But unfortunately, John is in the minority after all.

They divined with tea leaves, and John placed the badge in front of him.

With a slight tap of his finger, two things similar to projections appeared on it.

Professor Sybill Trelawney pretended not to notice when she was absent from class.

Hermione was a little surprised and strange. She remembered what Professor McGonagall gave her yesterday. Didn't John?

Doing three things at once, John's image was also projected in the other two classrooms.

The professors were stunned when they saw this, they did not expect such an operation.

If John hadn't been diligent and studious, he probably wouldn't have been able to withstand such high pressure.

Turning on the academic mode, he not only listened to everything, but was also able to answer questions.


Tea fortune telling, John saw that he was in trouble, and he couldn't help but wonder what difficulties he had at Hogwarts.

Tell Professor Trelawney the results and he gets bonus points on the spot.

Professor Trelawney now regards John as her successor. This is the first time she has seen the gift of prophecy in someone outside her own family.

However, compared to John's success, Professor Trelawney was not very friendly to Hermione.

He grabbed Hermione's hand and told Hermione in a serious voice that her halo was pitiful.

Hermione was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, and Harry was also seen seeing a black dog omen, which reminded people of John's prophecy just now.

The looks they gave Harry were filled with pity, which made Harry very depressed.

After the divination class, the second period is the Transfiguration class.

Professor McGonagall knew what was happening when she saw how unhappy they were.

Tell them that divination is a loose subject and that Sybill Trelawney predicts the deaths of several students every year.

Only then did the students feel relieved, but Neville said hesitantly: "But John also predicted it."


Professor McGonagall was stunned, how could this have anything to do with John.

Immediately, Neville revealed John's prophecy, which made McGonagall find it incredible.

"Does John Wick have the gift of a prophet? It is an extremely rare gift. There may be only one person in the entire country."

Hearing what she said, the student's worries that had just been relieved were lifted again.

Professor McGonagall thought of Dumbledore's strange behavior. There were two people choosing all the electives this semester, but Dumbledore was only willing to give that thing to one person.

Recalling Dumbledore's original words, Professor McGonagall fell into deep thought.

"Minerva, some students who are overly curious may touch taboos."

In the principal's office, Dumbledore had deep eyes.

The golden hourglass in front of it is an extremely precious magic prop. The only ones left in the world are in the Silent Man's office.

Professor McGonagall couldn't understand why Dumbledore doubted John Wick's ability to control John Wick even though he had the best grades in all subjects.

"Don't worry, Minerva, he will find a way to teach himself." Dumbledore replied to Professor McGonagall's question.

Now it seems that maybe Dumbledore knew something, otherwise he would not have made such a decision.

Although somewhat unfair to the students, this was Dumbledore's decision.

Transfiguration is over.

The students who could no longer hold themselves back rushed out of the classroom and spread the word about the prophecy everywhere.

John soon became the subject of conversation again.

Malfoy, wearing his badge proudly, found John and asked about the prophecy.

"I don't know either. At that time, I just followed the instructions and said it."

This was also the first time John had triggered the prophet's blessing, and it was not clear whether it was true or not.

However, the predicted information seemed familiar to him, as if he had seen it before.

He touched his chin and felt that these things seemed to be in the plot.

Could it be that his prophecy was just recalling the plot?

A card was spinning on the fingertips in his hand. It was given by Sybill Trelawney, saying it was a prop that could increase the celestial power.

John stared at the card, which had a symbol that looked like an eye.

And this symbol emits a faint fluorescence that only he can see.

"Professor Trelawney still has two brushes."

Help yourself to predict once, and have the ancient magic of the Third Eye card.

Professor Trelawney is really not simple.

Put the cards away, this afternoon is Care of Magical Beasts.

John was full of confidence in this course, because he was there to check it, and he believed that Hagrid wouldn't let people fly in the sky on the Thestral.


John heard the voice coming from Gryffindor and turned to see Hermione storming away.

Ron, the instigator, still looked confused, as if he didn't realize how hurtful it was that he said Hermione didn't have the talent for this subject.

Ron's focus has always been strange. He frowned and said to Harry: "What is she talking about? She hasn't taken arithmetic divination class yet."

Harry nodded sympathetically, causing John to facepalm.

Is this an important point that has never been mentioned before?

Pour the water out of two people's brains and the black lake will overflow.

"Obviously we should pay attention to why she smashed the table."

John thought with a wise look on his face.


