Some students told their parents, and the principal's office was once again flooded with letters of complaint from parents.

Schools are under pressure.

It was decided that next week’s sixth-grade Defense Against the Dark Arts class would be subject to supervision and assessment by school board representatives and parent representatives.

This matter was deemed necessary by the school board, and even Dumbledore had to compromise once under these pressures.

That day's class happened to be the time for Harry's Divination class, and John had already asked for leave in advance.

At the same time, John understood that the course had reached the stage where he needed to practice black magic countermeasures, which meant that Moody had to leave the classroom and go to the spacious staff lounge for the class.

Just in case, he prepared Plan B, letting Malfoy be on standby to have a conflict with Harry outside Divination class.

everything's ready.

Coincidentally, the parent representative overseeing this time was Cedric's father, an official from the Ministry of Magic who had great respect for Dumbledore.

This is a little thought from Dumbledore.

Another school board representative is Mr. Greengrass, Daphne's father.

Incidentally, Greengrass is a member of the school board, as is Malfoy.

Even during the Voldemort period, Greengrass never wavered from his neutral stance, which affirmed his impartiality.

Supervision classes are coming soon.

John took out the Marauder's Map and confirmed that Moody was indeed in class.

As he expected, Moody did go to the staff room to teach.

In addition to the two representatives, Dumbledore was there, which was a good thing for John.

While everyone else was in class, John came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

There was a side door between this place and the classroom. John was going to enter through the side door and checked whether there was any monitoring magic on the door.

After carefully confirming that there was none, John was ready to go in.

The moment his hand touched the door, John's expression suddenly changed.

"Someone triggered my magic?"

The detection magic of the Star Club was triggered, and someone entered the Star Club.

A choice lay before John, whether to continue exploring or to go and capture the man.

Based on his guess, the person who triggered the magic was probably the Master of Confusion Curse.

The biggest suspect for this person is Moody, but Moody is in class.

After hesitating for a second, John made an immediate decision.

He gave up this action and quickly headed towards the Star Club.

At the same time, he sent a message to Heinrich asking if Moody was still there?

He saw through the Marauder's Map that Moody was still in class, and Heinrich confirmed this.

Then only one thing can be confirmed, Moody is not the master of confusion spell.

There is another master of the Confusion Curse.

He quickened his steps and quickly ran to the fourth floor under Filch's surprised gaze.

He had been supervising the Marauder's Map, and after the magic was touched, the man did not come out.

Since the Society of Stars was not within the Marauder's Map, John could not confirm who that person was.

Only by entering inside can you know.

Arriving at the door of Star Club, John noticed that the magic on the door was in a closed-eye state. If he hadn't arranged a new magic on the opposite side in advance, he might not have been able to detect it.

"Let me see who you really are."

John flicked his sleeves and slipped his wand into his hand.

Ready to fight, John tentatively pushed the door open with his right hand.

The defensive magic left inside was also touched, and the other party also used a powerful destruction spell to turn off the lights of the Star Club.

The dark Star Club seemed like a good place to hide, but unfortunately, John had night vision.

His eyes moved slightly and he looked around but didn't find that person.

Take a bottle from the bag and sprinkle all the powder inside the bottle.

The powder quickly adhered to a chair like stardust. John's eyes sunk and he immediately took action.


The chair quickly rolled to avoid it, which is what people have become.

After the man was discovered, he didn't sit still and waited for death. He flashed a red light and shot a curse at John.

Using the Iron Armor Spell to resist, John walked into the Star Club and closed the door at the same time.

In the dark, John and the mysterious man attacked continuously.

The light of the curse continued to collide, and items in the Star Club were destroyed.

John was a little frightened. This person was even more powerful than the Aurors. The two of them fought with silent spells.

After thinking about this, John no longer held back.

"Broken to pieces! (Reducto)"

The white light flew towards the man quickly. The man waved his wand, and the items in the secret room flew up to block the front, successfully blocking the crushing curse.

