But Harry couldn't care less and said painfully: "Your father was bitten very seriously. There was blood everywhere."

One of the roommates was so frightened by Harry's behavior that he rushed out to find Professor McGonagall.

"Calm down, buddy, you're just dreaming." Ron was doubtful.

Harry yelled very manically: "No! It's not a dream!"

"I was there, I saw it, I did it!"

He looked like he was crazy, and Ron was even more convinced that he was sick.

But Harry's struggle was too strong and Ron couldn't hold him down.

Neville stepped forward and held him down.

Fortunately, his roommate who went out found Professor McGonagall for him.

Unlike Ron, Professor McGonagall heard these words and immediately took Harry to find Dumbledore.

Chapter 315 Father and Son

Dumbledore started asking questions as soon as he saw Harry. After learning that Harry saw Arthur Weasley being attacked, he quickly arranged for the painting in the principal's office to be viewed.

The portrait in the Headmaster's Office also has a frame in the Ministry of Magic.

At the same time, Dumbledore was not idle. He moved a delicate silver instrument to the desk and sat down facing Harry again.

He tapped the silver instrument with his wand, and it immediately started running.

It made a rhythmic tinkling sound, and the small silver tube at the top spurted out wisps of light green smoke.

As Dumbledore watched with furrowed brows, light smoke gathered and entangled in the air. After a few seconds, the light smoke turned into a steady stream of smoke.

As the smoke became thicker and thicker, it swirled in the air, and the top turned into a snake head.

The snake's mouth was wide open.

"Naturally, naturally," Dumbledore said to himself, "but essentially separate, right?"

Harry was confused by Dumbledore's words, and the smoke snake in the air immediately separated into two.

Dumbledore, with a stern and satisfied look on his face, paused before ending the instrument.

Looking up in disbelief, the smoke snakes that were originally two became three.

He stared at the three snakes until the portrait sent to the Ministry of Magic came back, and then he tapped the silver instrument to end it.

"Dumbledore." Everard, who had been the headmaster of Hogwarts, came back breathing heavily.

"What news?" Dumbledore asked immediately.

"I kept shouting until someone came running," the wizard in the portrait wiped the sweat from his forehead with a curtain. "I told them there was movement below, but they were half-convinced. Then his son carried him up, covered in blood."

"His son?" Harry wondered.

Dumbledore said, "It's Percy, he's also at the Ministry of Magic."

"Yes, his son saved him. He has the same red hair. He is now sent to St. Mungo's. His son came just in time. If he were one second late, he would die."

Ron's heart finally felt relieved. Dumbledore looked at the portrait and said, "Thank you."

He turned and looked at Professor McGonagall, "Minerva, I need you to wake up the other Weasley children."

"Of course." Professor McGonagall stood up and walked quickly to the door.

Harry glanced at Ron, who now looked scared and worried.

Harry whispered, "Percy saved your dad."

"Yeah," Ron said confusedly, "I always hated him working at the Ministry of Magic."

Ministry of Magic.

Percy is a workaholic.

The Ministry of Magic is full of waste, and as the newly appointed director, he has many accumulated cases.

He passed by his father's office and, thinking of what John had said, he knocked on the door and prepared to go in.

But he waited for a long time before his father opened the door. As a child of the Weasley family, Percy knew what kind of person his father was.

When he found Mr. Weasley, his father was already dying.

A large emerald green snake opened its bloody mouth. Percy didn't care so much and took out his wand and started to attack.


The spell interrupted the snake and continued its attack. When Percy saw his bloody father, he took action in anger.

But that snake is very special, it can deflect magic spells.

Percy realized that things were not simple and kept releasing magic spells to push the snake away from his father.

Perhaps knowing that there was no chance now, the big emerald green snake took a deep look at Percy, then disappeared into the darkness.

"Dad!" Percy rushed forward to check Mr. Weasley's injury.

When he sent the person to the hospital, he noticed that his hands were shaking.

"Family," he sat outside, messing up his hair with his hands, "is this why you don't want me to participate."

For the first time, Percy realized the emotion that directly broke through his reason when something happened to his family in front of him.

He knew that was why John didn't want to involve himself.

He is in the Society of Stars, but his family is in the Order of the Phoenix.

Weasley and Weasley.

If something goes wrong, it will be painful for both parties.

Because Percy rushed the person to the hospital in time, Mr. Weasley was not only injured but also out of danger.

