"I originally came here to serve as the royal wizard because I fell in love with the library."

She said with hope: "Can you give me a translation of the materials you have read?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, John seemed to be stronger than himself in ancient texts.

As a wizard, go to others for help.

Telling it out might make Emily lose her face in the fraternity.

John also wanted to know more about the world, so he agreed to the proposal.

Since the library is located in the palace, John can only go there when Emily goes there.

It is announced that John is Emily's escort.

But once inside, John flipped through the information while Emily took notes.

This stay lasted for several days.

Until the runes on John's sword flashed, John knew that he was leaving here to continue participating in the trial.

He asked, "Where are the magical creatures?"

Emily offers him a location with a blue mountain where flying lions have been seen.

It is also a bounty from the kingdom. If John can solve it, he can also get a reward.

John thought it was a good place to go and was ready to go there.

During this period, Emily helped John a lot, dealing with the palace and searching for information.

I can't help but repay.

"I hope we can meet again one day." Emily sent John out of the city.

She kept a low profile and covered her appearance with a cloak.

John nodded, and after riding on the horse, he said to Emily: "I left you a gift, which can be regarded as a reward for these days."

Emily was startled and watched John leave.

Emily didn't notice that when she said goodbye to John, someone was following them.

A group of people with the wolf-slaying mark left the royal capital on horseback.

Chapter 401 I went to Blue Mountain

Reaching the Blue Mountains requires crossing the Eastern Kingdoms.

John Quan thought he was traveling. Two days after he left the royal capital, he found a place to rest.

Put a radish into Polo's mouth. The horse's favorite food is radish.

Polo chewed the carrot slowly, and John split the flying bat with his sword.

He is now in a cave, a shortcut to the Blue Mountains.

He once again wondered if there was some mysterious organization between the hotels.

Even such shortcuts are documented.

Beyond the cave is the territory that enters the Eastern Kingdom.

Wiping the blood off the sword, John glanced at the runes on it.

The four runes are still bright. Yesterday, I encountered a magical creature that looked like a pheasant. After killing it, the fifth rune became brighter.

If John does not go through the trial, he can collect other runes by killing magical creatures.

Walking out of the cave tunnel, the temperature here is a bit low.

Polo snorted, his hooves hitting the ice-covered dirt.

A crackling sound resounded in the forest.

After walking for a while, he found a village.

The village is very wary of the arrival of strangers. After seeing John, everyone showed a vigilant look.

A middle-aged man walked up to John, glanced at John's ears, and then asked with a smile: "Hello, how can I help you?"

John nodded and said: "My horse and I have been walking for a day and a night, hoping to find a place to stay. Of course, a considerable fee will be paid."

A smile can often make people relax, and John's smile made people around him lower their guard.

The middle-aged man's smile was a little more sincere. He happened to be going for a drink, so he led John to a pub.

"We don't have a hotel here, but Old Dan would be willing to give you a room."

The man's name is Sandy, and he is the leader of the guards here.

However, there were only ten guards in this group. The old Dan he mentioned was a bald man with oil stains on his clothes from frying fish.

Old Dan showed enthusiasm when he heard that John wanted to stay.

Sandy whispered to John: "Don't try Old Dan's fried fish, that taste..."

Sandy curled his lips, obviously it wasn't good.

As captain of the Guard, Sandy was well-liked.

This guard was formed voluntarily by the village.

Since it is still in the wild, there is no human civilization around.

Sandy poured John a glass of hot wine, took a sip of the wine, and said after dispelling the cold: "After winter, those guys also become active."

"Monsters?" John thought they were those magical creatures.

Sandy said, "Elves."


This is something new.

John has not seen elves yet. During his time in the library of the royal capital, he saw many records about elves.

With pointed ears and a chiseled face, a very elegant figure, he has great intelligence and magical talent.

"Yeah, those guys aren't extinct yet."

Sandy drank several drinks in a row and said with a hint of alcohol: "Those guys sometimes harm crops and steal things."

He hates elves so much that the main purpose of the guard is to guard against elves.

It is not surprising that humans are hostile to elves, because many parts of this world were built on the ruins of elven civilization.

John took a sip of hot wine and said to himself: "When there are more different enemies, the power of the wizard becomes irrelevant."

Wizards are a force against elves.

The elves are the enemies of humans, but they have calmed down the internal conflicts.

The history learned from here has been separated from the original world.

John suppressed the doubts in his heart.

Sandy was drunk and it was Old Dan who sent him back.

John went to the stables, and Polo looked sideways at him.

"We'll leave tomorrow and get some sleep first."

Put your hand on Polo's head and communicate with it.

Mind magic is still very convenient.

Reassured, Polo quickly adapted to the unfamiliar place.

John also returned to the tavern room to rest.

Old Dan's Tavern is closed.

The village became quiet.

By the next day, the gloomy weather seemed not suitable for traveling.

John stood there while Sandy changed her clothes.

He still smelled of alcohol, and he was holding an oak shield, which looked more like a pot lid to John.

"Are you leaving?" Sandy asked in surprise. "You may not know that it may snow heavily these days."

"I know, but I still need to rush to the next town." John held Polo's hand and prepared to leave.

Although Sandy was a little pity, he thought this person was very good, but he still didn't force him to stay.

After watching John leave, Sandy sighed: "This kind of life is enviable."

He was a little envious of a life where he could travel far and wide, but it was a pity that it would never be possible for him to take care of his family.

Just half a day after John left, the village welcomed new people.

The sound of horse hooves shook the frost off the trees, and a team of people arrived.

"Have you seen this person?" The leader had a scar on the bridge of his nose.

He opened a portrait, and Sandy's fearful eyes swept over the group of people.

There were seventeen people in total, all carrying swords.

On the saddle, there is a wolf-slaying mark.

Sandy had been to big cities and heard about this sign.

Belongs to a group of organizations, claiming to be the Nemesis of Demon Hunters, and wants to kill all Demon Hunters.

It's called a hunting party.

In fact, it is a bandit-type group.

These people were very ferocious, and there were reports of massacres.

Sandy did not dare to offend and looked at the person in the painting.

Black hair wears a sword.

After carefully identifying it, he shook his head and said, "No, I haven't seen it before."

"Huh?" The man with the scar on the bridge of his nose frowned and asked, "Has anyone been here recently?"

Sandy said honestly: "Only one person came, but that person was not armed and had brown hair."

Now it was the scarred man's turn to be confused.

They asked several more people, and they all got the same answer.

Just when Sandy thought it was over, the Scarred Man said, "We're going to rest. Lead the way."

Sandy's heart sank. Facing those people, he could only hope that they would not cause trouble.

After he sent the people to the tavern, he immediately asked other guards to get their weapons on guard.

There was the sound of drinking and ferocious laughter in the tavern.

Sandy thought she would just have to be prepared.

They didn't conflict.

But he forgot what a group of desperadoes would do if they got drunk.

When a guy smelling of alcohol rips the clothes of a village girl, it means disaster is coming.


Flames rose from the village.

Men screamed, women wailed and screamed, and the carnage echoed into the night.

Sandy's oaken shield fell in the burning tavern, and Old Dan was disemboweled, pot in hand.

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