When we came out of the underground boxing arena, it was completely dark.

"Do you want to have a meal outside?"

Su Mu suggested, cultivating a good relationship with the protagonist is also a necessary part of the show.

But he didn't expect that Lu Shu would directly reject it.

"Food outside is unhealthy"

"Go home and cook for yourself."

After thinking about it,

Su Mu felt that this reason was irrefutable.

For a master who went abroad to work part-time as a mercenary, and even ranked 9th on the dark web killer list, it should be necessary to keep his body healthy at all times.

And when she thought that she could go to her home for filming with Lu Shu,

Su Mu couldn't help but look forward to it.

A killer's home?

Would it be like in the movie, where the wardrobe and bed were pulled out, and there were all kinds of cold weapons and hot weapons? Weapons are awesome...

With some expectation, the program crew followed Lu Shu out of the dark alley again.

Lu Shu still rode the shared bicycle from before, while the program crew drove to follow and film.

After walking not far, the program team followed Lu Shu and turned into an old community.

"Xiaoshu is back?"

"Are you working part-time again so late?"

The old man who was the gatekeeper of the community opened the door and chatted cordially with Lu Shu.

"Wu Nai next door is still talking today"

"A college student like you, Xiaoshu, can’t find anyone else even with the light on."

"He studies well, is handsome, and often goes out to work to save money."

"Whoever becomes your girlfriend in the future will laugh out loud in your dreams, haha."

But Lu Shu just silently helped the old man close the heavy iron gate of the community, and then said,

"Sir, there will be a free clinic at the community hospital tomorrow."

"Remember to have a physical examination, focusing on your cardiopulmonary function."

The old man took a puff of cigarette, waved his hand and said with a smile,

"What are you checking? Uncle, I am in very good health."

"Go to the hospital to check whether you are sick or not."

Lu Shu didn't insist anymore, and walked into the community after saying hello.

Su Mu seemed to be warmed by the scene just now, and said with a smile,

"It seems that all the elders and aunties in the community know about your work-study program."

"But the doorman is very nice........"

Lu Shu nodded without looking back.

"Uncle Wang is a very nice person"


"He is dying."

The sudden knife caught Su Mu off guard.


"If he goes for a physical examination tomorrow, he should find that he has lung cancer."


"I told him before to get him checked out, and the old man thought he was fine."

Under the dim light,

Su Mu saw that Lu Shu's expression was very calm.

It was as if he was talking about an extremely ordinary thing.


"How do you know he has terminal lung cancer?"

Su Mu looked complicated.

"His breathing pattern is no longer right"

"Very noisy"

"Also smokes."

Lu Shu explained calmly.

Su Mu was stunned.

Can you know that a person has lung cancer based on just this??

This guy.......

It's amazing.

Then he saw Lu Shu's eyes glancing at her, and

Su Mu suddenly panicked.......

"you.....What does it mean to look at me?"

"Is there something wrong with my body too?"

But fortunately, Lu Shu shook his head,

"you are healthy"

"But you'd better not restrain yourself deliberately, otherwise it's easy to get....."

"breast cancer"

"Also, be careful not to drink cold water during these two days."


Su Mu subconsciously lowered her head and looked at her chest.

It wasn't because she left in a hurry this morning that she panicked and only found a smaller size of underwear to put on. Originally, she didn't feel anything other than a little tight, but Now.......

And, don’t drink cold water?

Can you even tell that she's on her menstrual period these two days?


Su Mu felt a little cold all over her body, as if all her body secrets had been seen through in front of Lu Shu. Fortunately, after Lu Shu finished speaking, he looked away, and the cold feeling of being seen through also disappeared. Looking at the figure walking towards the corridor, Su Mu became more and more curious. What was Lu Shu like when he was working part-time on the battlefield overseas ?


The calm voice interrupted Su Mu's thoughts.

When he looked up,

Lu Shu had already taken out the key and opened a door.

As the camera opened, the furnishings in the room also appeared in front of netizens.

"Is this classmate Lu Shu's home?"

"Although it looks small, it is very warm"

"Looks like he lives alone"

"No wonder Lu Shu often has to work part-time to save money. His family is not very wealthy."

"Come on, that's good enough"

"At least it should be all achieved through Lu Shu’s own hard work."

After walking into the room,

Su Mu was also a little surprised.

It was an ordinary small house with two bedrooms and one living room.

It was even a little old.

The electrical appliances, furniture and other items in the house also looked old.

And it was cleaned neatly.

Su Mu’s first feeling was......

Lovely. but......

It seemed different from what she imagined.

Although everyone in the live broadcast room said that Lu Shu's family was not very wealthy.

But she knew that there were overseas mercenaries and bounty missions.

Although she didn't know how much the commissions and bounties were, it was still enough to buy a big house, right? and......

Su Mu's eyes kept searching around the room, especially those cabinets and tables. Everyone, pay attention.

Just when she was looking at it,

Lu Shu's voice suddenly sounded from behind,

"What are you looking for?"


Su Mu was startled, looked away, and hesitated.

"I thought......".......

"You think I'm going to pull a bunch of guns out of the cabinet?"

"Or did you think I was going to pull out a box of high-explosive grenades from under the bed?"

"Or maybe there's an arsenal of weapons hidden under my floorboards?"

"Have you watched too many movies?"


Seeing Lu Shu's playful eyes,

Su Mu wanted to die.

She even regretted taking this show.

Live in Bengbu!

The protagonist this season is so difficult to lead!

He can see through everything!

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