An hour later,

Lu Shu arrived at the Yongcheng Police Station.

Wang Feng was smoking and waiting at the door of the police station.

When he saw Lu Shu coming, for some reason,

Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"follow me."

Bringing Lu Shu to an office,

Wang Feng took out a red notebook from the drawer and placed it on the table.

"The case of Wang Wanjiao last time was solved thanks to you."

"So the report has your credit"

"This is the certificate of honor issued to you by the above."

When Wang Feng spread out the certificate of honor, he felt strange in his heart.

Giving this guy a certificate of honor?

How strange....

But Lu Shu just glanced at it, then ignored it, and let out a slight hum in his nose.


Seeing his plain expression,

Wang Feng took out a thick envelope from the drawer angrily and slapped it on the table.

"There is also a personal bonus of 20,000 yuan!"

This time, he clearly saw a glimmer of light in Lu Shu's dull eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Even he could feel this happiness! Sure enough! It still needs money! Certificates and so on , people look down upon it at all! But


Are you so short of money?

Lu Shu first put away the envelope, then put away the certificate casually.

"Can you get a bonus for helping solve the case?"


Wang Feng nodded,

"Major contributions generally come with bonuses."

Wang Feng originally explained subconsciously, but when he looked up, he saw a faint smile on Lu Shu's face and was stunned.

"You're not here for this bonus"

"More in the future......Solving crimes part-time, right?"

Lu Shu calculated it carefully.

"It's not impossible"

"After all, the bonus is quite large"



Your boy's part-time job range is really wide!

Wang Feng complained in his heart, then patted the table with a straight face,

"Don’t think about bonuses or not!"

"You went out to work part-time during the holidays and violated the travel ban."

"This matter needs to be dealt with seriously!"

"Did you know that even if you are a first-time offender, you can be detained for 15 days?"

Wang Feng's attitude is very serious, but in fact......

There is no conclusion at all on what the punishment will be for violating the prohibition order!

A general ban on travel will bind your identity information, and even if you want to go out, you won't be able to take public transportation.

But the guy in front of me is different!

People take secret routes when leaving the country. Moreover, it was the same whether

Lu Shu had the prohibition order on him or not. It’s all what the person above said. And the person above didn't say what the punishment would be this time. It all depends on Wang Feng’s own performance. After saying the punishment of 15 days of detention, Wang Feng looked closely into Lu Shu's eyes, but the response he received was only one word.



Can your nonchalant expression be more obvious?


"In addition to being detained for 15 days, a fine will also be imposed."

Wang Feng added in a neutral tone.

Lu Shu's eyes instantly swept over and asked coldly.

"How much is the fine?"

Wang Feng stretched out his finger,


"So, of your 20,000 bonus, you have to give me back 5,000."

When Wang Feng said these words,

Lu Shu was silent for a long time, just looking at him quietly with that kind of look.......

It feels like looking at a corpse......

Cool air slowly began to rise on the back of Wang Feng's neck , and he even felt that the temperature in the room had dropped a bit.

His heartbeat started to speed up and became a little depressing.

Although Wang Feng pretended to be calm on the surface, he was already complaining in his heart.


You were told that you had no reaction when you were detained for 15 days, and that you were fined 5,000 yuan, but you even thought about taking out a knife at the police station? ? ?

After a long time,

Lu Shu spoke softly.

"It's impossible to pay a fine, not in this life"

"You'd better think of another way to punish me."

Don't talk about 5,000 yuan.

If he is fined 1 yuan today, all his years of part-time work will be in vain.

It only takes 1 second for him to knock out the policeman in front of him, and then smash the window over there.

In the police station Before the people inside could react, he climbed out from the east wall, grabbed a police car and rushed to the orphanage quickly, taking Lu Xiaomian with him to sneak to his prepared destination outside the country.

In an instant,

Lu Shu had already He planned his course of action.

If Wang Feng knew what he was thinking now, everyone would probably be furious.

Just for 5,000 yuan, he was ready to have a cross-border pursuit involving police and robbers!


Wang Feng quietly He breathed a sigh of relief to relieve the huge psychological pressure under Lu Shu's gaze.

"No fine is ok"

"I have a proposal."

After much deliberation,

Wang Feng decided to help Zhang Zhigang again.

After all, that case involved the entire police station.

"We are now facing a very difficult case"

"Most likely a murder by a professional killer"

"If you could help me take a look"

"There will be no penalty for this 5,000 yuan"

"If you can help us find the murderer in this case"

"Even the ban on export on you, I tried to apply to see if it can be invalidated."

"Of course I can't guarantee it. I have to ask what it means first."


In the case of the murder of the chairman of Jinhai Group, the criminal investigation experts in the bureau have secretly concluded that there is an 80% chance that it was a professional killer.

Therefore, since it was a killer,

Wang Feng felt that

Lu Shu might have A unique perspective.

After all, this guy is ranked 9th on the dark web!

When Wang Feng made this suggestion,

Lu Shu agreed without thinking.


"You go and apply."

Compared to being fined 5,000 yuan and finding a possible killer,

Lu Shu didn't need to think about this problem at all.

He must have found the killer!

It doesn't even matter if he killed the killer!

"Hold on."

Wang Feng took out his mobile phone and hurriedly walked outside the office to make a call.

After a while, he opened the door and walked in with a smile on his face.

"The above agreed!"

Hearing this,

Lu Shu walked straight out the door.

"Let's go then."

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