Walking forward through the thick fog, a door appears in front of you, followed by a small stone house.

After getting his tent from Mr. Roberts, the Muggle caretaker of the stone house, John walked towards the back of the stone house.

There were already hundreds of strangely shaped tents there, and the camp stretched all the way to a dark forest on the horizon.

Chapter 185 Fleur and Daphne

John walked to the edge of the woods at the end of the field, where there was a large open space.

He threw the tent he received directly into the open space. There was no need to set it up, and he saw that the tent was assembled in an orderly manner.

Soon, a luxury tent was set up.

If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought it was some kind of circus.

John was speechless and choked, "Tang Mi is a bit exaggerated."

The tent was arranged by Tang Mi. John didn't originally want it to be luxurious, but he couldn't stand the fact that this was what he was selling.

This is made by Johnny Silverhand's prop shop. It is a portable tent that requires no hands, just put it down and it will be assembled.

The interior was very luxuriously decorated, with all kinds of things, and John also saw a portable kitchen.

Because of the traceless stretching spell, it didn't look crowded inside, but rather very spacious.

This fully automatic portable tent has been loved by wizards since its launch.

There are still a small number of wizards like the Weasley family who like to learn from Muggles.

After the tent was set up, John received a message from Daphne.

He leaves temporarily to search for Daphne near the camp.

On the way, he met Fleur and Madame Maxime.

"John!" Hibiscus appeared slim and even more beautiful.

She trotted over and said in surprise: "We just arrived. How long have you been here?"

Beauxbatons came in a group. Their tents were very large, sky blue, and divided into several tents.

"I just arrived not long ago." John noticed the badge worn on Fleur's chest and smiled: "I established a club called the Star Club, if you don't mind."

He pointed to the badge on his chest. Furong smiled beautifully and said with sparkle in her eyes: "Of course, I am honored to join the Star Club."

Several young people who had been pretending to go back and forth several times suddenly blushed when they saw this scene. One of them was stunned and ran into someone else's tent, causing everyone to jump.

"That's great," John was also happy and asked Fleur to take the badge off.

Seeing the badge in John's palm, John clapped his hands, and a magic circle composed of multiple circles quickly wrapped the badge.

"What is this?" Fleur looked curious. She had never seen this kind of alchemy method.

John chuckled and said: "A way of enchantment. Now you can use the badge to contact me."

With that said, John demonstrated and tapped the badge lightly, and several names popped up on it.

After selecting Fleur, John sent her a greeting.


Fleur's badge reacted, and she was surprised.

Studying the badge carefully, she also discovered the name of Heinrich Edgar. After asking, she found out that Heinrich had joined the Star Club.

In response, she said with a half-smile: "John, you are very ambitious."

"Of course." John nodded without denying it, and said with bright eyes, "Are you willing to help me?"

Furong pretended to think and sighed, smiled, and said, "Of course."

John also went to say hello to Ms. Maxim, and he behaved modestly and politely towards this tall woman.

"John, maybe I should have left you at Beauxbatons."

Ms. Maxim obviously knew something, she said regretfully: "Nicholas Flamel's students are in other schools. This is Beauxbatons' loss."

"Even without me, Beauxbatons is still very good, isn't he?"

Upon hearing this, Ms. Maxim laughed and scolded: "Of course, glib."

Several Beauxbatons female students peeked their heads out of the tent and looked at John curiously.

Among them was Fleur's sister, Gabrielle Delacour.

She is eight years younger than Fleur.

Gabrielle looks a lot like her sister Fleur and is therefore beautiful. She has waist-length pure silver hair and a bright smile.

She ran over and pulled her sister's skirt, her beautiful eyes still staring at John.

"It's getting late, I have to find someone, see you at the stadium."

John checked the time and said goodbye to Fleur.

Fleur smiled and waved, and Ms. Maxim suddenly breathed a sigh of relief after John left.

"Ms. Maxim, what's wrong?" Fleur asked strangely.

Ms. Maxim waved her hand, patted her chest with the hand with the luxurious ring, and said with lingering fear: "We should be lucky that John Wick is not old enough to participate in the Triwizard Tournament."

As Ms. Maxim's favorite student, Fleur already knew about the Triwizard Tournament.

But she didn't understand why John deserved Ms. Maxim's expression.

In fact, Ms. Maxim didn't know what was going on. She just felt a kind of pressure when she was face to face with John.

It felt like John was like a giant hunter holding a knife.

