“So why is Keller able to maintain a human form for a long time?” You see he’s still in human form! The man pointed to Keller and said.

The alien skimmed his lips and said, “He is our patriarch, born with a much stronger ability than us, and he has the ability to draw since he was a child, so he can maintain a state of illusion for a long time, of course, we little ants are not as good as him.” ”

The man nodded and said enviously, “It’s really good, I also want to have such an ability, how good it would be to be able to change like Sun Wukong.” ”

“What is Monkey King 72 Change?” Tell me about it…”

They were frolicking and playing around, and the atmosphere on Jiang Cheng and Keller’s side was a little solemn.

“Counting the time, it should be about to explode, and our spacecraft here should not be impacted, so I deliberately picked a farther place.” But you should be able to hear the voice, and hopefully the strange people will perish. Keller shook his head helplessly.

“You said they came for you, so is there anything more precious in your clan?” The kind that deserves to be robbed by others. Jiang Cheng frowned and asked.

Keller touched his chin and said, “To be honest, I didn’t think anything precious would be, and if I had to say anything, it would probably be a piece of crystal we snatched many years ago.” ”

“What kind of crystal?”

“It was a very pure green crystal, and there were two aliens fighting for it, and it just so happened that they were my enemies, so when they were exhausted, I completely destroyed them, and took the gem back by the way, but I didn’t find anything strange about it, I just felt that it was a very ordinary gem, and then I just threw it in a place.” Keller pursed his lips, unable to think of anything so powerful about this gem.

Jiang Cheng thought that since there were two clans fighting for this gem, this gem must not be simple, but they had not discovered the use of this gemstone.

“Where is that gem now?” Does anyone else know that your clan has this gem? Jiang Cheng asked cautiously.

“If I remember correctly, it was on Mingle’s spaceship, because I put it in the treasure box at the time, and I moved the treasure box to the Mingle spaceship before leaving.”

“As for what you said or not, does anyone else know… I think there should be nothing else, because when we found the leak, we did it after we were sure that there was no one around, and I didn’t know if the strange people wanted the gem, and they should not have known that the gem was in my hand. Keller frowned, could it be that there was an inner ghost in his own race?

He looked at Jiang Cheng’s expression and learned that he and Jiang Cheng wanted to go together.

“Rest assured, the people I left behind were carefully selected, brothers who were born and died with me, and if there had been ghosts among them, those strange people would have caught up with them.” Keller said firmly.

“Well, it would be best if that group was really wiped out in that explosion, and that would reduce the danger to our planet a little bit.” By the way, Kaile, do you know how many aliens there are in total? Jiang Cheng’s intention was to ask if there were any very aggressive aliens.

He thought about it for a moment and said, “All aliens are not willing to take the initiative to provoke humans, almost all aliens have been to the blue star, although your technology is far inferior to ours, but the key is that there are many of them, and we are not willing to use a lot of resources to attack the blue star, most races have such thoughts.” There are only two aggressive races I know, one you’ve already seen, the starfish, but their combat effectiveness is very low, so don’t worry. At this point, his face was a little heavier.

Jiang Cheng looked at his face and knew that the other race must be very scary, but it was better to ask than not to know.

“What about the other race?”

“Another race we call the Giants, her body is the size of several of us, and her attack power is very strong, and her own defense is very high, and encountering them is almost equal to death.” Many years ago, they wanted to be unified, and we aliens united to suppress him, and I don’t know how many brothers were sacrificed, but they were almost all wiped out. But according to reports from recent years, it is estimated that one or two more have absconded from the country. Keller’s face still hadn’t eased up, because he had seen the power of that thing with his own eyes, so he was very jealous.

“Oh, yes, I remember, they were looking for a gem before, but I don’t know if it’s the one I have.”

Jiang Cheng was shocked and said, “Are those strange people who are tracking you like this kind of giant clan?” ”

Keller shook his head, “I don’t know, they never got off the ship and only attacked with the ship, but their ship is obviously more powerful than ours, so we discussed changing the planet to live.” ”

“Mingle, do they know I’m meeting you?” Jiang Cheng asked.

“They know, and they’re going to go to Kepler for refuge first, and just now I asked you if you agree, count the time, and if we go back, we should be able to see them just in time.”

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, “Of course I agree to this kind of thing, but I also want your friends to disguise themselves as human beings, otherwise it is easy to cause panic.” Anyway, those who know that the gem is in your hands are almost wiped out, and then come back to our human planet…”

Before he could finish speaking, a loud noise suddenly exploded in his ears, making people’s heads shake uncontrollably, and Jiang Cheng quickly covered his ears, but the sound had already passed, and my ears were useless.

“Oh my God, what was the sound just now?” My ears are still ringing! One man said.

“Ah, I feel like my head is going to explode!” Something probably exploded, as long as it wasn’t our ship exploding. An alien was so dazzled by this sound that he still lay on the ground and did not get up.

These aliens rely on sound to identify the direction of the enemy, so the hearing is particularly good, the huge sound will be more likely to cause damage, fortunately, the previous patriarchs have considered this problem a long time ago, helped them develop a sound control device, when the sound of explosion will automatically attenuate, so as to avoid directly because the sound is too loud to explode.

I have to say that the wisdom of the aliens is really admirable, and Jiang Cheng admires the wisdom of their ancestors in his heart, so that the demise of many people can be avoided, and it can also be regarded as a good guarantee for their continuation. Unfortunately, you can’t rely on your eyes to discern the direction, you can only rely on your ears.

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