Those eyes were full of fear.

The Lord of Dimensions, who transcends the size of the planet and is not bound by time, appears.

As the master of this dimension, he has never seen anyone come here and absorb magic power.

John felt the power inside his body soar, and this place was simply a wizard's paradise.

But only for John.

He looked up and saw a dark force engulfing John.

His body died in an instant and was resurrected in an instant.

John glanced at the time corridor on his wrist. Without the restriction of magic power, he simply would not die.

"This is what attracted me here," John looked around, ignoring the terrifying Lord of Dimensions, "Then the next time I jump, I should be able to return to the original timeline."

For John, who has the blessing of automatically absorbing magic power, this place is simply a paradise.

His ignorance made the Lord of Dimensions furious.

John died almost a hundred times.

But every time, he recovered instantly, leaving the dimension master numb.

John glanced at the white wolf and smiled at the Lord of Dimensions: "I'll leave this gift to you. It's too dark here for me."

After that, John pulled the golden beetle.

His body disappeared.

The Lord of Dimensions felt a little lucky for some reason.

That wizard is too weird. If he continues to stay, he may lose his position.

"Absorbing the power of the dark dimension, who is he?"

Suddenly, the white wolf got out of trouble.

The disaster that belongs to the destruction of the era appears in this dimension.

Chapter 562 I’m back

Inside Silverhand Manor.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

After the golden light hole mark, the ouroboros biting each other's tails were almost forbidden.

The weird scene, the radiating light was frozen at the same time.

It's like someone pressed the shutter to freeze this place.

Malfoy's breathing slowed down and he asked cautiously: "Is this a success?"

Heinrich stared intently, not sure whether he succeeded.

Among the people present, the most powerful one must be Dumbledore.

The old man who finally had a vacation was also hit back by the taboo.

"You have taken this step after all, John," Dumbledore looked at the time anchor complicatedly, "Taboos make people sink."

This is the most amazing person he has ever seen, even more than anyone else.

In terms of taboos, Dumbledore was certain that even the most senior Silent Man in the Ministry of Magic would not be able to reach John's level.

His knowledge, experience, and wisdom are far beyond those of ordinary people.

This, after Dumbledore recalled the white-haired boy from before, we can even know how powerful John will be when he returns this time.

During the years when Dumbledore was still Headmaster, Snape never tired of mentioning John.

He can always overlap two different figures.

Think about it now.

It's not that John resembles Voldemort, but subconsciously, Dumbledore regards Voldemort as John.

Isn't the person after the overlap the same white-haired wizard I saw when I was young?

"So it was you all along, Joel."

Dumbledore subconsciously touched his nose.

Now that the memory was recalled, he also recalled who punched him in the nose.

"Aberforth really doesn't have the strength."

Dumbledore didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


The time when the anchor point was frozen began to rotate, and the ouroboros biting each other's tails began to devour each other.

Until the two snakes swallowed each other's heads, they continued to shrink and become smaller.

The shrinking light bloomed at this moment.

The dazzling golden light made it impossible for everyone to open their eyes.

A figure walked out of it.

Twisting her hair with her fingers, the black energy billowing from her body.

Noticing where he was, the figure paused, with a smile on his face.

"I'm back."

The golden light dissipated and a familiar voice sounded.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the person who appeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Malfoy locked eyes, raised his butt, and sprinted faster.

He was about to pounce in front of John when he saw his body hanging upside down uncontrollably.

John's arms were knocked into by a soft body.

He subconsciously supported the visitor, looked down, and chuckled: "To you, I should have been gone for less than two hours."

When Daphne heard this, she rolled her eyes at John.

The next second, John was directly pushed down, and everyone in the Star Club rushed forward one after another.

This was John's punishment for taking such a risk.

Malfoy screamed, still hanging from the chandelier.

"Why do you still have magic power to use the fuchsia!"

Malfoy was not convinced, he was almost drained, who would have thought that Daphne still had magic power.

Surrounded by stars, John laughed too.

Malfoy noticed something was wrong and said in surprise: "John, your hair has recovered?"

Everyone quickly looked around and saw that John's white hair turned back to black hair.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"Some unexpected gains." John shrugged, and the dark power in that dimension directly dyed his hair.

With a smile on his face, John looked up and was stunned when he saw the old man with a white beard.

"How could it be you?"

Dumbledore did not join the fun of the group of young people, but was a little surprised when he heard John's words.

"You wrote to me, John."

"No, no, no," John shook his head repeatedly, looking surprised, "I wrote to another person."

"Another person?" Dumbledore pondered.

John had already calculated that the magic power of everyone might not be able to successfully set the anchor point.

So he wrote three letters, one to his father asking him to find the Sword of Silver Wake.

The second letter was given to Furong to summon members.

The third and most important letter was that he needed help from someone with powerful magic.

There are three people he knows who can meet this condition.

Grindelwald, Dumbledore and...Dumbledore.

"All right."

Even John can't count everything. Fortunately, this result is the arrival of another Dumbledore.

John was pulled up by Heinrich, looked at the old man, and said, "You helped me, Dumbledore, and I need to pay it back."

"You have already helped me, John." Dumbledore shook his head slightly. He was alive because of the Holy Grail.

Furthermore, with Dumbledore’s saintly personality, helping a Hogwarts student who has gone astray is not asking for anything in return.

John looked at him and said without any doubt: "This is an exchange of equal value, you don't have to rush to refuse."


Nagini's soul has recovered, and logically speaking, her legs should be able to walk.

But for some reason, she seemed to have forgotten how to walk.

Still unable to get out of the wheelchair.

Gently stroke the wand John gave him.

Eleven and a quarter inches, with dense texture and excellent toughness.

The tail has a spiral pattern and is inlaid with a sapphire.

Made of yew wood, the core of the Thestral Feather Staff.

This is the wand that belongs to the reborn person, and it is the most cherished thing by Nagini.

In the first half of Nagini's life, she had a boy whom she loved deeply.

But until the day she completely turned into a snake, she never had the chance to see him again.

But she always remembered that promise.

That promise will find its own promise.

There is a line of words on the beautiful wand.

She touched it with her fingers and whispered: "Celebrate Nagini's rebirth with this thing."

Putting the wand gently on her heart, Nagini whispered to the long-dead person: "Credence."

That reckless boy gave himself a second life.

Nagini felt that she should let go and not let John down.

She tried to stand up, as she had done before.

Just when she was shaking with support in the wheelchair.

Gently, as if afraid of being broken, he held her.

Nagini was stunned.

The black substance passed through Nagini's body, and the familiar feeling made her eyes dilate.

"Is it you?" The snake lady respected by District 13 said with a trembling voice, "Credence?"

The black substance slowly condensed and turned into a human shape in front of Nagini.

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