This resulted in another huge profit for the already wealthy foundation.

John's schedule for this school year is simple.

Hagrid's classes, looking for the Chamber of Secrets, and occasionally meeting Slughorn to discuss things about Bloodborne.

He had plenty of time and visited almost every place in Hogwarts.

He even went to the restricted book section several times.

Ms. Pince pretended not to notice his behavior.

"No, where is the place that even the smartest person can't find?"

John began to have some doubts about the authenticity of this secret room.

He visited almost every place associated with wisdom, even the principal's office.

But there is no place where there is a Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets.

John had a headache trying to find Hufflepuff's secret room without any clues.

"That's right. If it were simple, we wouldn't have met him once every seven years." John comforted himself.

Back in the common room, he received a reply.

One was from Dad, telling John that he had bought a piece of land outside London.

John wants to build an orphanage. Because of the special circumstances, it cannot be allowed to be in the magical world, nor can it be noticed by too many Muggles.

The countryside is a good choice and will not attract attention when building a house.

But the administrators still need Dad's help in finding them, and he doesn't plan to let the wizard become the administrator.

With a wizard's way of thinking, he was afraid that those Muggle children would be troubled by wizards.

You don't expect a wizard who throws a child down a building to see if he's a squib to have much Muggle common sense.

The second letter was from Lockhart.

The former Ravenclaw student mentioned in his reply that his new book is about love.

He wanted to challenge his weaknesses and try new types of writing.

In this regard, John's mind appeared in the books written by Lockhart, in which there were banshees, vampires and the like.

Don’t those loves feel twisted?

A wise man never falls in love.

I don’t know what Ravenclaw’s understanding of love is.

Silently, John put the letter down and could only wish Lockhart continued success.

Just as he was about to pick up the third letter, he paused.

"A wise man never falls in love?"

Chapter 575 A wise man never falls in love with a river, a river

Where smart people can't find it, that's where smart people won't go.

“What’s the place that smart people won’t pass by?”

John touched his chin and murmured to himself: "Ravenclaw is a person who pursues wisdom, so what makes her give up wisdom?"

Or to put it another way, what wisdom is worthy of a proud eagle giving up its pursuit?

Ravenclaw spent her life pursuing wisdom, as did the diadem she left behind.

It is difficult for such a person to believe that she would fall in love to the point of giving up on wisdom.

"Gilderoy, you did me a favor." John leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingers on the table intentionally or unintentionally.

If Lockhart hadn't changed his style and written a novel about love in romantic Paris, John wouldn't have been able to think of this.

Unfortunately, thinking about it is one thing, but implementing it is another.

First of all, John is not in love.

Secondly, where would he find such a person?

"A wise man never falls in love."

This condition seemed fraught with difficulty to John.

After walking out of the door, in the common room, his eyes glanced at Daphne sitting on the sofa.

Daphne was staring viciously at the large window in the Slytherin common room, or rather at the person standing there.

"Atto, let's go to the Black Lake another day," Malfoy said proudly with a wave of his hand, "I'll get a small boat and we can go boating on it."

Astoria blinked and smiled sweetly: "Okay, thank you, Draco."

Malfoy raised his head, looking proud.

He secretly glanced at the distance between himself and Astoria, and his evil right hand lurked towards Astoria.


Those are Astoria's clothes.

Through the layer of clothes, Malfoy was filled with excitement.

He exerted slight force with his right hand to make the loose school robe stick to Astoria's skin, outlining the shape of her slim waist.

Malfoy's brain was working rapidly at this moment, and his breathing became rapid.

Astoria did not resist, but leaned towards Malfoy.

"It's close, it's close!"

Malfoy seemed to be able to smell the scent of pear blossoms on Astoria's body, and his heart was beating rapidly.

His eyes fell on Astoria's pink lips, and the kiss in the classroom last year came to his mind.

The soft touch is softer and sweeter than marshmallows.


Malfoy's voice was low and he looked at Astoria affectionately.

His eyes met the blue eyes of that day, and the two looked at each other.

Getting closer.

"Ah, common man!" Daphne covered the table with the parchment in her hand.

She couldn't stand it anymore, so she overturned the table that was in the way, took out her wand and started to kill Malfoy.


“Hot and hot! (Furnunculus)”





A series of curses hit Malfoy.

The Slytherin students were shocked, and one by one they rushed to stop Daphne who continued to cast spells.

"Calm down, calm down!"

"Be sensible, stay sensible!"

"Even Draco will die, Daphne!"

The girls are responsible for pulling Daphne, and the boys are responsible for being a human wall.

Malfoy was hung in the air, with scabies on his face, but he kept laughing, his legs were still dancing wildly, and rabbit-like front teeth grew out of his laughing mouth.

In the end, it was John who rescued him.

Malfoy was angry, "I'm only seventeen years old, and I want a kiss. What's wrong with me!"

John looked at him silently and took a step aside silently.

Daphne, who was finally stopped behind him, immediately pulled out her wand upon seeing this, scaring Malfoy and immediately pulling John back.

"You said you don't know how to be low-key. There are some things that you can't do secretly during a date." Blaise couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "Everyone knows that Daphne doesn't like this."

There is a mentality called if I can’t get it, I can’t let others get it.

Who in Slytherin doesn't know who Daphne likes?

She has unrequited love, but you are shameless and fall in love with her sister in front of her.

Daphne, who had been exposed to the rain, couldn't bear to see Malfoy like this, so she had to tear off his umbrella.

Malfoy was not happy when he heard this and shouted: "You are a piece of trash who has been chasing Weasley for a year and has not been able to catch up. Of course you don't know that blatant love is the best!"

Blaise held his heart and stepped back repeatedly, his fists hardening.

MD, I really want to beat him to death.

"You, you bastard, if I speak for you again, you should let Daphne beat you to death!"

After that, Blaise looked at death and locked Malfoy from behind, shouting: "Daphne, shoot at me!"

A flash of red light knocked the two people away.

The Slytherin common room was a mess.

John finally chose to take Malfoy out for a walk.

If he continued to stay, he suspected that Malfoy was not only being attacked by Daphne, but also that other Slytherins would join the fight.

Malfoy was still thinking.

"Obviously Atuo and I are in a normal relationship, but she is just jealous. Who told her to..." At this point, he stopped.

John glanced at Malfoy and suddenly asked: "What do you think can make you give up what you have been pursuing?"

"Pursuing?" Malfoy was stunned and thought about it carefully, "How could there be such a thing?"

"I think so." John nodded, the problem seemed to still exist.

Two people came to hang out in the corridor.

Filch, who heard that a young wizard was out after curfew, appeared angrily and stopped when he saw who it was.

"Good evening, John."

"Good evening. The moonlight is nice tonight. I just saw Mrs. Norris on the other side."

"Oh, that naughty little guy is getting more and more energetic."

John smiled and nodded at Filch, who greeted him and left.

Even Malfoy was ignored by him.

Malfoy said curiously: "You are the only one who can make Filch like this."

"You don't know that he is scarier than a ghost in the eyes of the students."

John said casually: "Only those who violate discipline will be afraid of Filch."

Malfoy looked strange when he heard this.

Aren't they violating discipline now?

"Have you heard that rumor?" Malfoy said as he walked in the corridor where the moonlight shone in, not knowing where to get a lot of news at school, "The King of Hogwarts."

"They see you as their leader, and you deserve it," Malfoy said proudly.

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