraid of hurting the detector.

“Brother Jiang Cheng! I found it! The detector is right here! ”

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