"Old Jack."

He recalled his first meeting with old Jack in his mind.

The old man with a scar on his face anxiously asked for protection from the werewolf community.

During the time when Voldemort reappeared, the werewolf community did not accept recruitment from the Order of the Phoenix, and would not agree to Voldemort's recruitment.

Old Jack always stood by John's side, silently supporting him.

The passing of an old man made John more sad.

"I hope that when you leave, you hear this news. I will give you what you have worked hard for."

John stood up and walked out of the Star Club, looking up at the sky.

The humid air and dark clouds condensed in the dark sky. John murmured: "It's really a weather that doesn't understand the atmosphere."

He drew his wand and whispered, "The werewolf is free, and so are you, old Jack."

A white light shot out from Hogwarts, tearing apart the dark clouds that were about to take shape.

The students at Hogwarts looked up, and they saw the blow that changed the world.

The king is in mourning.

Chapter 616 Change of power, Lu Ping’s new job

John attends Jack Sr.'s funeral.

It was a very peaceful funeral.

That day, Old Jack's children showed up.

They looked sad.

After old Jack dies, everything that belongs to him should be inherited by his children.

If it were an ordinary family, there would be a dispute. If it were a wealthy family, there might be bloodshed.

But here, Old Jack's transfer of power was particularly dull.

Chudai resigned from his position as director of the Werewolf Affairs Office and was replaced by Zuo Fei.

He becomes the new werewolf councilor and takes on the burdens of the werewolf community, as well as his responsibilities to his younger siblings.

"grown ups."

When the children saw John coming, they saluted him.

John shook his head slightly, indicating that this was not necessary.

He came to Old Jack's coffin and looked at Old Jack lying among the flowers with a smile, and his heavy heart disappeared.

"He heard it." Chu Dai said beside John, "Werewolf freedom."

"Yeah, he's been waiting for a long time." John reached out and stroked Old Jack's face.

The hideous scars on his face gradually faded.

"Go to heaven with all your pride, old Jack."

The scar from the werewolf attack cannot be healed, so John uses magic to hide it.

The younger Tyro was held by Jack, while Severn and Ais followed Zoffie.

Old Jack's grave was erected.

He was on the hill near the werewolf community and could see the place he missed at any time.

Sophie came to John and said solemnly: "A werewolf will never abandon you, King."

John glanced at Sophie, reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Zophie, what you need now is to miss two days of work and find a quiet place to vent your emotions."

He could see Sophie's heaviness and her eagerness to stabilize her relationship with him.

"The Silver Hand flag will always be erected in the werewolf community."

John's words reassured Sophie.

He was saddened by Old Jack's departure, and he was even more unwilling to see everything that Old Jack had worked hard collapse.

"Among Old Jack's children, you are the most different." John sighed and said, "What you have to bear is very tiring."

If Chudai takes over as the werewolf councilor, Zoffie will be the only one left in the Ministry of Magic.

Sophie was moved by these words.

Parting between life and death.

John left here and stopped by a tree in the distance.

"Aren't you going to take a look?"

He turned to look at the person behind the tree.

Lu Ping looked over there, shook his head and said, "I'm not qualified."

"You have become different." John said calmly, "The Order of the Phoenix doesn't want you anymore?"

"I want to find the answer alone." Lupine said, "I have never dared to imagine the equality of werewolves."

He looked at John. This young king could give the werewolf something that even the werewolf could not imagine.

"Dumbledore has no intention of competing with you for the kingship," Lupine placed a flower under the tree. "The Order of the Phoenix sometimes does wrong, and it's not malicious."

The Order of the Phoenix is ​​already in a semi-disbanded state, and Lupine hopes that John will not target the Order of the Phoenix.

"I don't care if he has this intention," John glanced at Lupin, "Order of the Phoenix? It's not worth my concern."

Hearing this, Lupine breathed a sigh of relief.

John's attitude completely disdained the Order of the Phoenix.

That's exactly what's best.

