"Silver Hand Wine Cellar: Magic 1993, delivering delicious food to every home."

"Silver hand..."

John looked at the words "Silver Hand" that kept popping up, and calculated carefully that his business territory was already so wide.

Hagrid smacked his mouth and said roughly: "Silverhand Wine Cellar, that's the favorite of the bar. I drank a bottle last time and it tasted much better than beer."

Harry noticed the house elf and almost thought it was Dobby.

"More than?"

"Sir, did you call me Dobby?" The elf opened some of his fingers and spoke in a high-pitched voice.

Harry didn't quite understand the difference between male and female elves, but he guessed that it was a female.

He quickly said sorry for admitting his mistake, but surprisingly the house elf knew Dobby.

"My name is Twinkle."

Winky notices the scar on Harry's head, and she screams the same way Dobby did when he saw Harry.

"You must be Harry Potter!"

"Yes." Harry answered.

Winky lowered her hands, looking in awe.

They were talking about Dobby, Hermione and Ron joining in.

Winky says Dobby is an anomaly because his demands for pay keep him from finding a job.

House elves cannot live without jobs, just as the West cannot live without Jerusalem.

She also felt that Harry rescuing Dobby was not a good thing, which made Hermione extremely angry. The wizard was a slave house elf.

Twinkle added that she was afraid of heights, but she wanted to keep a good position for her master.

Hermione was even more angry. According to the education she received, house elves had no human rights.

John just glanced at the situation over there and didn't pay attention.

Percy entertained the officials and came to this box.

He was so busy that his feet never touched the ground, which had nothing to do with how relaxed he was.

Barty Crouch came over to inspect the work and glanced at Winky's location intentionally or unintentionally.

He left after a while.

Bulgarian wizards arrived, and they spoke incomprehensible words, which made Percy very confused.

Ludo Bagman is hosting this World Cup, and of course, you have to ignore the twins calling them liars.

Pretending not to hear, Ludo used the Loud Spell to make his voice carry throughout the pitch.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! Welcome to watch the 422nd Quidditch World Cup!"

Before the game starts, the mascot performs.

The first to enter was the Bulgarian team.

John saw Bulgaria's mascot, the Veela, all of them charming and dancing to make some men obsessed.

Ron was so indecent that he almost jumped down to find the Veela.

If he knew how angry these Veela were, he probably wouldn't be able to love them.

Next came the Irish team's mascot, the Irish Leprechaun.

The special effects of their appearance are very cool. They circle around the entire stadium and scatter a large amount of gold coins.

John caught one and looked at it, seeing the essence at a glance.

"Interesting, this gold coin is similar to a transfiguration spell and can only exist for a few hours."

Playing with gold coins in his hand, Ludo continued to introduce the players from both sides.

The first team to appear was the Bulgarian team. Their star player was undoubtedly the talented seeker, Viktor Krum.

After John saw it, he just wanted to ask, is this fucking eighteen years old?

The overall strength of the Irish team is balanced, and the star player is the chaser. However, such a lineup also has advantages. The core of the comparison is Krum's Bulgaria, which can quickly open the score.

The race begins and John watches with a panoramic telescope.

Noticing Daphne straining to crane her neck to get a better look, John realized she didn't have a telescope.

Passing his telescope over, John smiled and said, "Here you go, I can see it."

Daphne blushed slightly and took the telescope over, feeling sweet in her heart, thinking that they were sharing one.

Seeing that John didn't have any, Hagrid wanted to lend him his own.

John shook his head in refusal, blinked his eyes, and his eyes turned into vertical pupils, seeing everything clearly.

It is indeed a top-notch event, and its excitement cannot be compared to Hogwarts Quidditch.

Croom's fake move to knock down the Irish Seeker was very exciting.

As John guessed, although the Irish Seeker was not as strong as Krum, his teammates were excellent.

Score goals during the game.

Ireland supporters roared with cheers every time a goal was scored.

The competition is getting more and more intense.

It seems anxious, but in fact the Bulgarian team has no chance of winning.

Sure enough, the game came to 130:10, with Ireland leading.

The Bulgarian goalkeeper was anxious and a foul allowed the Irish team to take a penalty kick.

The two mascots taunted each other and almost came to blows.

The Irish team scored again, and Krum also saw the situation clearly. The Bulgarian team had no chance of winning.

