"Human experimentation, a war criminal is still proud here." John sneered.

Principal Zhong looked at John and said enthusiastically: "Sir Silverhand, please join us."

"I have wanted to cooperate with you for a long time, not only because of your influence, but also because of your extremely powerful power despite being a Muggle!"

Principal Zhong went completely crazy. He scratched the scar on the top of his head like a monkey, until blood flowed from the scar, and he still didn't stop.

"You are the most special. No Muggle wizard has ever reached your talent. You must be the best research material."

His greedy eyes glanced at John.

John said calmly: "I see. No wonder you generously let me stay in the library for half a month. Are you preparing something?"

From the moment we met, Principal Zhong was extremely enthusiastic.

He didn't mind the school's ancient books being read by outsiders at all, and was more willing to close the library for an outsider.

It turns out that everything was premeditated.

He invited John, and if he didn't agree, he would use other means.

"I'm curious, how do you know I'm a Muggle? Maybe you can tell me what your friend's name is?"

John was very curious about the principal revealing his identity.

His identity as Johnny Silverhand was revealed to the outside world, but he never told anyone about his bloodline. Only those who knew that he was born as a Muggle could only know his true identity.

Principal Zhong smiled evilly and said: "Of course, my friend, Lord Silver Hand is no stranger to you. His name is..."


John suddenly realized that indeed only Voldemort had this possibility.

Principal Zhong continued: "Thirty years ago, a wizard traveled across the ocean and came here. He is as talented as you."

"Later I heard that he died in a foreign country, but he suddenly came to me last year. Only then did I know that there was another extremely talented wizard named John Wick."

Principal Zhong smiled proudly no longer, "Your body is not as fragile as those of Muggles. Your blood must have unusual effects."

Looking at every part of John greedily, he said: "Under the mask of the legendary Second King, there is a child who is only seventeen years old."

"You still have a lot of potential, let me inspire it for you, Lord Silverhand!"

There were many wizards around, and John also discovered that several of them seemed to be Aurors.

With his crazy look, how can he be a good example to others?

John drew his wand.

Principal Zhong was confident and said with a smile: "Sir Silverhand, you should notice the difference here."

Hearing this, John looked up.

This place has densely packed runes posted on it.

After half a month of study, John recognized the above function.

Sealing spell.

These talismans are posted here, forming a magical realm that suppresses the wizards within it.

"Even the terrifying Second King, without the ability to use magic, can only be a lamb to be slaughtered."

A tall man came up behind Principal Zhong and respectfully handed him a knife.

Principal Zhong took the knife and pulled it out.

The blade of the sword shone with a cold light, and Principal Zhong said obsessively: "Compared to magic, I still prefer the collision of swords."

Brushing the blade with his fingers, he said: "The name of the sword is Mitsuichi Kawahira. I once followed the army and was given a precious sword by the emperor."

Staring at John's silver mask, he grinned to reveal his incomplete teeth.

"Don't worry, Lord Silver Hand, I will make you more perfect. In that perfect body, it won't hurt to lose some limbs."

The picture is poor and the dagger can be seen.

Principal Zhong continued: "Don't even think about escaping. No one can open that door unless it's me."

Looking out of the corner of his eye, John saw dozens of people approaching him in an encirclement manner.

"Can't use magic?" John asked, "Is there such a good thing?"

There are more than a hundred people in this place.

If more than thirty wizards attack him, John dare not say that he can win.

But you said that thirty people were fighting hand-to-hand with you...

He did not put away his wand, but changed his position to hold it upside down.

John smiled evilly: "Before we start, does anyone else want to go out?"

Chapter 484 The Exploding Volcano


For half a month, Musashi has been detained inside.

His face was pale, his hair was greasy, and his beard was unkempt.

The whole person looked extremely decadent.

But in fact, he was not idle.

After trying to cast a spell without a wand for the seventieth time, the closed door responded.

With a bang, the door lock was blown open.

Musashi looked a little happy. Was his wandless spell successful?

"Musashi-kun, I will take you away."

Shizuka opened the door, she had been waiting for this moment.

This is the time when the Magic Institute is the least crowded, and Principal Chong is taking Johnny Silverhand to the door at this time.

It was the best opportunity for Musashi to escape.

"Shizuka," Musashi said, "I want a wand."

His wand was forcibly taken away when he was brought in.

Shizuka had already expected this. She handed a cherry wood wand to Musashi, took his hand and was about to leave.


The red light knocked down Shizuka's wand, and Musashi said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Shizuka, I can't leave. I decided to completely destroy that place."