But how could John be suppressed in this battle?

The dome full of stars lit up at this moment. Under the guidance of John's wand, the magic power of the Star Society gathered into a very strong beam of light, breaking through the opponent's defense and knocking the person away.

John followed closely behind, holding the wand like a sword, and the invisible sharp blade cut towards the man's ankle.

“Crush the thorns and thorns!”


This was the first time that person spoke since he came in.

The voice revealed nobility, like rubbing silk across a red wine glass.

As soon as the flame rose, it was cut open by John.

The man quickly changed his position with the help of the flames. How could John do what he wanted? He cut through the thorns and thorns several times.

Although that person is flexible, his space is always limited.

Coupled with the fact that John controlled the secret room of the Star Club to fight back, he was quickly hit and fell to the ground again.

John fired two more rounds of sleeping spells to make sure the man was still, then stepped forward.

"Powerful and proficient in confusion spells, who are you?"

If it weren't for the help of the secret room, John wouldn't be able to take down this person for a while.

When he walked up to it, he saw that face and his heart froze.


He was surprised when the man opened his eyes suddenly.

The wand was pointed at John and "Comfundo"

John's vision went dark, and he immediately bit the tip of his tongue to wake himself up.

He saw a red light hitting his body, and he flew backwards.

The man staggered to his feet, and John's face was uncertain. He asked coldly: "Who are you?"

He didn't believe that Percy would do this, so that person would probably turn into Percy.

This was done deliberately to disturb John's mind and thus expose his flaw.

"You are very smart."

Pull off the broken amulet and throw it away.

John's eyes darkened, it was his own product.

The man smiled and said: "But it's still too difficult to keep me."

After saying that, the man pointed his wand with elegance in his voice.


John's expression changed and he saw Li Huo rushing towards him.

The man dropped his wand and ran toward the door.

John wanted to chase him, but Li Huo lost control and burned down the Star Club.

He could only stop and raise the wand in his hand, and the powerful magic power from the dome was injected into the wand.

John stared at the snake-like fire, and flames erupted from the wand and enveloped it.

As the magic power continued to be injected, John's flame turned into a fire dragon and swallowed up the fire.

Using all his strength, John turned off the fierce fire he summoned.

"Ruthless and decisive, who is he?"

The Star Club was in a mess, and John's expression kept changing.

The wand was burned by the fire. Even if it was still there, John felt that there would be no clues in it.

That thing is Johnny Silverhand's anonymous wand.

Picking up the dropped amulet, John looked at the serial number hidden on it.

The amulets sold at Johnny Silverhand's store are strictly recorded using real names, and the current clues can only identify the owner of the amulet.

Chapter 243 The third project and changes

Restoring the Star Club would be a huge expense, especially if it had been burned by fire.

After class, Malfoy couldn't wait to perform exceptionally, but this time he was not caught by Moody.

John was lost in thought as to who that person was.

"A compound potion? Or some kind of transfiguration?"

The fact that the other party turned into Percy's appearance showed that he understood the relationship between Percy and himself.

"What is the purpose of entering the secret room of the Star Club?"

Those amulets and anonymous wands, the other party came prepared, maybe they had a deal with Johnny Silverhand.

John had asked Tang Mi to check the serial number on the amulet, but the result disappointed him.

The amulet was equipped by the striker, who also discovered that the amulet was missing.

"The time when that man was missing was not that far removed from the time when Bady Sr. was attacked."

John frowned, there seemed to be a connection between the two.

He remembered that old Batty had been attacked and the amulet saved his life.

"Is that the same person who attacked old Batty?"

If so, Moody seems to have been cleared of suspicion.

Even during the holidays, Moody never left school.

Heinrich can guarantee this.

Since he was not Moody, how could that person have free access to the school?

He went out to attack Old Barty, then returned to school and entered the Star Club.

John said a little irritably: "I didn't catch it this time. It seems that it will be more difficult next time."

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