Krum spots the Golden Snitch and sprints faster.

He wanted to end the game, catch the Golden Snitch, and restore dignity to the Bulgarian team.

The Irish Seeker discovered his intention and gave chase.

The two sides staged a broomstick skills competition, but unfortunately Krum was too strong and the Irish Seeker fell down again.

Krum had a golden snitch in his hand. At the end of the game, the score was fixed at 170:160, and the Irish team won.

During the chase, Krum was injured, but he refused to let the doctor clean the wound. He was completely lost with his teammates.

Since the Minister of Magic has not yet been selected, the award falls on Barty Crouch.

Barty Crouch tried his best to look nice, and this was a good opportunity to get votes.

John saw the twins grabbing Ludo Bagman to prevent him from leaving, because they had won the bet just now. If they had made a bet with Silver Hand, it would have been doubled ten times.

The game ended and John walked off the court.

People on the roadside were discussing loudly, with the Weasley family discussing even more fiercely.

Because several of his family are Gryffindor Quidditch players.

John's tent was next door, and it was almost early in the morning before the sounds inside stopped.

"John, you're trying too hard." Hagrid muttered in the tent, leaning on a somewhat hard pillow.

John wasn't sleepy yet.

He calculated how much money he had made from the Quidditch World Cup.

Heinrich asked King to stay three meters away from him. He had had enough of this guy.

Jin shrugged disapprovingly and told him with a smile that he would live in the same tent with him, which made him grimace.

By early morning, John had calculated that his net income exceeded six figures.

As he was getting ready to sleep, he heard a commotion.


Going out of the tent to check, John saw a fire light.

The wizard seemed to be running away towards the woods. Behind him, a group of masked wizards huddled tightly together, each pointing their wands upward.

John looked solemn when he saw the family of three floating in the air like puppets.

"make trouble?"

His right hand touched his face, which was covered by a silver mask.

Snapping his fingers, the clothes on his body changed colors, and an emerald green cloak covered his body.

The shoes sprouted wings, and John's whole body rose like a rocket.

When he reached 100 feet, he took out his yew wand and pointed it at the troublesome wizards.

Chapter 188 Old Barty and Little Barty

Dark clouds quietly gathered in the sky.

The atmosphere in the camp was fiery, and leprechauns kept flying back and forth above their heads.

Waving the lantern in his hand, laughter mixed with the singing in the night.

Today was such a joyful day, Harry had never experienced such a lively atmosphere.

The Weasley family was discussing the Quidditch World Cup, and Charlie wanted to demonstrate Krum's fake moves himself.

Harry blended into the atmosphere and loudly discussed the issue of collision fouls.

Mr. Weasley also ended up having a heated argument with Charlie, and in the end, Ginny fell asleep at the small table, with the hot chocolate in her hand spilled on the floor.

Realizing it was time for bed, Mr. Weasley shooed the entire family back to their tent.

After Harry lay down on the bed, he still felt unfinished.

He felt that Weasley was like his family, and Mr. Weasley was like his father, with his sense of humor.

Staring at the roof of the tent, the sounds outside felt noisy at first, and gradually turned into sleep aids.

His eyelids closed, and in his dream he saw himself becoming the champion on the podium, winning the World Cup.

As he was repeating Krum's feint, he was awakened by a loud roar.

It's Mr. Weasley.

He would run to each child, wake them up, and pull his jeans on over his pajamas with difficulty.

"Something's wrong, it's too late, Harry, just grab a coat and go out, hurry up!"

The sounds outside changed, the singing stopped, there were screams and the sound of people running in panic.

Mr. Weasley sensed something was wrong and woke everyone up immediately.

The children put on their clothes randomly and ran out, and there was already chaos outside.

There were loud jeers, wild laughter, and drunken shouts all around.

A group of people moved towards them, and then a bright green light flashed, illuminating everything around them.

They were a group of wizards, wearing hoods and masks. Above their heads, four struggling figures were floating in the air, twisted into various shapes.

It was the administrator, a Muggle Mr. Roberts, and his family.

The team is still growing, with more wizards joining the advancing team.

They tortured Mr. Roberts and burned the tents with flames from their wands.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Weasley quickly asked Harry and others to go into the woods. He wanted to help the Ministry of Magic maintain order.

Bill and Charlie had already run over, and they saw Percy blocking the group of people.

Others at the Ministry were also quick to respond.

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