The terrifying light dissipated, and there were no traces of gold and blue in the Père Lachaise Cemetery under the mess.

Chapter 557 1997, Mr. Wick accepted

It was a week after returning from Hogwarts.

Exciting battles and flying on dragons all stimulate the heart of an old man who is approaching middle age.

His wife, Mrs. Wick, had some objections to this.

"What do you say I ride Qiqi to work?"

The old man Watson Wick put his arm around his wife's slim waist and whispered bad ideas in her ear.

Ignore Mrs. Wick's eye roll.

"That will definitely be cool," Watson said to himself as he smacked his lips, "I just don't know how fast Qiqi can fly."

He muttered in Mrs. Wick's ears, and Mrs. Wick, who couldn't stand it anymore, gave him the high-quality sleep of a baby.

When he woke up the next day, he was full of energy.

Mrs. Wick was brewing the magic tea sent by her son's classmate. As someone who had experienced it, Watson understood that the beautiful little girl was definitely interested in her son.

"You said John is so popular, are there many people following him?"

As a parent from a Western country, Watson is still very open-minded.

In his opinion, his son is almost seventeen years old and it is normal to have a girlfriend.

Mrs. Wick was looking at the letter from the girl. Every word on it had been written with great care and had not been erased or blurred.

"The messenger is coming outside."

Watson saw a letter put in his mailbox, he put down the bread he was about to eat and walked out.

When he came back, he saw his son coming down as soon as he sat down.

He put the envelope down temporarily and said regretfully to John: "I arranged twenty heavy firepowers with Chicago typewriters in hand at the school gate, as well as three Gatlings and an acquired tank."

He secretly took a bite of the bread, which was a little dry. He drank a sip of milk and smashed it in his mouth. "There is also an armed helicopter. That was borrowed by your grandfather in the Bear Country. He has no chance to use it."

John looked at his father in silence.

"Not to mention how the helicopter came in, but where did you buy the tank?"

Apparently, John had doubts about the origins of Watson's things.

"There is an American immigrant named Yuri Orlov. He is called the King of War. There is nothing he can't do." Watson took a look at the envelope with the bread in one hand and said casually, " I have some business dealings with him."

He saw an '8' Ouroboros pattern on the envelope, which made him a little confused.

It seemed that no one he knew used this symbol as a seal.

John sat down opposite Watson and said in surprise: "Don't you own a hotel?"

It seems that his precious son knows nothing about his father's business.

Since you want to do business, then follow through to the end.

Watson is a businessman, so he knows, whether it is the underground bosses or the investors behind the scenes.

They all need an order, a place like a financial exchange, to unify them.

At the same time, Watson can also get government support by doing this.

Those underground forces can never be eradicated, and new forces will always appear.

And Watson's appearance set the rules that should have been chaotic and kept them in order.

This is what the authorities want to see.

Therefore, the establishment of the hotel, approval documents, etc. are smooth and smooth, and occasionally there are some unsightly things, which can also be used as the capital accumulated after the establishment to scare other monkeys in the future.

Since we want to kill chickens to scare monkeys, our own armed forces are indispensable.

"The hotel needs some security measures." Watson is actually not just about security measures.

He established a legal mercenary company as well as a security company.

Unlike underground bosses, his company recruits mostly veterans who have retired from the military.

It also has the intention of showing goodwill to the military. This plan solves the employment and pension problems of retired military soldiers.

Thinking of the hotel he had planned to build for a long time and then completed, Watson said with emotion: "Magic is really magical. I thought the house was bombed, but it turned out fine."

If only the construction of his hotel could be completed with the flick of a magic wand.

John ignored his lust and went to have breakfast by himself.

Only then did Watson have time to look at the envelope.

He was surprised to find that the '8' Ouroboros on the envelope was stretching its body.

"1997, No. 6 Privet Drive, Little Whinging District, Surrey, owned by Watson Wick."

"Sender: 1927 John Wick."

Watson couldn't help but be startled when he saw the handwriting displayed on it.

Then, the font changes.

"Don't let me find out."