She should be thankful that although this child was a monster, he did not qualify for the Triwizard Tournament.

A moment of glory that makes people reluctant to give in.

When John found Daphne, her sister Astoria was there, having made her face look like a tabby cat.

As soon as Daphne saw John coming, she threw the tent aside.

"Daphne." John leaned over. He didn't know how the two sisters were able to set up the tent. The whole tent was loose and loose.

He couldn't stand it anymore, so he snapped his fingers and quickly set up the wand.

"Awesome." Astoria said happily.

"Where are your parents?" John looked around, but did not see the Greengrass couple.

"They met friends." Daphne pretended to be arrogant and said, "I think I can handle it."

You can handle it like crazy.

John was speechless. It would be great if Daphne could be as good as her grades elsewhere.

Daphne asked curiously: "John, are you here alone? Where is your tent?"

John took out a Quidditch World Cup ticket from his small bag and handed it to Daphne, and said casually: "I'm coming alone, but I made an appointment with Fleur. Then the three of us can watch the game together."

As he spoke, he didn't notice a crack in Daphne's smile.

"My tent is on the other side, do you want to come over and take a look?"

John glanced at the tent that was set up. There were still some daily necessities and other things to get in it.

He said to Astoria with a sad face: "Astoria, come too, I've prepared some food there."

When Astoria heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up and she nodded with confusion.

Daphne also came back to her senses and ignored Fleur's name, which she immediately knew was a girl's. She stretched out her hand, brushed against John's sleeve and then retracted it.

Just like that, John walked towards the tent with two girls, one big and one small.

Passing by Beauxbatons' tent, John's idea came to his mind, and he happened to meet two members of the Society of Stars.

So Fleur met Daphne like this.

Also taking her sister with her, Fleur looked at Daphne: "Blonde, very good-looking, but her eyes make her uncomfortable."

This look was so familiar to her, and the girls from Beauxbatons would also look at her with this look.

Daphne looked at Fleur with her eyes: "Silver hair, she looks like a fairy, very beautiful. Does she like John?"

The two of them were silent, and John was surprised by the atmosphere.

In order to lighten the atmosphere, he said: "My tent is quite big. Do you want to go and see it together?"

He just said it casually, trying to lighten the mood.

Fleur smiled, looked at Daphne with a playful look, and said with a smile: "Okay."

Daphne glared hard at the back of John's head and pulled her sleeves angrily.

So the girls around John became two, two and four.

Fleur and Daphne were on the left hand and the other on the right hand. The two little girls hit it off and were very close holding hands.

John met Malfoy again while walking, so he simply sent a group message to the medal, and everyone went to the tent to gather.

By the time they reached the tent, Cedric had arrived and he waved happily.

John noticed that a tent had also been set up nearby and greeted Cedric.

A head popped out of the tent nearby, it was Percy.

He had to be busy with the Quidditch World Cup reception for officials, so he came early.

"I thought I saw it wrong. This tent turns out to be yours."

Percy came over, dressed formally. Malfoy whistled, but Percy didn't mind.

The Star Club was almost complete except for Neville and Heinrich.

Soon, John saw Heinrich approaching with a solemn face, and next to him was the chattering Kim Ledisley.

His hand closed around the wand several times and released it angrily.

Well, all except Neville.

"This is Kim Ledisley."

John introduced Jin, but he forgot that he was now a Hogwarts student.

Jin was stunned for a moment, then his eyes darkened, he noticed the silver ring, and said with a bright smile: "Hello, I am a student of Ilvermorny."

Jin is not ugly, on the contrary, he is very handsome.

Unfortunately, the girls present were all fighting with each other.

John brought people inside. The luxury of the tent made Malfoy speechless: "John, have you robbed Johnny Silverhand's store?"

John said casually: "It's okay."

Jin looked at John meaningfully. Heinrich noticed his gaze, frowned, and stretched out his finger out of sight to warn: "You'd better watch your mouth."

Jin reached out and pressed the finger and pinched it, raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Of course, I am tight-lipped."

Heinrich took out his fingers and snorted.

He wasn't sure if John was going to let anyone else know Johnny Silverhand's identity, and Kim had obviously discovered something.

Chapter 186 Fun and Betting

John's tent was very lively, and it was big enough for fifty people to fit inside.

Malfoy said very naughtyly that he came with his parents and they were invited by Ludo Bagman, the Director of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

The other party sent tickets to the Malfoy family, which was what the Malfoy family deserved.

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