"Where are your clothes?" John looked at Lupine's old clothes and asked with raised eyebrows, "I remember giving them to you before you left your job."

"That set is so good, I'm afraid it will break." Lupine didn't feel embarrassed, and calmly opened his hands to show John the patches on the sleeves.

John curled his lips and walked forward.

Lupine walked beside him naturally.

"What to do next?" John and Lupine chatted.

Putting aside some of the things that happened at the Ministry of Magic, he didn't have much ill feelings toward the werewolf professor.

Lupine wanted to be alone, which meant they were no longer enemies.

Lupine shrugged and said: "Find a job, preferably closer to the werewolf community. Old Jack once helped me, so I should help him protect this place."

"After the equality of werewolves, there is no need to worry about salary deductions and reports," Lu Ping said. "Build a house that is bigger and can accommodate a family."

"Oh?" John stopped, glanced at Lupine in surprise, and asked, "Looking for a girlfriend?"

"You've met her, Nymphadora Tonks, but she doesn't like being called Nymphadora."

The two walked from the mountain to the gate of the werewolf community.

Lupine took one last look at the werewolf community and said to John, "It's time for me to go."

Stretching out his hand, Lupine smiled and said, "Goodbye, John."

John held his hand and chuckled; "Goodbye, Remus."

Lupine turned and left.

"Remus," John called to Lupine.

Lupine turned around in confusion, and John said, "Are you interested in working at the Ministry of Magic?"

"Ministry of Magic?"

"The Werewolf Affairs Office," John said casually, "Chu Dai has resigned. There is a shortage of people there. The salary is a little higher than that of Aurors. The only disadvantage is that it is not close to the werewolf community."

Lupine smiled and said, "I promise."

John smiled slightly, raised his hand and crossed the front, golden traces opening the passage to Hogwarts.

"Then please go to your boss for an interview."

The passage was closed, and Lupine stared at the place he left. He couldn't help but put his forehead on his hands and said, "It's never the norm."

A week after Jack Sr. died.

John has basically returned to his original form.

He tossed aside the news of the interview appointment.

After the werewolves were equalized, more people paid attention to John's paper.

It won't take long for the new Order of Merlin, First Class, to fall into John's pocket.

But this was nothing unusual for John.

His days returned to normal, studying the "Dark Book" and finding inspiration from Ravenclaw's books.

February 14th.

On Valentine's Day, John tasted Daphne's new creation after his hard work.

At least it looks better, this is John's assessment.

Put what appeared to be some kind of shrimp into his mouth.

John felt the magic power in his body become active as he ate, and he was slightly startled.

"Did you do this in the midnight kitchen?" John looked at Daphne doubtfully.

Daphne was stunned, "No."


John stared at the plate and thought about cutting open a piece of shrimp.

Brilliant speed.

Everything slowed down infinitely in John's eyes.

The moment Malfoy scooped up a spoonful of mashed potatoes and put it into his mouth, John moved so fast that no one noticed.

The piece had already gone into the mashed potatoes, and as time passed, John watched Malfoy eat the mashed potatoes.


Malfoy suddenly fell to the ground, crawling on the twisted, dark ground.

"What does this feel like?" Malfoy was sweating profusely and murmured to himself, "It has the smell of tires that have been left in a Muggle car factory for more than ten years, but it also gives people a magical feeling. move."

"Contradiction, so contradictory!"

Malfoy ran wildly through the Great Hall, leaving everyone around him dumbfounded.

John thought thoughtfully, "Did Daphne learn Hufflepuff's cooking methods?"

Put emotion into your food.

What this causes is that delicious food will be amplified, but conversely, unpalatable food will also be amplified.

The magic power contained in this dish has the effect of nourishing the body. After John ate it, he felt that it had great benefits on both the magic power and the body.

Not knowing what happened, Daphne watched Malfoy bolt out of the auditorium with a puzzled look on her face.

John looked calm and said: "Maybe he was stimulated by something."


Did his sister dump Malfoy?

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