Pushkin saw this situation and hurried up to help. Under the control of the two men, the probe finally fell rapidly in the direction of the original direction towards the northwest of the Dragon Kingdom.

After entering the second layer, Jiangcheng opened a counter-acting propulsion device, which was used to slow down the detector.

He took a deep breath, waited until the ship had entered the troposphere, looked for an opportunity, and pressed the disengagement switch. Pushkin quickly opened the parachute. The cooperation of the two people is very tacit and there is no loophole.

The detached protective layer will fall into the Pacific Ocean according to the predetermined trajectory and will not threaten people’s lives.

“Brother Jiang Cheng, the landing site of the probe is a kilometer away from the original location.”

Jiang Cheng nodded, much less than expected.

After the protective layer is detached, the place where several people are located was originally the control module of the detector, and now it is equivalent to an escape pod, which has no practical role, even if there is a control system, it cannot play a role, and it can only land by luck.

Fortunately, today’s wind is not very strong, and the deviation from the landing site is not very large. Jiangcheng originally planned to jump the detector and land with a parachute in case the deviation from the location was too big, and it seems that now there is no need for a parachute. Because the landing site is too far off, it is likely to lead to unstable landing, and the people inside are likely to receive shocks, and may even be life-threatening.

The reaction propulsion device is still on the detector, and with the buffer of the parachute and the action of this device, the detector falls steadily to the ground, and the landing can be said to be very successful.

“Yay! We landed successfully! Pushkin clapped his palms happily, his face was full of smiles, and when the others heard the news, the hearts hanging in their throats finally fell, and their hearts could not help but be happy together.

“I’ve already said hello to the people of Dragon Country before, and they won’t be looking for someone to shoot, and no one will come to this place, so let’s just rest assured.” Jiang Cheng said.

“By the way, this matter will definitely cause a sensation, Pushkin, you must say to the outside world that you are the only one on the detector, and do not expose us.” As for the experience of detection, it is best to brush it over, it is really not OK, just talk about the experience of detecting the first planet, do not say too much, or it is easy to show the filling. Jiang Cheng was well aware of Pushkin’s character and was very worried that he would accidentally slip his lips.

Pushkin gave assurances that he would not speak out about it.

After several people finished packing, Jiang Cheng took the lead in opening the door of the detector, a dry and hot wind sandwiched in the smell of dirt came to the face, and the solid ground under his feet was also very nostalgic.

“Wow! Or the blue star air smells fresh! Finally don’t have to wear that bulky outfit anymore! Pushkin said happily, but as an astronaut, his heart is actually very much looking forward to being able to wear it again.

After all, only very good astronauts are qualified to travel in space, many astronauts have never entered space, Pushkin has been in space at a young age, and he has seen aliens, which is really exciting.

“All right, Pushkin, let’s part for now, you can go all the way ahead and see the people of the Dragon, and then just go back with them, and I’ve arranged for them to take good care of you, and then you can do as I say.” Jiang Cheng patted his shoulder, feeling a little reluctant in his heart.

“You’re going to be a very good astronaut.” Su Qing said with a smile.

“We believe in you.” Wang Jing’s eyes were a little tearful, but they were quickly erased by him.

Pushkin couldn’t help but sob, not expecting several of them to be separated so soon, and after looking at them a few more times, Pushkin finally made up his mind to leave.

Jiang Cheng took La Suqing’s hand, found that she was already in tears, carefully helped her wipe away her tears, and comforted: “Don’t be so sad, it is not impossible to see you in the future, there is still a chance to see you again.” If you think of him, I’ll let him come to you. ”

Su Qing wiped her tears and said, “Jiang Cheng, thank you, of course I know, but for a while I just couldn’t help it.” You don’t have to wipe it for me, I just wipe it myself. ”

“Chairman, where are we going now?” Wang Jing took the sadness in her heart and restored her former calm.

“Go west, there’s a car there, let’s just go back.” Zengcheng had already asked the people of the Dragon Kingdom to prepare a car, and at the same time, no one was allowed to enter here.

No, no, it should not be called the Dragon Country now, it should be said that it is Long County, Jiangcheng has unified the world, but now the regime is very unstable, Jiangcheng has left these months, I don’t know what major events have happened, the stand-in should not be discovered. This was also the reason why Jiang Cheng hid his tracks, if he let those who were plotting to know that he was not here, he would definitely rebel.

Several people walked westward, because the landing site deviated from the original landing site, more south than the original landing site, so they needed to walk longer, fortunately, although Su Qing was a girl, she was not particularly delicate. After about two hours of walking, they saw the car standing alone in the desert.

That car was a future car that Jiang Cheng had bought from the store, and it was used both in land and air, but fortunately, the leader of Long County, that is, the leader of the original Long Yuan, was very trustworthy and did not betray them at all.

Jiang Cheng and the others sat in that car, Su Qing naturally sat in the co-driver’s seat, because it was a future car, he was not at ease to let Wang Jing drive, so he could only sit behind and look at the two people in front, although the two did not implement any act of show love, but he was automatically fed by dog food.

Ah, the habit is terrible, but unfortunately there is no other person to share this dog food with him now.

The way this car is driven is no different from ordinary cars, only in a few places it is different, and it seems that people’s driving habits have not changed much in the future.

Jiang Cheng drove the car and moved steadily in the desert. Because of the relationship between desert soil, the car is easy to produce bumps, he knows that Shuqing is a little motion sickness, so he drives extra slowly, focusing on balance, even if their forward speed is no less than that of ordinary cars.

After a while, they came to the main road, without the constraints of the soil, Jiang Cheng suddenly adjusted the speed to the maximum, the car rushed out with a whimper, and the surrounding cars had not yet reacted, and they had already been surpassed.

As for why they drive so fast, the first is that they are in a hurry, and the second is that this car has an automatic driving system, and driving so fast will automatically avoid other vehicles, so there is no need to worry about crashing at all.

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