From the way the other owls cowered, it was obvious that the scolding was quite dirty.

"John." Qiu Zhang also came to the Owlery, holding two letters and a package in her hands.

"Qiu," John glanced at the flying feathers inside and said, "I hope your owl is fine."

Qiu exclaimed and said, "It has happened before that owls would fight."

John didn't know whether to tell her which owl was fighting.

"Ten minutes ago, I remembered that today is my mother's birthday, and I have finished eating the candies. I have to order some candies." Qiu Zhangyang showed the letter in his hand.

"He's been a little busy lately, but that's a good thing."

With the gentle temperament of a Chinese person, Qiu Zhang is very considerate of her boyfriend Cedric who is busy with student union affairs.

John nodded, handed a letter to Basil, and said, "Maybe Cedric would like a different taste, how about sweet and sour?"

"Good idea." Qiu Zhang thought that Cedric had eaten a lot of chocolate and it would be nice to change the taste.

Basil took the envelope and looked at Hedwig defiantly, as if to say, I have a mission, let you go first.

Hedwig was not to be outdone.

After Basil flew out, the owls in the owlhouse finally returned to normal.

Tom ran to John's feet, and Autumn called a barn owl to put the gift and letter for his mother on it.

Find another one and let it deliver the letter to the candy store.

As he was about to leave, John saw Harry coming up.

When Harry saw Qiu, his breathing was stagnant and he looked very nervous.

"Hello." Harry was a little embarrassed.

He also had a letter in his hand, and he seemed to be sending it.

Hedwig immediately flew down and stood on his shoulder.

As if he just noticed that there was a third person, Harry said uncomfortably, "Hello, John."

"Harry," John glanced at the letter in Harry's hand, and Harry retracted his hand, "I'm leaving first."

Without another word, John left the Owlery.

Harry was left embarrassed, not knowing what to say to Qiu.

Autumn exclaimed, she made a date with Cedric.

Harry was a little disappointed, she still liked Qiu.

But Qiu is already boyfriend and girlfriend with Cedric.

He can't hook up with someone who has a boyfriend.

Clutching the letter to Sirius, Harry screamed in pain as Hedwig pecked him impatiently.

The Daily Prophet was thrown down.

At the same time, there was also a copy of the "Daily Bugle".

It was a newspaper from the United States, similar in nature to the Daily Prophet.

First, I opened the Daily Prophet and reported some things, including the Ministry of Magic's emphasis on education reform and the re-examination of Azkaban.

There are also some great sales on Gintama merchandise.

Once "I Swing the Sword at Hogwarts 2" was released, it once again hit a new level of book sales, and the plot reached a stage of huge reversal.

One of the sections on foreign countries mentioned that Plymouth Colony was attacked by thugs.

After all, the country's newspapers were not so detailed, John picked up the Daily Bugle and looked.

More detailed reports emerged of the Plymouth Colony attack, where a branch of Johnny Silverhand was attacked and the culprits were successfully subdued.

The gangsters were a group of dark wizards, and their methods were cruel. Many wizards testified that the Johnny Silverhand store was forced to fight back and killed several dark wizards.

The American Ministry of Magic took this seriously and interrogated the store clerk at the time and more than a dozen wizards who claimed to be "passing by."

The confessions are consistent, and the American Ministry of Magic calls on wizards who run shops to prepare for precautions and not to be reckless in case of trouble.

Looking at the whole story, basically no one would point the finger at Johnny Silverhand.

After all they are victims.

The dozen or so "passing" wizards were naturally arranged to avoid unnecessary trouble.

The Aurors also knew about the oddity, but unfortunately they had no way of finding out.

The security team escorted back a Death Eater named Antonin.

Under the care of Veritaserum, he easily revealed his purpose.

In order to capture those coveted ‘Zhi’ series products.

Aurors can equip it, and Death Eaters naturally want it too.

It's a pity that God Johnson came down to earth and beat five of them, directly beating up those Death Eaters.

Antonin did not expect that Nagini, who seemed to be helpless, would make a sneak attack and was subdued directly.

Putting the newspaper away, John noticed a piece of information that the Daily Prophet had missed.

Stooges Podmore breaks into the Ministry of Magic.

"Isn't this the unlucky guy from last time?"

John picked up the newspaper and read it quickly.

Podmore broke into the Ministry of Magic on August 31st and was on trial for the Wizengamot.

"People from the Order of the Phoenix." John smiled, "It seems that Dumbledore is quite busy."

The same information was also seen by Harry and the others.

"Do you think he is working for the Order of the Phoenix?" Ron asked in a low voice.

Harry remembered that on the day he went to the station, Podmore did not arrive.

