As soon as the results came in, they were assigned to guard the goal.

There are purebloods here, and there are also those cruel criminals.

The sound of a car that did not belong to the magical world broke the silence at the door.

They saw a car coming down the dirt road.

A man stepped out of the car, and the gray owl flapped its wings and landed on the roof of the car.

"Excuse me, have you seen my son?"

A question that made the wizards present a little confused.

"Muggle?" The dark-skinned wizard reacted and said with a ferocious smile: "I don't know how you got here, so give us more fun."

He drew his wand and thought of ways to torture the lost lamb.

Watson looked up and saw the flames burning over the castle, reflecting the thousands of fallen corpses.

Watson's heart was heavy. Something had really happened to his son?

He looked up at the wizard who was about to cast a spell on him and took a deep breath.

"Kill him."

Watson raised his hand and ordered coldly.

The wizard looked at Watson amusedly, about to laugh.

With a sound in the dark night, the wizard's laughter stopped abruptly.

The remaining wizards looked into the night.

One by one, the guns were pointed at the wizard.

Watson looked indifferent and said calmly: "Fire."

The bullets were released, and a wizard turned on the iron armor spell to block them.

A man jumped out of the forest, his arms raised vigorously, and the flying spear penetrated the defense of the iron armor and nailed the man to death.

Watson picked up a bullet that had fallen to the ground and played with it in his fingers.

"Let's go, my son is still inside."

Watson walked forward.

On top of the castle, Dumbledore waved the flames to roast the Inferi.

Let the Inferi on the wall fall one after another.

The crisis at Hogwarts is over.

Harry was overjoyed that Hogwarts would be able to overcome this difficulty.

Just when Harry felt that he had an advantage, Dumbledore's expression turned ugly.

His body swayed and almost fell, and Harry hurriedly supported Dumbledore.

"What's wrong with you, Dumbledore?"

Harry saw that the color on Dumbledore's lips was gone. He looked down and saw a small bite mark on Dumbledore's right hand.

"He hid the poison in his teeth." Dumbledore said with a bitter smile, "I am getting old after all."

In the previous duel, Dumbledore was too slow to strike, allowing the green snake to touch him.

But Voldemort didn't know his depth, so he chose to retreat.

"Harry, just hold me up like this, don't let me fall, don't let them find out."

Dumbledore whispered to Harry that he could not let Voldemort see anything wrong with him.

Once it is confirmed that Dumbledore cannot hold on any longer, Voldemort will launch a general attack without mercy.

Voldemort is currently holding back, all because he is afraid of Dumbledore and his caution after being deceived.

He forced himself to go into the principal's office.

Once inside, Harry rummaged through the medicine cabinet in his office in search of an antidote.

After Slughorn became the principal, a lot of potions were stored here.

Harry rummaged around and handed various potions to Dumbledore.

But no one can undo Dumbledore's current poison.

"Yes, that potion."

Harry had an idea and said, "The green one."

But Slughorn had run out.

Just when Harry was in dire straits, a burst of beautiful singing came.

Harry looked happy, how could he forget that there was a phoenix.

Phoenix Fawkes flew into the Headmaster's office and stayed on Dumbledore's right side.

His right hand turned black, like burnt wood, constantly being deprived of life.

This is a curse and a poison.

Even the alchemist couldn't cure the poison like John's last year.

Fox came closer, and a crystal teardrop fell on his palm.

White smoke came out of the two small wounds, and Dumbledore's face regained color, but this did not mean that the poison had been resolved, but that it had been delayed.

"This is a very powerful curse and poison. Even the tears of the phoenix cannot cure it all."

Dumbledore moved his fingers, but they were still a little stiff.

This poison cannot be cured.

And the situation outside is already imminent.

"We can go find Malfoy!" Harry thought of something and said, "Malfoy must have a 'universal potion'."

This is a good proposal. John never treats his own people badly.

Harry thought and acted.

After he left the Headmaster's office, Dumbledore looked aside.

Snape came out the other side.

"Voldemort will trust no one now," Dumbledore said.

Since Voldemort no longer trusts anyone, Snape's double undercover behavior makes no sense.

"Even if you get the emerald potion, you can't cure your poison."

But Snape frowned and said, "There is only one way, and that is to drink that thing."

This is a poisonous curse that can kill even John, and the only way is to drink the liquid of the Holy Grail.

Doing so would make it impossible for Dumbledore to maintain his original intention.

Once a person has immortality, he will want more.

"Are you testing me too, Severus?" Dumbledore shook his head and said, "You have changed."

Snape remained silent, and no one knew that his thoughts had wavered.

Perhaps Voldemort had never contacted him since the Ministry of Magic, and Snape knew that he was losing his effectiveness.

Whether it's Voldemort or Dumbledore.

It may also be because Voldemort, whom he regarded as terrifying, was defeated at the hands of his students.

The student who wants to challenge the laws of the magical world appears.

The feelings he had accumulated in his heart did not disappear over time, but became stronger.

He always understood that it was a regret, an irreparable regret.

But fifteen years after this regret grew in my heart, the appearance of a person was breaking the iron laws of this magical world.

Snape knew he was shaken.

It was also because of this that he was even more unable to look directly at himself.

Malfoy kicked an inferi down, and the wand in his hand shot out a snake that wrapped around the banshee's neck.

The armor spell on his body lit up, and Malfoy turned around to see the vampire bird rushing towards him, which was knocked down by his stun spell.

"There are so many."

Just as he said this, Malfoy heard Blaise's panicked voice.

Looking up, Blaise's amulet was broken.

The professor in the foyer struggled to hold on, but Sirius found an opportunity to throw a super fluorescent flash, which hung in the sky and continued to bloom, causing the Inferi to temporarily retreat.

A banshee landed on him, biting his neck with its sharp teeth.

Sirius's body quickly turned into a black dog, and he also bit the banshee's neck, dragging the banshee and throwing it out, hitting the Inferi.

Lupine raised his wand and used a barrier spell to break the ankle of a charging giant. He turned around to avoid the vampire bird and used a salvo of ten thousand bullets to summon gravel to hit the wizard.

"There are too many, and those Inferi are still coming."

Pulling Tonks into his arms to avoid the flying curse, Lupine shouted to Sirius: "We have to find a way to deal with those Inferi!"

"I'm trying to figure it out, Moony."

Sirius turned back into his human form to block the curse, responded with a fire spell, ignited the Inferi, and kicked it into the group of corpses.

Suddenly, Sirius's feet tightened.

He was pulled down by a force and his wand fell and rolled to the side.

He hurriedly adjusted his body and stepped back on his hands and feet.

"Super fluorescent."

Lupine threw a ball of light to save Sirius.

With the help of light, Sirius picked up his wand and was about to deal with the Inferi that caught him.

Looking up, a familiar face appeared in front of me.

Sirius paused and looked at the man in disbelief. The wand in his hand suddenly seemed as heavy as lead and he could not swing it.


That was a young face. Even after being soaked in water for so many years, Sirius could never forget him.

His own brother.

Turned into an Inferi?

Sirius, filled with grief and anger, roared: "Why do you want to join the Death Eaters!"

Why is it like this, my brother.

Aren't you the pride of your family?

Didn't you listen to them?

Why, why did he become the kind of inferi that cannot see the sun?

Sirius once made fun of his stupid brother in front of his godson.

He thought he had no feelings for family.

But now, his heart was tingling.

The wand in his hand has been unable to be released.

The ball of light in the sky was darkening, and Sirius made up his mind.

Rather than letting it sink in the water, it is better to free you.

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