Conservation of Magical Zoology.

Malfoy also took this course, not only that, but also Daphne and Pansy, as well as Goyle and Crabbe.

Slytherin John's team was basically together. They walked on the wet grass under their feet and headed towards Hagrid's hut next to the Forbidden Forest.

The team was originally neat and tidy, but soon Malfoy discovered the three little ones and immediately went up to activate the full-channel taunting mode.

Unable to bear it, Daphne came to John and complained: "I don't understand how you can stand him."

"Don't think Draco is naive, but he is actually quite naive."

The nonsense literature was clearly played, Daphne rolled her eyes at John.

Malfoy over there had dressed up as a dementor to spread hatred, and Harry was so angry that he wanted to take out his wand and stuff it into his nose.

Walk up to Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid was already waiting for the students. He was wearing a washed moleskin coat, and his big dog Fang only looked smaller next to him.

"Come on, come on, hurry up!"

Hagrid shouted with a loud voice: "I have something good to show you today! This class is wonderful!"

Hearing the word "wonderful", John felt inexplicably uneasy.

From what he knew about Hagrid, he would not let Hagrid say the words "wonderful" when he recommended those flower fairies.

"Did he change the course?"

John felt something was wrong, led by Hagrid.

The students walked towards the Forbidden Forest. Harry thought he was going to enter the Forbidden Forest, so he inevitably had some bad memories.

Fortunately, after five minutes, Hagrid only reached the edge and stopped.

They came to the outside of a small paddock with nothing inside.

"Everyone gather around this fence!" Hagrid directed the students to get closer and said confidently: "Okay, first you need to open the textbook."

Malfoy lazily asked, "How do I open it?"

There are quite a few students who have suffered misfortune from "The Monster Book of Monsters" these days. They tie the books tightly with ropes.

Hagrid was a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect anyone to notice.

He had no choice but to turn his hopeful eyes to John and ask him for help.

John received the signal, took out the book, and said calmly: "Just gently stroke its spine and let it make a comfortable sound."

After that, John demonstrated.

Hagrid shouted with joy and gratitude, "It's very well done, plus 10 points!"

Thanks to John, Hagrid was out of trouble.

Hagrid found his rhythm and asked everyone to wait here for a while.

I saw him walking towards the Forbidden Forest as easily as entering his own back garden.

Malfoy opened his mouth to complain, but John glanced at him and said speechlessly: "Draco, just calm down for a while. Hagrid is a professor now, so he can deduct points from you."

The complaints that came to his mouth were suppressed, and Malfoy felt more uncomfortable when he thought that he would be deducted by that stupid big man than by killing him.

In fact, given Hagrid's character, it is unlikely that points will be deducted, and at most it will be bonus points.

It was a pity that Malfoy didn't understand Hagrid, so he had to keep his mouth shut.

Then he went to tease Harry. Anyway, it was just a wave of dementors drawing hatred.

After a while, a dozen magical animals with horse bodies, eagle heads, and wings ran over.

When John saw this scene, he immediately covered his face.

Hagrid grabbed a long bundle of chains and yelled at the students to retreat.

He looked at these animals, as happy as a half-giant child, and roared: "Hippogriffs, how beautiful they are, aren't they."

Hagrid felt that the first lesson must be surprising, so he directly brought out XXX-level dangerous magical animals.

He picked out the one he liked the most and introduced it to everyone, "This is Buckbeak. The first thing you need to know is that they are all very proud."

After explaining how to approach these big treasures, Hagrid looked around to choose the first person to come forward.

Seeing John, I thought for a while not to bother John.

Harry volunteered because he didn't want Hagrid's first lesson to go unanswered.

Chapter 117 Employees and Boss

"Well done, Harry!"

Hagrid said gruffly: "Let's see how you deal with Buckbeak."

He unhooked Buckbeak's leather collar, an action that immediately set everyone's nerves on edge.

Hagrid instructed Harry, "You have locked eyes with it. Don't blink. If you blink too often, the Hippogriff will not believe you."

Harry regretted it because he stared and his eyes started to water.

Buckbeak turned his big pointed head and stared at Harry with his fierce orange eyes.

Hagrid said: "Yes, yes, Harry...now, bow."

He was careful not to disturb Buckbeak.

Although Harry was reluctant to expose the back of his neck to Buckbeak, he still did as Hagrid asked.

He bowed quickly and looked up, his own head still there.

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