Cohen saw it with sharp eyes and shouted loudly: "Get out of the way!"

The silver sword fell quickly, and its speed combined with its sharpness could easily penetrate the body.

John turned his head slightly, and before he was about to be pierced, the silver light disappeared into the scabbard behind his back.

Geralt's pupils shrank, he had great courage and powerful skills.

A strong person has the right to speak wherever he goes.

He was accepted quickly, Lambert being the first to accept him.

Then came more people.

This winter, he received special training from Vesemir.

Vesemir was surprised to find that John had amazing achievements in alchemy.

Even he, an old witcher, was shocked.

In addition to training, John spends more time in those laboratories.

It was once used as an experimental site for training witchers.

There were some notes left by wizards, which became what John looked at most often.

The ancient text caused John's long-untouched runes to begin to slowly improve.

Along with it, there is alchemy.

The gray icon gradually gained some color.

John was like a dry sponge, greedily absorbing every drop of knowledge.

Even Vesemir lamented that it would not be long before he would be unable to continue teaching John.

This kid is too unreasonable and his swordsmanship improves with every battle.

At first it can be suppressed within twenty moves, then later it takes fifty moves, and finally a hundred moves.

The two people John has the best relationship with in Kaer Morhen are Geralt and Eskar.

Especially Geralt. He thought he was already the king of demon hunters, but he didn't expect that there was someone more brave.

He was Geralt's sparring partner for a few days. He had just been sparring with John for eight hours yesterday. He had just been lying down for two hours when he was pulled up by the energetic John.

Later, John's title was no longer the Black Witcher.

But the devil, the devil of the night, the night demon.

Like a drama, this title flowed out among the witchers.

Ghostly figures can be seen appearing throughout the castle at night.

Winter also passes at such a time.

The witchers left one after another.

John had also drained Vesemir's knowledge to almost the fullest extent.

"I don't think I can keep you any longer." Vesemir patted John's arm with both hands.

"I can't ask too much of you, but as a witcher, I hope you can kill more monsters."

Vesemir placed a silver wolf's head badge on John's neck.

He officially became a witcher.

From the badge, white light flew out and merged into the sword.

The sixth rune was lit, and the seventh rune began to flash.

John knew that this was urging him to undergo a new trial.

He took a ring from his small bag and threw it to Vesemir.

Said: "In return for these days."

Vesemir catches the ring and John mounts his horse and rides away.

Chapter 405 I broke the cat bone

The silver sword will guide John forward.

After a period of travel, he walked out of the Blue Mountains.

Along the way, he killed many magical creatures.

Among them is a magical creature that looks like a mantis and has high magic resistance.

John gained a lot in Kaer Morhen, and he benefited a lot from the demon hunter's fighting methods and that special potion.

Alchemy-wise, he could feel an improvement.

The witcher's alchemy collided with the wizard's alchemy, giving him a premonition.

Maybe he can reach level 7 when he leaves this world.

The re-refined meteor shoes gave him the ability to fly, but he was still used to riding on horseback.

Polo also became a little lazy after the winter.

John thought it might be the mare that had fallen in love with Geralt.

"I'll let you have a chance to realize your dream." John patted Polo on the head.

Use mind magic to convey your thoughts to Polo and restore the horse's spirit.

Polo's horseshoe was replaced so that it would not hurt the horse's hoof on the gravel road.

A group of soldiers lined up ran past.

"This continent is going to war."

John's eyes darkened, he was now in the Kingdom of Livia.

On the way, he heard a message.

A place called Sintra was attacked.

A massacre resulted in the death of the Queen of Cintra, who was known as the Lioness.

I don’t know when a country in the south had such power.

War has always been cruel. This is the same whether in the original world or in this world.

Witchers remain neutral and will not participate in any war.

Although John is not an orthodox demon hunter, he still maintains neutrality.

He would sometimes spend his own money to buy information about magical creatures from War Children. Although he repeatedly emphasized that this was a transaction, those people still remembered this generous traveler.

His reputation seemed to have improved during this journey, and the black demon hunter Yadani gained a reputation for mercy.

As John watched the soldiers move forward, he recalled his time with Geralt.

"I remember that Geralt seemed to have an unexpected son in Cintra."

He pondered for a moment, then pulled out his silver sword and took a look.

The seventh rune follows him on his journey to kill magical creatures, and is only a little darker than the previous six.

"I don't have a destination anyway, so let's go over there and have a look."

He rides a horse and carries a sword, and sometimes he can see bandits taking advantage of the fire. Without exception, he will become one of the legends of the black demon hunter.

Starting from Redania and passing through the Blue Mountains, John's path was explored by some interested people.

Among them was a wizard.


His legs were cut off by the mutant daughter Furui, and his body was severely injured.

But the wizard's physique was different from that of ordinary people. After escaping, he returned to Xenide Island where the Brotherhood was located.

There, he explained his experience to the wizards.

The difference is yes, he is a victim.

The Black Demon Hunter teamed up with the Mutated Daughter to commit a serious crime in Balvi.

"They intended to massacre a city."

When Strigorb said this, all the wizards present felt the same way.

A mutated daughter who is considered a monster, and a demon hunter who is considered a monster.

Together, they caused Master Strigob to have both of his legs amputated and his hands amputated.

"This is an evil deed." A dark-skinned wizard seemed to have a high status.

Strigobli used his magic to create his hands and feet. When he heard this, the corners of his mouth rose.

But he suppressed this pleasant emotion very well.

"I suggest that we should be prepared to eliminate that devilish demon hunter."

He accuses the Black Witcher of his crimes and puts him on the opposite side of the Brotherhood.

Only he knows what he is thinking.

That demon hunter who can use powerful magic is more necessary to study than the mutated daughter Furui.

He felt that it was a curse, an unusual curse that created an unusual witcher.

Everyone discussed.

"We need to make plans for Nilfgaard." A wizard retorted to him.

"There is no difference between them," Strigob said arrogantly. "They are both butchers, slaughtering a city."

"Nilfgaard is even more dangerous. They recruit wizards and plan tragic wars."

The wizard continued, "The witchers will not be involved, they remain neutral."

The wizards of the Brotherhood looked at each other.

But the arrogance of wizards prevents them from taking a kingdom seriously.

Because behind them stood the entire northern kingdom.

Such an attitude made a witch present fall into deep thought.

John didn't know anything about the wizard's quarrel.

Because he saw the huge damage caused by this war.

"These scenes were recorded by later generations, and written records are far from able to depict the real impact."

John left Livia, where he was throwing down a dead deer.

This is a businessman's family. The male master is away, leaving a woman with her children.

When John dropped the dead deer, the daughter looked nervously at the sword behind his back.

"Can you tell me about the monsters nearby?" John asked the girl.

This girl doesn't look like a farm girl.

A high forehead, neat eyebrow arch, and charmingly wide distance between eyes.

Hair color is white.

John lowered his head and glanced at the other person's hand again. The fingers were delicate and delicate, not like a delicate person who could be raised in a place like this.

But he didn't care, and decided to light up the seventh rune before heading to Cintra.

In the wild, wild deer is more useful than gold.

John dropped a dead deer, alarming the lady of the house who was in the house.

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