He didn't know if Snape would tell Dumbledore what had happened. Sirius was imprisoned in the Forbidden Forest, and John would visit him every now and then.

Sirius, who was imprisoned, behaved quite honestly. Compared with Azkaban, anywhere is heaven.

Hagrid persisted, and Hermione collected information for him to help Buckbeak.

I just don't know where she got so much time. With Hermione's mind, shouldn't she be throwing herself into the sea of ​​books to review at this time?

Head to the library, which is already full of students reviewing.

There were only a few seats left, so John glanced at the restricted book section but did not go there.

He came to return the books. Some banned books had been borrowed for too long and all the contents had been read.

Putting down a stack of books, John clearly saw Mrs. Pince's eyebrows knitting.

It seems that he did not expect that John borrowed so many banned books.

After returning the books, John prepared for exam week with peace of mind.

A week passed.

June 3rd.

The first lesson was about transfiguration, with questions such as a teapot turning into a turtle.

John had to go to Arithmancy after taking the Transfiguration test, so he was specially arranged to take the first test.

Walking into the examination room, Professor McGonagall was supervising.

John took out his wand and waved it skillfully, and the orange teapot turned into a slow turtle in front of his eyes.

"Excellent, Mr. Wick." Professor McGonagall praised.

John nodded and headed to the next examination room.

The professor of arithmetic and divination is Settima Victor, and to be ashamed to say, this is the first time John has met her in person.

Professor Victor also expressed curiosity about this student who had been absent from school for an entire academic year, and asked him to examine a piece of parchment and a quill.

Passed the Arithmancy exam.

At lunch time, John casually ordered bread and water.

Daphne replaced him with mango pasta, so John had to finish the plate of yellowish food.

"The transformation spell this morning was so difficult."

Malfoy looked hopeless. Transfiguration was not his specialty.

When John heard this, he looked at Daphne. Daphne had excellent grades and was also good at transfiguration, so she was not troubled.

In the afternoon is the curse exam.

Professor Flitwick looked expectant, as if he was waiting for John to improve the Happy Curse.

John's partner was Gower, and then it was Gower who laughed, and John almost cried.

"Mr. Wick, excellent Happy Spell. Goyle, you still need to practice it, at least until you can't turn the Happy Spell into a Sad Spell."

Gao Er clearly failed, but he smiled brightly when he came out. I didn't know, but I thought he did well in the exam.

After John's Charms exam, he had to take Ancient Runes, which was the easiest course for John.

Professor Bathsheda Bablin's mouth opened wide in surprise. That expression seemed to indicate that she was doubting the difficulty of her question.

For John, a level 5 rune, he can become a professor himself and teach students.

With the last paragraph translated.

John finished his first day of exams.

It’s not about being nervous, as long as you perform at your normal level.

Daphne came over during dinner and commented on how difficult the questions were.

But there was nothing in his expression that said he was either second or third.

Malfoy looked desperate because he still had to train after his exams.

As punishment for concealing the loss of his wand, he was required to train three times as much as usual until the end of the semester.

The next day, John didn't know what Hagrid was thinking.

After learning so many magical animals, you end up taking care of a Flobber caterpillar, with the goal of still being alive after one hour.

John stared at Hagrid's face, thinking that you shouldn't go too far.

The Flobber caterpillar, left to its own devices, would not die for an hour.

This can be said to be the only thing in a week of intense exams where you don’t need to use your brain or hands.

He even saw Hagrid chatting with the three little ones while checking the survival of the Flobber caterpillar.

In the afternoon there was the Potions exam, and there was a lot of wailing.

Malfoy was fine again at this time, staring arrogantly at the wailing Gryffindor, this was a home game.

The content is confusing drugs.

The Confusion Potion is a magic potion that can cause a person to fall into confusion.

The biggest difficulty was how to make the potion thicker, but it was not that difficult for John. On the contrary, it was very simple.

The first one to finish was handed over to Snape for inspection. Snape's expression showed no emotion or anger, and he gave John a perfect score without any expression.

Turning to look at Harry who was still scratching his head, John wanted to give him a hint?

Well, forget it.

That's the savior. Wouldn't it be a loss of face to remind him?

Thinking this way, John left the classroom refreshed.

Wait until evening, and the astronomy class is on top of the tallest tower.

This place is not far from the divination classroom.

The third day of the exam.