Watson hesitated again and again. He remembered that his son said that magic items of unknown origin were dangerous.

If this was a trap set by others, wouldn't it be a big problem?

While he was hesitating, he saw the words on it change.

“Ask me for strawberry jam and I’ll give you blueberry jam.”

Watson glanced at the blueberry jam and strawberry jam on the table.

"John, pass me the strawberry jam." He pretended not to care.

After a few seconds, he stared at the envelope, wondering whose prank it was.

My son is not a fool, he must have given me strawberry jam.

Thinking it was a prank, Watson opened the bottle and took a spoonful of jam and spread it on the bread without even looking at it.

Just when he was about to tell John what happened, he realized something was wrong as soon as he entered.

Looking down at the blue jam, Watson stared at John's unjoking expression and asked tentatively: "Did you do it on purpose or accidentally?"


John's answer made Watson suspicious.

At this time, the letter was still changing fonts.

"Open it after I'm gone."

Watson, who wanted to find out the truth in his heart, looked at his son who was eating bread and drinking water, and asked: "Are you going to work at that uh... magic company today?"

When it comes to Magic Company, Watson is confused.

I worked hard to start a business, but my son had already taken the lead a few years ago.

Watson, who was holding the envelope and looking at it repeatedly, glanced at his son from time to time.

This short breakfast time is extremely long.

Finally, John finished his breakfast and walked into the basement.

Mrs. Wick came to Watson's side with the brewed jasmine tea and put it down.

Watson tiptoed over and lay down at the basement door to eavesdrop.

After confirming that John had left, he immediately ran up without opening the envelope. Instead, he locked the doors and windows and drew the curtains.

A mysterious look.

"What's wrong with you?" Mrs. Wick looked at her husband's behavior with some humor.

How old am I? I still think of myself as a child who won’t grow up.

Watson took a deep breath and opened the envelope.

If this is true, how could his son send him a letter in 1927?

He thought this was a ridiculous thing, but what happened just now forced him to pay attention.

Even Mrs. Wick was attracted by his actions and wondered what could possibly deserve Watson's behavior.

Watson opened the envelope and found a piece of parchment inside.

And a beetle, a golden beetle.

The beetle flapped its wings and opened them, revealing a black octahedral stone inside.

The first line of words that came into focus made Watson's heart feel cold.

"Take the stone and confirm whether I am dead."

"This is the resurrection stone. If I die, you can see my soul."

Watson felt light-headed and held onto the table to barely stand.

The Resurrection Stone can see the souls of the dead. If John dies, as the people closest to him, the Wick family will see his soul.

"What happened?" Mrs. Wick noticed something was wrong with her husband.

She was about to come over.

"Don't come over!" Watson roared angrily.

Making Mrs. Wick stop, she looked at her husband blankly.

Watson slowly touched the Resurrection Stone with trembling fingers.

He didn't dare to let his wife come over. If this was true, the huge blow would be enough to cause a mother to have a mental breakdown.

Picking it up, Watson slowly raised his head.

Not seeing the so-called soul, Watson was relieved and continued reading.

"If I survive, follow the beetle's guidance to find my sword."

"This sword is forged with my blood. Only close relatives can find it."

"Bring Basil and Riddle with you. Owls have guiding magic. They can guide you to my house in the magical world."

After Watson read the last word, the parchment began to fold automatically, and finally turned into a card as big as a business card.

It has the Ouroboros logo on it with a golden shimmer.

The golden beetle flew into Watson's palm.

Watson's palm hurt, and he saw a golden beetle biting his finger and sucking the blood from his finger.

After absorbing enough blood, the golden beetle flew up.

Watson said anxiously: "Quick! Follow me quickly!"

Mrs. Wick put down her cup and went out with her husband.

They drove behind the golden beetle.

The golden beetle is very fast.

Chapter 558 Letter from the Past

The Weasley family's relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was tense, so Fleur chose to go home after the Battle of Hogwarts.

Originally from France, she stayed with her younger sister who was preparing to attend Beauxbatons.

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