I Truly Am The God of Learning

Chapter 461 On the Magical Use of Signature

"Ye Ye, if you are free, why don't you come with us, there are many two-dimensional little girls in the comic exhibition, absolutely seductive!" Hao Jian said.

"Yeah, the location isn't too far away. It's finally spread to our university town. It's a pity not to go." Xiao Gen nodded in agreement.

Sweet potato then said: "Ye Ye, you play Dota so well, you must have heard of Leng Leng and Wu'er. These are the two goddesses of the Dota world. I heard that they will come here this time."

Ye Lingchen's expression changed slightly. He remembered that Song Gan had mentioned to him about letting the anchors participate in commercial events. It seemed that there was indeed a comic exhibition, and at the same time, it could increase the popularity of the anchors and the platform. It would definitely not work behind closed doors.

The characters in the game are naturally two-dimensional, so the comic exhibition has never been short of game exhibitions.

I haven't seen them in real life, why don't I go and see them today to see their true colors.

The live broadcast industry has just emerged in recent years. After the initial madness, it has gradually returned to rationality. During this period, various jokes will inevitably appear, and the most controversial non-female anchor is the true appearance.

Because the beauty function of live broadcast is really too powerful, enough to make 80% of the world's women become beautiful, many online dating ends at the moment they meet offline.

And not long ago, a female anchor named Jiaoqiao Lori Wang suddenly disappeared because of a game accident, revealing a terrifying grandma's face!

Lolita turned into a grandmother, this scene can be said to be scary, and the whole live broadcast room was quiet at that moment.

However, the grandma still didn't know it, she was still scratching her head and making a pose, claiming to be "the most beautiful loli in the world, I want my brothers to kiss her and hold her high".

The top-ranked Sharp Brother in the live broadcast room was so frightened that he even canceled his account, left overnight, and bought a plane ticket.

In this way, the true appearance of many anchors has been pushed to the forefront, and many people even brought up the god Y, saying that Y did not dare to show his face, because he was ugly, maybe he was a grandfather.

Ye Lingchen just laughed at this kind of remarks, hehe, a naive mortal, I'm afraid that when I show up, my handsomeness will directly blind your eyes!

Leng Leng and Wuer are known as the two goddesses in the DOTA world, and I don't know how their real looks are compared to those in the live broadcast? I still chat with them from time to time.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingchen couldn't help but nodded and said with a smile, "Alright, count me in!"

"YES!" Xiang clenched his fist excitedly, "You won't regret it, I heard that Leng Leng and Wu'er are real beauties, and the real people are more eye-catching than the live broadcast."


The appearance of the Comic-Con bar looked similar to that of a gymnasium, but in comparison, it was even higher. Moreover, when he was near the Comic-Con bar, Ye Lingchen realized how popular the Comic-Con was.

The square in front of the exhibition was full of people of all kinds, most of them were women, and most of them were wearing clothes that were completely different from ordinary people.

I have to say that this kind of dress of the second dimension is still very attractive. The four people of the sweet potato are worth seeing, and I can't wait to grow a few more pairs of eyes.

"Look, it's Shiranui Wu, what she's wearing is too revealing."

"Please swallow your saliva before you speak, and don't spray it on my face."

"I'm going, is that Lady White? What a fairy."

"Monster, Fahai is here, isn't he showing his true form quickly?"

"Mom, that girl is so coquettish. Is that a real snake or an ornament on her head?"

"Hey, goblin, eat my old grandson!"

"That little girl is so dedicated, she dyed her hair blue, but she's really cute."

"Lolicon get away, you pervert!"


In the square, there were constant discussions, you could feel everyone's restless heart, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Ye Lingchen had never paid attention to the comic exhibition, and instantly felt that the door to a new world had been opened, as if he was really in a two-dimensional world.

This is just the outside of the comic exhibition. If you enter the comic exhibition, I am afraid it will be even more lively.

"Wori, with so many people, when will we have to line up?" When the five people came to the ticket booth, they were instantly dumbfounded.

The queue is like a long dragon. Just one glance can make people lose the courage to line up, and it makes people's scalp tingle.

Ye Lingchen stood indifferently and looked at the team with great interest.

I saw that in addition to the normal people in the team, there were also loli with cat ears and tails, Bajie with a pig head and a rake, and a veiled fairy with a cold body.

This kind of dress may be surrounded by many people on the street, but it is very common here.

"What should I do? If I really queue up, even if I can buy tickets, it's already dark."

"It's crazy, there are so many people in the university town!"

"Look at me!"

Hao Jian smiled mysteriously, then took the lead and walked towards a team with apparently few people. There was a big VIP sign on the window.

"Please show your senior membership card." The conductor was a young lady with a soft voice.

"Beauty, our brothers live in remote mountain villages, and it's not easy to travel through mountains and rivers just to have a look..."

"Don't have a membership card?" The young lady interrupted Hao Jian's words with a friendly smile, "Please come to the queue next door."

"No, think about it, we can add money, double it."

"Faced with an upright me, it's useless for you to add anything! Please queue up next door!" The young lady took a firm stand.

Hao Jian's face froze, then as if he had made a major decision, he gritted his teeth and took out a card signed by Ye Lingchen, "Give us the ticket, this... I'll give it to you!"

Miss Sister's eyes suddenly lit up, and without thinking about it, she blurted out, "How many do you want?"


"Fuck, awesome, I learned this wave of operations."

After buying the tickets, Xiao Gen and the three were shocked when they looked at Hao Jianjian. Even Ye Lingchen didn't expect his signature to have such a use.

The layout in the show is obviously set according to the background of the anime, and within a few steps, you will encounter a cosplayer who poses in the classic pose of the characters in the anime for everyone to take pictures, and the exclamations are heard one after another.

In addition to the characters, there are many people who set up stalls on the site, including weapons and equipment in anime, posters, figures, etc., and even some of them sell their own selfies, wearing various Anime clothes give people a feeling of scratching their heads, and, in some places, they are very revealing.

Of course, this is just the scene of just entering the comic exhibition, and the scene is a little mixed...

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