Credence is doing illegal work.

Just as the name suggests.

Because of his current status as a dead man, a shady person, he receives the lowest salary in the entire circus.

After deducting food expenses, his salary was not even as good as that of the house elves at Hogwarts.

He did the dirtiest and most tiring work, cleaning up Kabbah and cleaning Charmander's excrement.

The fat wizard boss also changed his previous amiability with John on the ship and warned Credence who was approaching his cash cow with a fierce look.

"Go and clean up Kabbah!"

Cresden took a deep breath and clenched his fists as he watched the fat boss take away the cash cow.

Darkness flashed across his eyes, and he restrained himself.

John's training was paying off and he was able to control his powers.

He had been waiting for John to pick him up, but John never came.

A voice in his heart told him that he had been abandoned.

Just like what Grindelwald did, when he found himself useless, he was abandoned.

But Credence avoided this voice, telling himself, "He is different from Grindelwald."

The voice in my heart said: "What's the difference? He told you a long time ago that it was a deal."

"No, he won't. He won't abandon me."

"Don't lie to yourself, Credence, you are a person destined to be constantly abandoned."

"Shut up!"

"Recognize yourself, your parents abandoned you, Grindelwald took advantage of you, and he did the same."

"He is the Obscurus, he is my kind!"

"You will die, and anything worthless is trash in their eyes."

He argued with the voice in his heart, and the black energy in his body became stronger and stronger.

He was shaking on the spot, his eyes filled with black energy.


The gentle voice woke him up, and he looked over.

Beautiful Asian woman in blue dress.

She called Credence softly, with tenderness in her eyes.


Credence walked over and saw Nagini.

The two touched their hands through the fence.

"He asked you to turn into a snake again?"

Nagini is the signature of this circus. How many people come here because they want to see the legendary blood-cursed beast.

In more than a month since his arrival, it was Nagini who was the first to redeem Credence's lonely soul.

"It's always been like this." Nagini said softly, "I'm used to it."

"I will take you away," Credence said firmly, holding the hand tightly, "I promise."

Nagini smiled slightly.

Both are aliens and outcasts.

They depend on each other for life, like birds each with a broken wing.


"That's enough."

John, who came here again, threw the red and white ball into his small bag.

Putting away the bottle that exuded holy white light, he absorbed the dark and turbid curse into his right hand.

It took John a few days to come to Azkaban, and a few more days to capture the dementors.

Half a month has passed, and John has gotten enough.

Before leaving, John stopped.

"The despicable Herbo left behind the Book of Darkness, so did Extis, who is as evil as him, also leave something behind?"

He had seen the inhumane experiments Extis conducted on those sailors.

Since there are experiments, there may be some unique copies of the experiments left.

Extis is different from Helb, and his application of souls can be glimpsed from the dementors.

He was so crazy that he allowed himself to survive among the dementors and turned into a curse.

Like Herbo, it is a different kind of immortality.

Chapter 546 Hello, Malfoy

"Let me think about where he was doing his experiments."

This island was originally the territory of Extis, but it was later discovered after his death that it officially became the prison of Azkaban.

The Ministry of Magic must have carefully inspected this dangerous and cursed place. If anything was found, it would have been taken away or destroyed by the Ministry of Magic.

It seemed that there was nothing left for Extis.


John stared at the water lapping in the cave.

"I remember seeing water."

With an idea flashing through his mind, John walked towards the sea.

If there really is a place that the Ministry of Magic cannot inspect, then the only possibility is under the sea.

Transforming into a dragon's lungs, John swam hundreds of meters in one breath.

Finally, with half the air in his lungs gone, John saw a ship sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Strangely, there were no sails or rudders on the ship.

It's better to say it's a boat than a sealed jar.

Slapping an approaching fish away, John found the entrance.

It was a broken door, filled with sea water.

Some bones and various silverware were sunk inside.

Shackles used for restraints and hooks corroded by sea water.

It turns out that there are all kinds of magic here, but due to the passage of time, the magic has failed.

Those fish and parasites make their homes freely inside.

John searched for a while and found a cupboard.

There are various parchments filled with records sealed inside.

However, the sea water is very harmful to these things, and some are even washed away.

John pulled out his wand a little and let the cupboard follow him out.

When he surfaced, John checked the contents of the cupboard.

"Experiment notebook." He stared at the parchments.

A cupboard full of records. How many people has Extis harmed?

Use magic to dry all the parchment paper.

Fortunately, parchment paper is more durable than regular paper.

The writing on it also uses special ink.

"Every dark wizard is a mad scientist."

The brutal experiments are recorded here, but there are also crystallizations of Extis' wisdom.

"I once encountered a dream demon." John stared at the contents of one of the parchments and murmured softly.


John first came face to face with Extis, when he took on the form of Ambrosius.

"Has he met Ambrosius? No, it should be Merlin."

In the entire magical world, the only person who can be called a god is Merlin.

The legendary Merlin is the son of the Dream Demon.

It is a being that can enter other people's dreams, and Merlin is the son of the Dream Demon.

There are also legends that Merlin is the child of an elf and a dream demon.

If there really is an immortal wizard, it could only be a human being.


"The Ambrosius I know stayed in the dragon farm for a thousand years, and finally exhausted his soul," he murmured to himself, "then who did he meet?"

John met his senior, and it was him who told him that Merlin was not just a person.

"And the world of witchers." John pondered, "Who was the Merlin at that time?"

Be it Dumbledore or Grindelwald.

They are both far less mysterious than Merlin.

The magical god of the magical world.

John pulled his thoughts back and snapped his fingers.

The parchments in the cupboard were neatly arranged and scattered, occupying the entire cave space.

John waved his wand again, and the parchments quickly gathered in front of John.

Thousands of parchments were stacked in front of him, shrinking in size, and finally turned into a book.

John looked at the blank book cover, thought for a moment and said, "Let's call it "Extis, the Mad Words of a Madman"."

The name of the book appears on the cover.

The cupboard exploded and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

He picked up the copy of "Extis, Madman's Mad Words" and put it in his small bag.

John's delay was long.

"Maybe Diagon Alley will get me to Paris faster."

With wings growing out of his back, John didn't want to fly for a few more days.

He flew towards London.


This place has far more rainy days than sunny days.

There is still unmelted snow on the streets.

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