By then, Moody was furious.

This attitude shows that Podmore was not sent out to do things by the Order of the Phoenix.

"Well, it's possible they didn't expect him to be arrested," Hermione said.

Ron shouted excitedly, "Maybe it's a frame-up."

Facing Hermione's murderous gaze, he lowered his voice and said, "Think about it, the Ministry of Magic has not acknowledged the return of the mysterious man for so long, maybe because it wants Dumbledore to leave."

His mind suddenly became bright.

Hermione thought it made sense, and Harry felt a headache when he thought about the pile of homework.

Especially Snape's, which is smelly and long.

No wonder the Weasley twins said they would miss some classes.

The O.W.L. exam tasks are becoming increasingly heavy and tiring for them.

But it's not without good news. At least there are some interesting courses in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

The beautiful Professor Hilde taught them about wands and quick spell casting techniques in class. Umbridge had objections, but Professor Hilde would still teach them forcefully and would not be affected.

"At least Professor Hilde is a good teacher, isn't he?" Hermione whispered.

Harry acquiesced.

Chapter 296: Overhead and Bar

"The Ministry of Magic is preparing something."


Hermione whispered as the three little ones gathered together.

Ron stuffed sausages into his mouth and muttered vaguely, "What are you getting ready for?"

"Don't you think it's strange," Hermione looked around and whispered, "that the Ministry of Magic suddenly interfered with Hogwarts education."

"Barty Crouch came to power to reform. Isn't that what you said last time." Ron finally swallowed what was in his mouth.

Hermione's eyes widened and she was furious.

Harry suddenly said, "Voldemort."

"What?" Ron looked in surprise.

Harry continued, "Crouch knows about Voldemort's return, and he is training students to have the power to protect themselves."

As he spoke, he looked at Neville who was immersed in writing a letter, and said in a deep voice: "Crouch is very dissatisfied with Dumbledore's teaching. He hopes to have his own army."

"Army?!" Ron exclaimed, leaned over and whispered, "You mean the Ministry of Magic wants to use Hogwarts as an arsenal?"

"I'm afraid so." Harry said to himself, "Crouch is not only dissatisfied with education, but also dissatisfied with Dumbledore's current prestige. He wants to increase the influence of the Ministry of Magic."

Hermione interjected, "That's a good thing, I mean, as long as he's willing to deal with You-Know-Who."

"It's also possible that Voldemort's target will be Hogwarts."

Harry is particularly keen on certain things.

"But Crouch picked the wrong person," Ron looked at the back of Harry's hand and cursed, "Umbridge is not a good person."

"One question," Hermione asked doubtfully, "Why doesn't Crouch join forces with Dumbledore?"

"He doesn't like Dumbledore's prestige," Harry said analytically, "or, in his opinion, there is no difference between Dumbledore and Voldemort."

A white devil and a dark devil.

Hermione gasped, that wasn't a good thing.

In their opinion, Dumbledore never had such ambitions, and Crouch's unfounded suspicion might cause something bad to happen.

Ron said angrily, "I swear, Dumbledore never wanted to be in charge of the wizarding world."

"But he has the ability, doesn't he." Hermione has a strong sense of politics. She said seriously, "The point is not whether he wants to, but whether he can."

"I don't want to go to war with Dumbledore as Crouch's army." Ron said angrily.

Hermione also felt that the scene was very bad, at least it was not a good thing for them.

While they were talking about the possibilities for the future of Hogwarts, Umbridge's investigation was quietly underway.

Umbridge can always be seen in class.

Professor Flitwick was conducting the orchestra practice, and Umbridge showed up uninvited.

Professor Flitwick's expression was a little helpless, and this helplessness was somewhat broken when Umbridge took out the ruler.

When Snape was in class, he could always feel a line of sight from the corner, and the beautiful words he was preparing were suppressed.

Professor McGonagall hated others telling him what to do in class, but Umbridge did all of these things.

Even later, Professor McGonagall and Umbridge had a quarrel.

The male and female students who were together were forcibly separated because of Umbridge's passing, and the students who wore distinctive clothes were forced to change their clothes.

In other words, Umbridge would point out even a passing dog.

The desire for control is so strong that it makes people feel suffocated.

John watched Tom come back and circle around angrily, as if he wanted to bite something to vent his anger.

"The effect seems to be a bit too outstanding." John fell into deep thought.

He originally wanted to use Umbridge to reduce Dumbledore's prestige, but the effect was too good.

He still underestimated Umbridge, and now the whole Hogwarts is full of complaints.

There are not many complaints about the Ministry of Magic. After all, there is another professor sent by the Ministry of Magic.

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