This is pride in the form of life.

Long ago, wizards were free to tease Muggles.

In the cold weapon age of Muggles, wizards could already use a spell to defeat heavily armed Muggles.

This has also led to the fact that for many years, wizards still feel that they are higher than Muggles.

Little did they know that they still needed time to recite the spell, and Muggles could already use a set of American Iai to empty two magazines.

Sirius understands this very well.

As far as John knew, the Minister of Magic had communication with the Muggle Prime Minister.

In the past, Fudge always faced the Muggle who could be controlled by his wand with an extremely arrogant attitude, which made John break into a cold sweat.

Fudge is really stubborn, and he is not afraid of the Prime Minister arranging a few gunmen to shoot two to the body and one to the head. Even if the gods come, they will shake their heads.

What John wants to do is develop peacefully.

"Peace, peace is good." John took a sip of freshly squeezed juice.

This Christmas, I had a very comfortable time.

At least that's what John thought until he got the letter in the evening.

Until the letter arrived, he read it again and again to confirm that he had read it correctly.

"So Voldemort has been silent for so long, is he preparing for a big move?"

He didn't expect that Voldemort really seemed to have his IQ back.

He actually attacked the Burrow first and caught the Burrow off guard.

"Stoat, stoat mountain, that's what it means." John thought of the news about Malfoy, and it seemed that Voldemort was going to make a big deal.

There was too much noise, and Mr. Diggory called for the Aurors, but the building was deserted, not even the Burrow family.

No one knows whether to live or die.

Chapter 462 The real and fake Dark Lord

John suddenly thought of something and sighed: "Come on, this time it's my turn to explain to others."

He stood up and shouted to his parents: "I'm going out."

Watson was stunned in his starry night pajamas, "I remember school didn't start yet?"

"I have something to take care of." John glanced at the gray owl named Qiqi, "Just write to me if you have anything to do."

He waved to his parents, and two owls, black and white, flew to his hands and stood there.

Tom came running over.

He walked to the basement fireplace and blew into it.

The flame turned blue, and John stepped in and came to Silverhand Manor.

Tang Mi saw John coming back and hurriedly came over to report: "The residence of Ministry of Magic official Arthur Weasley was attacked and the entire house was destroyed."

John nodded to indicate that he knew. He took two steps and stopped and said, "If Old Barty comes, just ask him to come to the study."

He knew that Old Batty would definitely come and ask about this matter.

Speaking of which, I have met Old Batty quite frequently recently, and every time there is always something going on, which is not a good sign.

Sure enough, old Barty came to Silverhand Manor with Fengxue on him.

As soon as he opened the door, he asked straight to the point: "Did you do this attack?"

"Old Barty," John said helplessly, "I also want to know who did it."

Old Barty looked at John suspiciously. After all, John had conflicts with the Order of the Phoenix.

And this method is very similar to what John did.

The Dark Marks above the five families in front were still vivid in his mind, and Old Barty had to wonder if John was attacking the Burrow again under the guise of Voldemort.

The Order of the Phoenix involves Dumbledore, so Old Barty has to deal with it carefully.

"I want you to be honest with me." Old Barty snapped.

John smiled helplessly, hunting geese and being pecked by geese all day long.

He was defeated by Voldemort.

Unexpectedly, I had used the Dark Mark several times, but this time I felt like a wolf.

Fortunately, John has a very good advantage, that is, he is honest with people.

He said sincerely: "Old Batty, you should know that I never hide what I have done in front of you."

When Old Batty heard this, most of his doubts disappeared.

Indeed, despite John's deep thoughts.

But he has never lied about anything he did or whether he did it.

The last time five families were wiped out, he recognized them all openly.

More importantly, the Weasleys didn't find anyone.

Maybe still alive.

As long as no one dies, it's no big deal.

Old Batty's tone softened and he said, "Since it's not you, let's leave this matter to Amelia Bones. Is that okay with you?"

"Whatever." John shrugged, his body straight and not afraid of the shadow.

Seeing this, Old Batty became even more convinced of the three-pointer.

Amelia Bones, as the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, advocated that this matter be investigated by her.

