Would anyone really like this flavor, or the strawberry mapo tofu flavor?

But if John could taste it now, he wouldn't mind even if it was strawberry mapo tofu.

After a while, the students all entered the common room.

John turned to look at the corner of the corridor, waiting for the two people over there to come out.

Footsteps slowly approached.

From around the corner, two men appeared.

"I think you shouldn't be an irrational person, Pansy." John looked at the other person calmly.

Pansy tugged at the person next to her.


Theodore Nott.

That Slytherin traitor is still in Slytherin.

And John was waiting for him.

"Tell me, Theodore, what do you want to do?"

Theodore was silent, but his clenched fists told John that he was struggling.

"I want to stay." Theodore said bitterly, "I know I shouldn't be so shameless, but I don't want to leave here."

John glimpsed what was going on in his mind and knew he was telling the truth.

This Slytherin student did a series of things to frame his king last semester.

Pansy begged, "Please John, Theodore is in trouble, he's doing it for his father."

John gave Pansy a look that made her afraid to speak again.

Squinting his eyes to examine Theodore, he thought about how to deal with this guy who overestimated his abilities.

Chapter 571 Theodore, the popular professor

Pansy is a person who is more emotional than rational, which can be seen every time she makes a boyfriend.

Full of love brain.

But this is also an old Slytherin tradition.

Fake love brain: pretending to be sweet and looking like a nymphomaniac.

A true love brain: Knowing that the person you have a crush on is in danger, you immediately turn against him and become an Infernal Affairs practitioner, and sacrifice your life to protect the son of your crush.

Right, my dear Dean.

John secretly cursed his love-minded dean. Slytherin was associated with evil, and emotional attachment was the source of this.

John knew exactly what Theodore had done.

During the final Battle of Hogwarts, Theodore showed some remorse.

He did not recite the Unforgivable Curse on Dumbledore, nor did he resist in the later stages.

"I thought you had resigned yourself to your fate." John looked at Theodore and said calmly, "Now it seems that you still want to struggle."

"Theodore, no matter where you are, traitor is not a good name."

John raised his hand to cover the mouth of Pansy who wanted to speak for Theodore. He stared at Theodore and said word by word: "Tell me, Theodore, why I forgive you."

The coercion was unreservedly vented towards the person in front of him.

In Theodore's eyes, John turned into a world-destroying dragon.

And the dragon's sharp claws were hanging on his head.


The intuitive feeling is enough to make ordinary people collapse.

Theodore turned pale and gritted his teeth.

His body was shaking, it was inevitable.

It was like being put on shackles dozens of times his weight, and every inch of his bones was wailing.

Pansy's mouth was shut and she couldn't speak. She looked at Theodore anxiously.

John slowly walked up to Theodore, put a hand on Theodore's nearly collapsed body, and whispered in his ear.

"A person who betrays can only be recognized if he has enough value."

"Show me your worth, Theodore."

That hand was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Theodore collapsed, gasping for air and shaking uncontrollably.

He raised his head with difficulty, looking up at the king who had been followed.

"Stand up, Theodore." John's indifferent eyes swept over Theodore's sweaty face condescendingly, "I taught you that strength is supreme."

If you can't even stand in front of the King, you have no value.

Theodore's lips were dripping with blood. He clenched his teeth tightly, supported his arms on the ground, and kept shaking.

Just one movement seemed to kill him.

Pansy wanted to step forward to help him, but John just looked at him and told Pansy to stop.

He was like a dog with a broken spine, struggling constantly, shaking his body, struggling, and growling like a beast.

That pressure always enveloped him.

The figure of his mother appeared in front of him, and then his father appeared.

His father was a fanatic and instilled in Theodore the idea of ​​pure blood supremacy since he was a child.

Nott Sr. never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father.

His mother was the same pure-blood wizard, but the difference was that she taught him the importance of family.

After my mother died, my father became the last member of my family.

Theodore kept Nott's name, and Voldemort came to him and used his remaining family as a condition.

Let the young Slytherin make the decision to betray.

The plan failed and the last family members could not be saved.

Slytherin abandoned him.

Theodore, who lost everything, turned all his unwillingness into strength.

He raged at his fate.

The body stood up bit by bit.

The beast, cornered, roared.


He stood up, albeit tremblingly and with bulging veins.

He stood up anyway because he wanted to go back to that place.

Because I want to follow the king.

Shaking like chaff, he turned the wand, pointed the tip at his heart and held it out.

"All of this," he said with difficulty, "I am willing to give it to you."

John watched him silently.

To Theodore, seconds seemed like years.

His sweat pooled in puddles at his feet, and he kept his movements unchanged.

Every bone ached as if it had been crushed.

John slowly stretched out his hand and took the wand.

The pressure disappeared.

Theodore leaned forward and knelt down in front of John.

"You've shown your worth, Theodore." John took Theodore's wand and looked at it. "Hawthorn, dragon's nerve, twelve and a quarter inches."

"You are a person with a tangled heart. You cannot give up decisively. You are somewhere between black and white."

John let go of his wand, letting it fall in front of Theodore.

"Since you are struggling to make a choice, just give up everything from now on," John said calmly, "I will show you the way to go."

"Wave that wand for me."

Theodore picked up his wand and stared at it blankly.

He slowly raised his head, and with a wave of John's hand, Pansy's mouth reappeared.

She immediately ran over to help Theodore up and thanked John: "Thank you, John."

"He's going to hate me." John said noncommittally. "I destroyed everything about him."

Pansy looked at Theodore worriedly, and Theodore whispered: "I am only grateful."

John turned towards the Slytherin common room.

It’s busy time again in seventh grade.

Everything you catch in the sixth grade must be paid back in the seventh grade.

Although few people will be suspended from school due to poor grades, it cannot be ruled out that the unlucky guy will be one of the many seventh graders.

Goyle and Crabbe were the hardest hit.

The two people inherited the fine tradition of the family, and they were both simple-minded guys with well-developed limbs.

Malfoy more than once used the words "standing boar" and "hairless orangutan" to describe two people.

To this end, Pansy became the two's supervisor.

Why Pansy?

Because the person who was ordered to teach them to read was Theodore.

This was the first task John gave him.

The two of them were not so naive in front of John. They often laughed at Theodore, a traitor.

Pansy will also give 'cordial greetings' to the two big men at this time.

It’s the same course as the sixth grade, but the amount of learning has increased dramatically.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with John.

He was watching Hagrid finish his third year with a huge smile on his face.

The students were very enthusiastic and called Hagrid Professor Hagrid.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Hagrid's heroic figure gave people a sense of security that was not inferior to that of Dumbledore.

That huge body is like a dark wizard in one hand and a giant in two fists.

Even Hagrid's armor has become Hogwarts' most famous weapon.

If there was a list of the most popular professors at Hogwarts, Hagrid would definitely be among the top three, competing with Professor McGonagall for first place.


Professor Flitwick?

Although I'm sorry, because of Professor Flitwick's height, few people can detect him when he fights dark wizards.

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