Harry was stunned and Moody urged him inside.

The paint on the door was peeling off and full of scratches.

The silver door knocker was in the shape of a coiled snake, and there was no keyhole or letterbox.

Lupine pulled out his wand and knocked on the door, making a loud sound similar to the rattling of a chain on the metal.

The door opened.

Tonks said, "Oh my God, Podmore, please stop screaming, we are almost exposed."

Tonks' words drew everyone's attention to Stooges Podmore, who had a pale face and trembling lips, making a humming sound.

"H-Sorry, I can't stop the bleeding."

Realizing that something was wrong with him, Lupine moved closer and saw the bloody leg, his expression became serious.

Finally, the conclusion was made, "There is magic on this and it cannot be healed."

"Magic?" Harry felt incredible. He was just bitten by a dog.

Tom knew too well, it was just an ordinary dog.

But as a former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Lupine would not admit his mistake.

He could see how terrifying this magic was, it would not heal and would cause people to bleed to death.

Moody checked it too and concluded, "Dark magic."

They hurriedly helped people inside and arranged for people to clean up the blood outside.

Entering the house, Stooges Podmore could finally let go of his voice, and the screams quickly attracted the attention of others.

And none of them noticed that a car was parked there on Grimmauld Place.

With his mouth wide open, Watson watched a group of people appear and fly down from the sky on broomsticks, and then watched them disappear.

Chapter 269 The Lively Order of the Phoenix and Watson’s Adventure

"What happened."

"This is black magic."

"Mundungus, don't bother me now!"

"Hurry and help him stop bleeding!"

As soon as I entered No. 12 Grimmauld Place, the noise made me very irritated.

Hermione and Ron were drawn down, and they both saw Stooges Podmore's bloody leg.

All the Weasleys were here, except Percy.

Mrs. Weasley drove Ginny back to her room. This bloody scene was not suitable for children.

Ginny looked at Ron dissatisfied, meaning that he was a child too.

"What's wrong with him?" Several people who were originally in the meeting were attracted out.

Sirius found his good brother Lupine and asked, and Lupine smiled bitterly and said: "He was bitten by a dog."

"Dog?" Sirius's eyes widened. What kind of dog could bite a person like this? Even a Tibetan Mastiff couldn't do it.

Snape frowned and knelt down. He looked at the wound that was as deep as the bone and said solemnly: "There is a strong curse in it that prevents the wound from healing."

Stork Podmore looked pale and asked tremblingly: "Can I still save my leg?"

"If we catch the dog that bit you, we might be able to find a way to crack it." Snape also found it difficult.

He himself is a wizard who is proficient in black magic, and he even created powerful black magic like Shen Feng Wuying.

Shen Feng Wu Ying is similar to a bite wound in that it cannot be healed. However, he knows the counter-curse of Shen Feng Wu Ying, but he doesn't know how to undo this.

"That dog? Remus, you haven't told me which dog bit me yet?" Sirius looked at Lupin.

At this time, Harry said out loud: "It's Tom, John's dog."

The noisy atmosphere became quieter, and Hermione covered her mouth, unable to believe that this wound was actually caused by that little guy Tom.

When Snape heard the name, he asked coldly: "What stupid thing have you done!"

Harry felt uncomfortable hearing this tone.

When Sirius saw Snotlout bullying his godson, he immediately stopped, "Severus, he won't do stupid things."

"Really?" Snape said in a sinister tone: "John Wick is not an impulsive person. Don't you know very well?"

He thought it was a group of people who annoyed John and made him use such vicious magic.

As soon as he heard that name, Sirius felt a dull pain in his left rib.

Lupine smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, this time it's not about John Wick. It's about us accidentally breaking into his lawn."

"You mean," Snape said coldly, "that you group of wizards were driven away by a dog?"

"As humiliating as it is," Lupine sighed, "yes, we were kicked off."

"Okay, hurry up and save Stork Podmore's leg." Moody came out to speak, and he knocked on his crutch unhappily, "We haven't even started the war yet, are we going to lose a leg?"

After hearing him speak, the others finally stopped making noise.

The eldest son of the Weasley family, Bill, was also there. He was originally a Curse Breaker at Gringotts and knew a lot about curses and ancient tombs.

Coming to squat next to Stooges Podmore, Bill showed the same expression as Snape.

"Not too optimistic," he began, uttering a proverb. "The poison itself is the antidote."

"The best way is to pull out the dog's tooth and make it into a potion to break the curse."

Snape interrupted him and said, "I've already said this. Do you want us to catch the dog?"

Hermione screamed: "No, John will kill you."