Shizuka's face changed drastically when she heard this: "You're crazy. You can't deal with it at all. The person you found will never be able to leave."

"No, Shizuka, you don't understand Lord Silverhand." Musashi said in a deep voice, "He is far more powerful than you imagine."

"Get out of here, get out of here before I destroy this place."

Musashi had made up his mind, but Shizuka wanted to persuade him again, when he saw a red light shining from the dungeon.

Musashi's expression changed, and he subconsciously stood in front of Shizuka Ai.

Before he could use the Iron Armor Curse, his body was hit by red light, and his whole body twitched and turned pale.

The Cruciatus Curse.

"Shizuka Minamoto, you would actually help that damn shame Akino Musashi?" A figure slowly appeared in the dungeon.

The face full of femininity, like a poisonous snake coiled in the corner, was one of the several mentors who also appeared in front of John that day.

"Crow." When Shizuka saw the person coming, her expression changed drastically. She wanted to pick up her wand to fight back, but she hit the silver light to create a hole at her feet.

Shizuka didn't dare to act rashly, but Yao enjoyed the pleasure of approaching death step by step.

A malicious smile appeared on his sickly, pale face.

"I have long disliked you. When you were in school, you were always against me," Crow laughed happily, "Now that you fall into my hands, Akino Musashi, your life will be worse than death."

After the last word fell, the pain of the Cruciatus Curse entered Musashi's brain again.

His body twitched in pain, but Crow showed no intention of stopping.

"Crow, stop, he will die if you continue!"

"Shut up!" Crow impatiently flicked the wand, and Shizuka was knocked into the wall, and a rope was formed to tie the person tightly.

Crow happily said to Musashi: "Principal Shige will not let you go. As a former golden-robed student, your pride and self-esteem will be crushed under my feet bit by bit."

He stepped on Musashi's fingers with the sole of his shoe, connecting their fingers to their hearts.

Musashi screamed as the intense pain rushed back and forth into his brain.

Such screams could not arouse Crow's sympathy. There was only cruelty and violence in his narrow and vicious eyes.

As if the torture was enough, he pointed his wand at Musashi and pronounced the death sentence: "Your death has come, Akino Musashi."

Musashi was speechless. He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from fainting from the pain that invaded his brain.

Crow waved his wand, and green light lit up in the dungeon.

Musashi opened his eyes and found that the crow who was supposed to kill him fell lifeless.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I saved your life just now." Gauss's face with a generous expression appeared in Musashi's sight, "The 50-50 split is even."

"Gauss?" Musashi stood up with difficulty and asked, "How did you get here?"

"Silly way, use a broomstick." Gauss stepped forward and pulled Musashi up, complaining, "It was too hasty to come over at such short notice."

Musashi was stunned and said, "I didn't inform you."

"Of course it's not you, it's the boss," Goss said greedily. "After this job, it's worth Selwyn's time."

Johnny Silverhand asked Gauss to come over?

How did he do that?

Musashi was full of questions, but there were important things now.

"Sir Silverhand has been taken to a room in the library. I'm afraid there may be danger."

"What! How dare you hurt my boss!" Gauss was furious.

That is your own money bag, your own wealth and life.

Does anyone dare to touch him?

Gauss rushed out angrily, Musashi picked up the wand, turned around, untied Shizuka, and chased out.

Shizuka looked at Crow's body, the fear on her face brought blood, and she knew that everything was irreversible.

She picked up her wand and followed Musashi's lead.

Thanks to Principal Zhong, in order to facilitate research, students are sent home during the holidays at this time of year.

The magic house is extremely quiet now. In addition to Shizuka and Crow, there are four instructors who are resting in their offices.

When the three of them came to the library, facing the door covered with a sealing spell, Gauss wanted to force it open.

"It's useless, the seal here is very powerful." Shizuka hurriedly stopped him and came to the door.

Shizuka used a sharp stone to cut open the palm of her hand, holding the wand and blood flowing continuously into the talisman on the door.

As her blood flowed in, the door began to loosen.

Musashi looked at Shizuka with a complicated expression, "When Principal Shige set up this magic, he never thought that his great-granddaughter would disobey his orders."

Principal Shige, whose name is Minamoto Shige, is also Minamoto Shizuka's great-grandfather.

It's just that the man was so crazy that he even experimented on his great-grandson.

Shizuka's face turned pale and she said sadly: "I'm just Minamoto Shizuka."

She didn't want to be associated with that inhumane patriarch.

Gauss opened the door.

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