The door of the bar opened, and the dusty sunshine was like a sharp sword, splitting the room in two, and in an instant it was blocked by a large group of people.

It's the one they're waiting for.

Many people came, including Harry's roommate Dean and Hermione's roommate Lavender, as well as sisters Parvati and Padma.

Surprisingly, Qiu is also here, and she also brought a chirping girl friend.

And Luna, who looked like she walked in accidentally.

John's eyes glanced around. His position was close to the corner of the window, and Tang Mi was sitting there, so the group of people didn't pay attention here.

"Apart from Slytherin, there are quite a few people from other houses here."

He was smiling, as if he was watching a group of children playing.

Looking around, there were twenty-four people, which was quite a lot.

Fred, the Weasley twin, said, "Can you give us, uh... 24 bottles of Butterbeer?"

The twins have always been interested in this kind of activity, especially since it was organized by their younger brother and Harry.

Harry was a little confused. Are these three or two people?

He even wondered if Hermione had said something misleading.

Fred passed around bottles of dusty Butterbeer to the others, who were still chipping in to pay for it.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, she was not the leader of those deceptive organizations.

As organizers, they need to say something.

Hermione spoke first, which was to explain the nature of this organization and so on.

A Defense Against the Dark Arts study session, or a Learn Magic with Harry conference or something like that.

These people were very interested in Harry's ability, and one of the girls was Amelia Bones' niece. She was curious about whether Harry could really summon a complete Patronus.

"But Professor Hilde will teach us this." Michael Corner said.

They still have a good impression of that beautiful professor.

"Of course," Hermione took over, "but that's not enough. I think we need to be better trained, because... because..."

Hermione took a deep breath, "Because Voldemort is back."

The name is like a screaming chicken trigger button for students.

A girl screamed, and someone shivered.

Their reactions were not very good, except for a few.

John looked surprised. Did this group of people gather to deal with Voldemort?

Is this some kind of elite training?

A group of students?

Daphne opposite him blinked and seemed to be wondering, these people couldn't be serious, right?

John chuckled.

Tang Mi was silent for a while and asked: "Are all Hogwarts students so brave now?"

"Maybe the savior gave them courage." John replied with a wink.


Tang Mi was noncommittal. He was an adult, not a child.

He just said that if he rushes over now, these children will be too scared to fight back.

There is talk over there, but there are always some misfits in the crowd.

Zachary Smith, for example, is that type of guy.

He questioned the authenticity of Voldemort's return. After all, no one from the Ministry of Magic had said it. He also questioned whether Harry had the ability to teach them.

Someone quickly responded to him and showed the Savior's past achievements.

Protected the Philosopher's Stone, well, John helped.

Fighting the basilisk and seriously wounding it, well, John helped.

Summoning the patron saint, this John did not help.

There is also the Triwizard Tournament to win first place, just two of them.

Harry seemed to be back at the center of attention.

Forgetting their discomfort, they discussed where they could complete their special Defense Against the Dark Arts training.

Finally, everyone signed their names and prepared to leave.

John didn't expect Luna to be interested in these things, but okay, let's just treat it as a joke between children.

He was reluctant to let Luna enter the Star Club. The Star Club was too dangerous and Luna was not suitable there.

When they were almost gone, John glanced at Tang Mi who was nervous and said, "If you're okay, I should leave too."

Tang Mi coughed twice, handed a box to John and asked him to pass it to Oz, got up and left in a hurry.

John was speechless as he held the box. Who is the boss?

Said to Daphne, "Then let's leave."

Daphne is in charge.

Chapter 298 Education Order and Stones

The three little ones were a little excited. This kind of secret gathering can always stimulate the adventurous spirit of young people.

Harry saw a man in a white mask walking away in a hurry. He looked familiar.

He looked in the direction where the man was coming, his expression dull.

"Why..." Hermione looked in the direction and fell silent.

It was Ron who finally noticed something strange about the two people, turned around and screamed: "John!"

John snapped his fingers and the crystal wine glass disappeared.

There was still one-fifth of the wine in the silver bottle. He glanced at the man drinking firewhiskey at the bar and walked over to put the bottle down.


Daphne seemed a little drunk. Of course, it was not ruled out that she wanted to take the opportunity to hold John's hand.

Holding Daphne's hand, John nodded to the three little ones, "Hermione, what a coincidence."

"John, what are you..." Hermione's expression was dull.

"Oh, I just made an appointment with a friend, and I didn't expect to see you guys giving a cram school here."

John chuckled lightly and did not take the Defense Against the Dark Arts special training class seriously.

This made Harry a little annoyed and asked irritably, "Did you hear everything?"

"If you're talking about the organization created to fight Voldemort," John raised his eyebrows, "I heard it, and it's clear."

"You." Harry hesitated.

He could tell that John didn't care about this special training class, and he even felt like he was watching a child playing games.

Ron asked: "You won't tell Umbridge, will you?"

"Huh?" John looked at Ron and asked calmly, "I'm not that bored."

After saying goodbye to Hermione, John pulled Daphne out of the Hog's Head Bar.

Before leaving, Daphne shot Ron in the eyes.

After they left, Ron said angrily, "He absolutely will."

"John wouldn't do that," Hermione glared at Ron, "He never snitches."

"Who knows." Ron didn't like that condescending look.

John wanted to study the alcohol content of the bottle because Daphne looked drunk.

Otherwise, why would he grab his hand and not let go.

He remembered that the alcohol content of this bottle of wine was very low. Could it be that he got it by mistake?

Returning to the castle from Hogsmeade, John went to the Room of Requirement.

He promised to give Daphne a pen, so naturally he would not break his promise.

The process of making a pen is no less than making a wand. He took a feather from Basil and let Basil take the opportunity to extort a bag of dried fish.

Tom tried to get John to take his dog hair, but apparently quills can't be made from dog hair.

John went to Gryffindor's Chamber of Secrets less often.

This is my first time entering this semester.

Putting the collection of stories aside, John began making quills.

"I don't know how Neville and the others are doing."

Putting the finished quill into the box, John made a secret ink.

Words written with this ink can only be seen by you or someone you designate.

Putting them together in a box, John took them to Daphne.

A large notice was posted on the school bulletin board.

John glanced over and saw that it was Umbridge who was starting to cause trouble.

I knew she wouldn't just be making the professors uncomfortable.

"Hogwarts Inquisitor Order:

All student organizations, associations, teams or clubs are hereby disbanded.

Organizations, associations, teams and clubs are hereby defined as regular gatherings of three or more students.

Reorganization can be requested from the Inquisitor.

No student organizations, associations, teams and clubs may exist without the approval of the Ombudsman.


Glancing over, John expressed his approval of Umbridge's ability to commit suicide.

This is because he wants to control everything in his own hands, knowing that the staff at Hogwarts will not care about these student organizations.

Even Quidditch didn't interfere too much.

And the punishment given is also very severe. Once discovered, it will be expulsion.

Dumbledore didn't show up, so Umbridge got into trouble.

"Speaking of which, the Star Club is the same." John didn't care.

No one knew the location of the Star Club anyway, and Umbridge didn't dare to fire them.

There is also a notice like this in the common room of the Fourth Courtyard.

In Slytherin, some people saw this notice, but basically no one paid attention to it.

John gives the quill to Daphne.

Astoria sat next to Daphne, and she was studying why that low-alcohol wine made her sister blush like that.

Seeing John giving the gift, Astoria's eyes widened as big as a Galleon, and she decided to put aside the alcoholic stuff and study why the iron tree bloomed first.

"That notice?" Daphne took the quill and bumped it wildly.

John said casually: "Just don't worry about it."

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