John Wick, the famous dog lover at Hogwarts, would make anyone who dared to touch his dog never see the sun for the rest of his life.

Hermione looked at Sirius for help and said, "You and Tom are friends, aren't you."

Sirius' face was full of embarrassment. He and Tom were good friends at the beginning, and he relied on Tom to get through that difficult time.

And he was regarded as "Tom's little black dog outside", and there was even reason to suspect that John's kicks on him were all based on personal grudges.

Sirius had to say politely, "I'm afraid we can't extract Tom's teeth. You don't want to make John Wick angry."

Some wizards who didn't know why were wondering why these people were so afraid of John Wick.

"That's a student, John Wick," the silver-haired wizard asked strangely: "His dog bit Stooge Podmore."

"I'm sorry, Dedalus, John Wick is not the kind of student you imagined." Snape said sinisterly, "He is a genius, a wizard with powerful magic."

Dedalo Digo didn't understand why that student was so special.

Lupine said: "Okay, we can't attack the dog. Bill, is there any way to stabilize it first? Dumbledore should have a solution."

"I can make him less painful first." Bill took out his wand and cast a spell, and Podmore's calf, which was originally in great pain, became less painful.

His face was still pale, but much better.

Snape had a gloomy face. The good meeting was interrupted, and his expression didn't look better.

Ron swallowed with fear and asked Hermione anxiously, "It shouldn't hold a grudge, right? I mean I kicked Crookshanks."

Crookshanks is Tom's good friend. The cat is so smart that he won't let Tom bite him if he is hated, right?

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, this stupid man.

The adults were going back to the meeting, and Bill wanted to bandage Podmore's wounds.

Mrs. Weasley told the children to go back to their rooms. What happened next was not what they should hear.

Just when Harry was about to go upstairs full of doubts, the door covered with scars was opened, and Tonks came back panting.

She came in and shouted, "No, there are Muggles."

Moody shouted angrily: "Then drive him away and use the Oblivion Charm!"

The same thing happened over and over again that annoyed Moody.

Tonks grimaced and muttered, "I can't do it. That Muggle drove away very fast."

"You didn't use the Forgetting Curse on him?" Moody was startled and walked quickly with the sound of wood crackling.

Tonks covered her right hand and said angrily: "I wanted to use it, but he pinched my hand with the car door and threw my wand out."

Harry froze and stopped walking up the stairs.

"Damn it, today is not going well at all." Sirius straightened his collar irritably and shouted, "I'm going to chase him!"

The wizard was seen using magic by Muggles and was disarmed.

It is simply embarrassing to tell this matter.

Sirius had gotten rid of his status as a wanted criminal. He ran out the door and immediately transformed into a big black dog and chased him.

Snape said angrily: "It seems that today's meeting cannot be held."

The three little ones looked at each other on the stairs. There were too many unexpected things happening today.

Now that Watson was thinking about it, he broke into a cold sweat.

He originally came here just to examine the terrain, and perhaps build a hotel here as new income.

He doesn't want to be the kind of bad guy who commits crimes, so he plans to use investors' money for legitimate investments.

Everything was fine. He was sitting in the car planning to build a star hotel nearby.

Until he saw a group of people flying down on broomsticks like in a fairy tale.

As the wizard's father, although he was frightened, he did not say anything.

Because he was thinking, he didn't turn on the lights while sitting in the car.

After the wizards disappeared, he was ready to leave.

As soon as he started the car, he saw a witch running towards him.

He also held the same wand as his son.

His heart was about to jump out of his throat.

He pretended not to know anything, and the witch said sorry and pointed the wand at herself.

Watson's mind went blank, and he remembered a few tricks he had learned from Andre during this period.

With lightning speed, he pushed open the car door, knocking the witch's hand aside, and then came out to snatch the wand.

My son said that most wizards are no different from ordinary people without their wands.

Even the gentleman's etiquette was forgotten, and he couldn't take it away. Watson put the witch's hand into the car door and closed it hard.

After successfully getting the witch to let go, he pushed her away, got in the car and ran away quickly.

As he ran, he threw his wand towards the grass on one side,

After calming down, Watson couldn't help but slap the steering wheel and shouted: "It's exciting, it's so exciting!"

After experiencing the hail of bullets, he still couldn't help shouting.

That's a wizard.

Watson drove and looked through the rearview mirror.

When he came to a stop at an intersection, he felt that he should get away.

He thought about calling his son to let him know about his father's amazing record.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, he saw a big black dog.

Alarm bells rang in my head.

Watson's instinct told him that something was wrong.

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