He sat next to the hospital bed, one looking at the ceiling and the other looking at the floor with Mr. Weasley, both of them looking at each other in silence.

"Thank you," Mr. Weasley broke the silence, "I thought, uh... you would just go back."

Mr. Weasley was a bit embarrassed, having had a falling out with Percy a few months ago.

Because of the Order of the Phoenix.

In Mr. Weasley's opinion, Percy's obsession with the Order of the Stars is a sign of immaturity. He hopes that his son can contribute to the Order of the Phoenix.

But now, it was Percy who saved him.

In a pool of blood, he saw how his son fought off the snake.

As a father, Mr. Weasley realized that his son had become very powerful and was no longer the child he had protected before.

"I want to talk to you," Percy picked at the dried blood stains on his clothes with his fingernails. "Dumbledore asked you to go there?"

"Go there..." Percy looked at his father, "Department of Mysteries."

"Sorry, Percy," Mr. Weasley sighed, "I can't tell you."

"You almost died." Percy said angrily: "Why did you show up in the Department of Mysteries? It's not under your control!"

"If Dumbledore wants to get what's inside, let him get it himself!" Percy yelled, "Instead of letting you go over!"

"Percy!" Mr. Weasley snapped: "That's enough, Percy, stop talking about Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore," Percy gritted his teeth and stood up, "He is aloof and never pays attention to other people."


A surprised voice came from outside, it was Molly Weasley.

She walked in, hugged her son, and said with tears, "You saved your father, Percy, you are my pride."

The father and son, who had been quarreling just now, had a tacit understanding and did not speak again, saying a few words of relief to his mother. Percy saw his younger brother, sister, and Harry following behind him.

His eyes stayed on Harry for a second, then he gently pushed his mother away and said, "I still have to deal with matters at the Ministry of Magic. I'm leaving first, mother."

"I'll send you a Christmas present."

Molly cried with joy, wiped her tears and nodded.

Percy walked past his siblings without stopping.

Ron whispered: "He had a fight with dad just now, I can see that."

Harry nodded. After seeing that Mr. Weasley's life was not in danger, Fred and George were also very curious about Mr. Weasley's gauze.

"Department of Mysteries?"

John looked at the message Percy sent to him. It seemed that Dumbledore's purpose was something from the Department of Mysteries.

"That's a coincidence." John put the Horcrux gold cup back into the cover.

Dumbledore's purpose was the same as his own, and John's eyes flashed.

After asking about Mr. Weasley's injuries, he was attacked by a snake.

This gave John a sense of astonishment.

"Snake?" John thought of Nagini, but quickly dismissed the thought.

He frowned, where did the second snake come from.

The snake has wisdom. When it knows that something cannot be accomplished, it will escape into the darkness.

This kind of wisdom is not something ordinary snakes can possess. The appearance of that snake is to compete with the Order of the Phoenix.

"Are you planning to enter the Department of Mysteries? This should be the reason why the Order of the Phoenix sent people to stay in the Department of Mysteries."

John figured out the intentions of both parties.

Voldemort wanted to get something in the Department of Mysteries, and the Order of the Phoenix wanted to protect it from Voldemort.

To be able to make Voldemort spend so much time planning, that thing must be very important.

"Their fight will do me good."

Sitting on the sofa, John rubbed the ring with his fingers and stared at the Horcrux gold cup.

"The Horcrux has reacted, and I still have the sense of peeping from last time."

John stared at the golden cup. Could it be that Voldemort was in contact with the Horcruxes?

Did he not notice it, or did he feel a sense of crisis because he tried to peel off the soul in the golden cup last time?

No matter which one it is, the Jinbei needs tighter defense.


The hour hand points to 12, Christmas is here.

John was in Silverhand Manor. He got up and walked to the balcony of the manor.

The security guard patrolling outside had a smile on his face and said Merry Christmas to the security team.

He looked at the peaceful atmosphere outside and said softly: "Merry Christmas."

Looking up at the sky, in the sky, more than a dozen hippogriffs were flying to Knockturn Alley, pulling a bunch of gifts.

With fireworks and cheerful singing, this Christmas is full of excitement.

Chapter 316 Joy and Christmas Gifts

Dumbledore did not leave the principal's office. He stared at the silver instrument with a complicated look in his eyes.

"That kid, if he didn't lie, you should know what it means."

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