I Was Once a Legend

Chapter 284: Cleaning night

"Congratulations on your successful passage of [Heteromorphism-Betrayal of Gamblers] and the points are being settled for you, please wait."

"The settlement is completed, and you have successfully earned 240 points through [Between Gamblers]. If you detect an abnormal use of energy, 700 points will be deducted. Your team's existing points are 134."

"More than 700 yuan deducted?" Dong Linhai stunned. He still remembered that Cui Zuojing had only deducted 30 points after recovering goodwill in Hameln. At that time, he was angry because of this matter, and now the morality of recycling is unexpected. Deducted a full 700 points.

Before Dong Zheng made weapons, Cui Zuojing repaired Tang Dao and spent a lot of points with the arms dealer. He suffered such a heavy loss before he could make it, and the team suddenly became poor.

"It should have been targeted." Cui Zuojing said, surely Kether must get rid of it. Normally, it is absolutely impossible to deduct that much. His key to Fu Zhe had been shattered in the box. The teenager looked at Dong Zheng, and finally his tense nerves relaxed and stretched out, "Go back?"

Dong Zheng looked a little ugly. He kept staring at the window covered by the curtain. In that small gap, the faint dark red light loomed out vaguely, not obvious.

He quickly stepped forward and pulled open the curtains. In an instant, the whole window appeared in front of everyone. The night outside the window was quietly coming. The sunset was about to sink below the horizon, and the faint sky was about to disappear. The huge moon was now hidden. In the middle of the night sky, its blood color was so dazzling, and a crack appeared on it, gradually deepening and spreading.

"It's broken," Dong Zheng murmured.

"Blood Night?!"

The living room is a mechanical clock. Cui Zuojing turned his head and walked into the next bedroom. The number on the electronic watch on the wall clearly showed the time-December 8, 24, 17:12.

Today is cleaning night.

They were in the box for only three days, and the whole day unconsciously passed by ten days.

On the 8th of each month, when the **** full moon hangs in the night sky and breaks into pieces, the night of cleaning begins, and pilgrims with less than 30 points will be cleared.

After the blood contract was lifted, Cui Zuojing officially joined the wonton splitter squad as a pilgrim. There are six teams in the team, and the current score is only 134.

——Only enough for four people.

Cui Zuojing couldn't help but scolded a particularly unpleasant sentence. He took a deep breath and said, "Don't say anything else, I wish Kether died early and passed away."

The time they came out was too embarrassing. After the cleansing night officially started, the entire white space was closed, and people were not allowed to enter the box again, otherwise if the pilgrims entered the box to hide when the points were insufficient, then the blood Night has no meaning.

Xia Qiongyun used Fu Zhe's key to open the door of the room. The door opened but showed the scene of the corridor outside. They could not return to the old castle.

This area was completely "locked" and became the hunting ground that the executioners would visit.

"What should I do?" Wangque asked. "Who is the executioner in this area?"

"It's midnight." The last light of the sky disappeared under the horizon. The world was completely shrouded in **** moonlight. Cui Zuojing took out his mobile phone and landed on the pure white realm APP to apply for withdrawal.

Dong Zhengxin unanimously agreed to Cui Zuojing's application for resignation. He transferred the position of the captain to Dong Linhai, chose not to take any property and points, and then immediately retreated.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Dong Linhai, who suddenly became the captain, stared wide eyes, "What does that mean!"

The team left four people at once. Cui Zuojing and Dong Zheng left the team empty-handed, 134 points just enough for them to spend tonight, put the phone back in their pockets, Cui Zuojing and Dong Zheng looked at each other and said, : "There is only this way right now. It's always better for two people to become a target than a whole team. It's safe to say that midnight should not be the opponent of Dong Zheng and me."

"I'm with you." Victor, who had changed back to a cat, jumped on the back of the sofa and said.

"No, my uncle is here with everyone. Although the executioner is not allowed to hurt pilgrims with enough points, I am not sure if I will do other bad things while I am away at midnight. If you are there, I will be more at ease. ."

Dong Zheng: "Azuo and I will be hiding outside tonight, and we will come back tomorrow morning. Please don't take it lightly and stay in the apartment. There is an uncle who doesn't dare to start at midnight."

Victor nodded and said, "If I were to midnight now, it would never be the same again."

Lin Hang’s anxiety: "Is it really possible? I remember... I have never heard of anyone who successfully escaped the cleaning punishment."

"I'm different from other people. I'm the legend of the pure white world." Cui Zuojing smiled, his confident smile really soothed other people's uneasiness, "Relax, midnight that year was not mine Opponents, not to mention that I now control the power of time, with the help of Dong Zheng."

"Xia Xia borrowed the lantern from me, the cat is psychic, and if there is a magic weapon, it can be more secure."

Xia Qiongyun did not hesitate to hold down the pattern left by the props on the back of her hand. The lantern appeared in her hand and was handed over to Cui Zuojing.

This is the item she chose from the Joker's shop. Considering that there are few decent instruments in the team, she chose such a thing.