That's right, Amelia and Dumbledore have a pretty good relationship.

If Old Barty refuses, it will appear as if he has a guilty conscience.

You might feel that you exclude those who are dissident.

The story quickly hit the newspapers.

The cover image shows the burning ruins of The Burrow.

When Fleur and Percy heard about this, they both went to the Burrow to look for it.

Their families and boyfriends are all inside.

Fortunately, although the newspaper needed a big gimmick, it also respected the facts and did not name the whole family as "disappeared", but as "missing".

Otherwise Percy would go crazy.

"Did Bellatrix move her hand, or did Voldemort come back?"

John fell into deep thought. With the power of the Order of the Phoenix, even if there were not enough people, it would not be easy to win.

The other party must have sent out a powerful team. So, Voldemort has recruited someone?

"He's still hanging out with Voldemort at this time." John could only say that the young man was very ideal.

But he was also happy to see the results, after all, only if he was strong enough, Voldemort, the guy who was greedy for life and afraid of death, would escape from the corner.

the next day.

This time things continue to ferment, making people even more panic-stricken.

It seemed like overnight, everyone was transported back to the time when Voldemort was rampant more than ten years ago.

On the street, there were more people from the Ministry of Magic.

At a time that should have been lively, it was empty.

John came to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, looked at the closed door, shook his head and left.

Percy stayed up all night and the Ministry of Magic searched the area and found no one from the Burrow.

John goes to the old Blake house, but the house doesn't show up.

It means that the Red Dan Loyalty Curse still exists, and Sirius, as the master, is not dead, then there is a high probability that the others will be fine.

He told Percy about this, and Percy finally let go of his worries.

"Yes, Sirius is with them." Percy's message was filled with relief.

Fleur was also relieved, they all trusted John's judgment.

After the attack, the sales of items at Johnny Silverhand's store became even more popular.

Let Tang Mi betray his appearance and get a document about the investigation scene from the Auror office.

John looked at the destroyed house. There was a big hole in the ground, which seemed to have been struck by a heavy object.

In other words, was the giant really taken away by Voldemort?

Tapping his fingers on the table, John guessed the intention.

"Did you attack the Burrow to eliminate the 'Savior' Harry and the Order of the Phoenix in one fell swoop?"

Harry was indeed worthy of people's attention, but how did Voldemort know that Harry would be there?

Fleur told John that Harry and Sirius lived in the Black Mansion and they came to the Weasley house because Kreacher had cleared away all the Christmas stuff.

In other words, Harry's appearance at the Burrow was an accident?

Then the original goal was to go to the Weasley family.

Because of the Order of the Phoenix?

Or is Voldemort trying to scare the monkeys?

While John's mind was racing, Harry and the others finally calmed down after a night of terror.

A huge black cylindrical house, like a huge stone.

Looking from a distance, it is a huge black chess piece.

This is Luna's home, and Xenophilius Lovegood is as strange a person as Luna.

There were many strange things placed in the house. When Harry and the others appeared, they were in a furry nest with many wood chips hanging on it.

His head was dizzy, and Ron couldn't help but vomit.

Xenophilius dropped the eggnog glass in his hand when he saw the large family appearing.

Harry said "anywhere" and was teleported to Luna's house.

After that, it was a flurry of scrambling, trying to stop the bleeding, and being vigilant.

The busy scene prompted Luna to join the team to help.

They didn't even dare to let the owl out, and Luna's house was not far from the Burrow.

I was afraid of being discovered by those guys.

Because of this, they have no contact with the outside world.

Ginny even wanted to turn off the lights at Luna's house.

"It's okay," Luna said, touching the Snorlax that was lying on the ground like a dead dog due to teleportation fatigue. "There are anti-intrusion spells and safe guarding spells here."

During this period, black shadows flew over their heads several times, but they seemed not to see this obvious house.

Luna asked curiously: "What happened to you?"

Seeing how safe it was, they could finally relax.

George's wound was stopped with blood, but a piece of his ear was missing. Ginny talked about their encounter.

"That's bad," Luna said. "You should buy some wooden shields."

"Ahem." Mr. Weasley coughed.

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