The history of magic was still boring, and John even doubted whether Professor Binns knew hypnotism.

Why do people who have the blessing of the Sleepless One want to sleep so much after seeing that old face?

The content of the exam is as boring as the class. Just write about the hunt for witches in the Middle Ages.

The stuffy classroom made people want to have a bite of nut ice cream. The students buried their heads in the parchment paper and rubbed the tip of their pen to make a rustling sound.

When he handed in the paper, Professor Binns still looked old and lifeless, even though he was dead.

The sweltering heat lasted until the Herbology exam in the afternoon. The greenhouse was scorched by the sun and one Slytherin student almost fainted.

After it was over, a group of people left the greenhouse to cool off as if they were running for their lives.

Thursday, the last day of exams.

Lupine was still the students' favorite professor, and his exams were the most interesting.

Outdoor obstacle course.

John passed through the deep pond with Grindylow, who was frightened by his intimidation and fled far away.

There are potholes full of red hats, and no red hats dare to come out.

The Hinkpunk in the swamp had long huddled into a ball, as if it wanted John not to see it.

At the end, there was an old box with a Boggart inside, which turned into chocolate rice rolls and was shoved into the box.

Get out of China with your chocolate rice rolls.

The last two exams were Divination and Muggle Studies. John basically didn't need to predict, and he got perfect marks directly.

It's rare to have someone open the back door, and that feeling is inexplicably refreshing.

Before leaving, Professor Trelawney whispered to John that the prophecy was close.

John was stunned, remembering the prophecy he made at the beginning of school.

After answering what the rubber duck was for, Muggle Studies came to an end.

John walked out of the examination room, and an owl landed on his arm. It was a letter from Hagrid.

Buckbeak's appeal failed.

"It seems that Scrimgeour is determined to do this."

John stared at the note. The hurtful things about Buckbeak were big or small. He asked the Slytherin classmate to withdraw the lawsuit but could not change it.

It is estimated that Rufus Scrimgeour did this on purpose. He asked him to help save Hagrid last time, and this time he wanted to use Buckbeak to test Johnny Silverhand to decide the future path.

"Haha, it's a good calculation. I guess Johnny Silverhand won't fall out because of a Hippogriff."

John sneered.

To describe it in one sentence, it doesn’t hurt, but it makes me sick.

Chapter 163 Execution and Tick

Rufus Scrimgeour became anxious and sent additional dementors to Hogwarts.

He vowed to put down his bold words during his tenure, but now almost a semester has passed, and there is still no trace of Sirius.

There were even a dozen dementors missing because of Sirius Black.

The Ministry of Magic has lost all face. Now the only way to save the Ministry of Magic's face without the word 'temporary' is to capture Sirius.

John was in a bad mood when he met the black-faced Rufus Scrimgeour in the castle.

Scrimgeour arrived, accompanied by witnesses and executioners from the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Animals.

A magical creature, please ask the Minister for Magic to come over.

If it were Fudge, it would be excusable.

But Scrimgeour was an Auror, and he was also a tough person.

It shouldn't be his turn for such a trivial matter. He came here with some agenda.

"You think Johnny Silverhand is unreliable and you want to find a new backer?"

Squinting his eyes, John watched Scrimgeour go to the principal's office. It seemed that he had something to discuss.

It's a pity. If he became the Minister of Magic, he might still have the right to speak.

Scrimgeour is now only a temporary minister, and his character does not please Dumbledore.

"Executed at sunset, Buckbeak became a victim of the game."

Thinking of Hagrid's letter to him, John felt sorry for Hagrid.

"Just wait and be comforted."

John sighed and went to the secret room of the Star Society.

It will be a holiday soon, and some things in the secret room still need to be dealt with.

Arriving on the fourth floor, John took a look at the magic he left behind. In addition to the members of the Star Club, there were other people entering.

However, the other party couldn't see the mystery on the wooden door, so John ignored it for the time being.

Open the door and enter. The Firebolt has been maintained and returned to its original place.

Without even thinking about it, he knew it was Malfoy who did it, and John opened the secret passage in the armory.

Entering the weapons warehouse, John raised his hand to summon the Sword of Silver Wake.

There were more cracks on the super magic crystal. Glancing at the new shoes on the table, John completed the last bit.

Putting on his shoes again, he looked at the Ring of Conjuration again.

The ring on his right hand was as black as ink, and the gemstone turned completely black, like an abyss.

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