"Psychic?" Although it was not the first time to spend the blood night at the top of the giant tree, before the blood night, everyone stayed in the castle in advance. As a tyrannical team, cleaning seems to never happen to them. As for the relationship, Dong Linhai asked in surprise, "What do you mean, is there really a ghost?"

"Yes, ghosts can be summoned at midnight." Cui Zuojing laughed badly, "Why? Would you like to give us some pee urine? If you still have?"

Dong Linhai: "Eh???"

He was stunned for a long while. He grabbed his face helplessly in the playful eyes cast by everyone, and then quickly reacted. He pretended to hold the waistband timidly: "So what, do you really want it? If you don't want to give up I can pour you a little by myself."

Dong Linhai said that he was about to loosen his trousers. Cui Zuojing was hurriedly waved by the generals: "Forget it, forget it, you should keep it by yourself. If you meet A Piao and get scared, you can still directly Nourish it, how good it is."

Everyone laughed, and the tense atmosphere eased a lot.

There was a faint cat meow outside the window, with a very long tail, which was so sad and hairy under the **** brilliance.

"Don't talk much, it's too late." Cui Zuojing dragged Dong Zheng's arm and said, "Let's go first, you pay attention to safety."

"You are."

Without hugs, no farewell and tears, Cui Zuojing and Dong Zheng walked out of the door as usual when they went out shopping every day.

Because they don’t need it, everyone believes that when this night passed and the first rays of light shone to the ground, the two would return to the apartment in safe and sound as agreed.

It was only downstairs that Cui Zuojing finally exhaled the breath that had been held in his throat. The **** moonlight shone on his face with some imperceptible tiredness. He looked at Dong Zheng and asked, "Are you afraid?" ?"

"It's a bit." It's impossible to say not afraid, after all, it is one of the queen's heirs. Dong Zheng is not sure whether he can withstand the midnight chase with his current strength. He took a deep breath and laughed, "But I am not alone after all."

Cui Zuojing snorted softly, and his lips couldn't help rising. He looked up and kissed Dong Zheng's lips quickly, turning his head to look at the black cat who was squatting on the opposite flower bed and watching them.

Looking at a black cat in **** night, as if something was going to happen.

The cat seemed to be just an ordinary cat, and the black pupils in the bi-colored eyes shrunk into a line, and he gave a slight meow towards them.

Dong Zheng thought deeply: "Will we be positioned at midnight?"

"Well, so it's only a matter of time before you face each other... Should we go to Heimdall first? I'll take a magic weapon that can damage the spirit. Only the lantern and your bell are still not very safe."

The bell can only sense the presence of ghosts to make a warning, and has no attack power. Although the lantern has expulsion and appearance effects, it has no effect on the particularly strong spirit. At the time, Xia Qiongyun chose it mainly for the attributes that will never extinguish and The eviction function is a good auxiliary item for the entire team.

The proportion of artifacts in the props is scarce. The people in the team have not obtained the lethality, but they are not in a hurry. They have enough information to know the type of the box they entered in advance and prepare in advance. Because everyone in the team It is not a brave brave enough to lack nerves. Every time he hits a ghost, he is scared to take a long time to slow down. He rarely chooses a supernatural type of box.

Heimdall actually stores some magic instruments. In case there are really relevant requirements, it is sufficient to rent them in advance. The bell is Dong Zheng who has been renting for self-defense.

"Good." Dong Zheng also thinks that Cui Zuojing's idea is the most appropriate at present. Under normal circumstances, in order to ensure the personal safety of the pilgrims, the world rules of the pure white realm do not allow managers with powerful powers to be in addition to boxes and special areas. Other places exert their full strength. The so-called managers include successors and clowns as guides. They are in a state where their strength is suppressed every day.

So even though Cui Zuojing and his party were regarded as the nails in the eyes, they did not directly solve Cui Zuojing, but kept looking for their troubles in the box.

But when the **** night came, this rule no longer worked for the executioners in the area.

What they are about to face is midnight in the full state.

Cui Zuojing had already experienced the strength of midnight, and had enough confidence in his ability, so he was not too nervous, but Dong Zheng was different. This was his first time facing the heirs of the heir level.

You must be very careful.

Since the relationship was determined, Dong Zheng often took Cui Zuojing to play around. He had borrowed Beverly’s small e-donkey to easily delay other people’s affairs, so he saved and bought a car, and parked downstairs in the apartment. .

Dong Zheng stroller, Cui Zuojing crouched on Luya, etc. He did not bring Tang sword together when he entered the gambling abyss, and now he can only empty his hands, but the killer has the ability to sit around, whether there are serious weapons in his hand. Big.

More and more cats were drilling out of the bushes, watching them silently. Cui Zuojing didn't know that there were so many stray cats near here.

He poked a piece of grass to tease the nearest orange, and orange looked at him cautiously and retreated into the bush.

Cui Zuojing sighed silently. It seemed that he would have to rely on Victor if he wanted to chew the cat freely.

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