The Malfoy family is famous, the Weasley family is famous, the Crouch family is powerful, and the Greengrass family is rich.

The Aibo family can't afford any of these four things.

So they didn't feel there was any unfairness, after all, the four strongest ones were there.

After the ranking came out, Ron Weasley also became much more confident.

After all, he always thought that his family might not be ranked high, and he even once slandered the Ancient Alliance among Gryffindors, thinking that it was a group of corrupt purebloods who gathered together to cause destruction.

The face was beaten, but the fragrance was really good.

And smart people will quickly understand what's going on when they see this list.

"These are all closenesses to John Wick."

Dumbledore knew who the so-called Ancient Alliance served when he saw this list.

The first Malfoy was the initiator and Draco Malfoy's family.

The second Weasley is the family of Percy Weasley, and he is expected to run for Minister of Magic in the next dozen years.

The third one is Crouch, who is John's partner, needless to say.

The fourth is Greengrass. The two daughters of Greengrass are both members of the Star Society.

The fifth is Longbottom, the Neville Longbottom family, the people who killed Voldemort, and are members of the Society of Stars.

The sixth Edgar and the seventh Diggory are all members of the Star Club.

In fact, Lucius had already made it clear at the moment of its establishment.

He donated half of the ancient fund to Silverhand's Little Wizard Foundation, clearly telling everyone whose words they listened to.

Dumbledore sighed slightly, the change in the situation, the entire British magical society, was already John's decision.

Wang Sui has not yet emerged, but he is already everywhere.

Chapter 618 Born from death, European boom

John will still observe the changes in the Star Spirit Guards.

Over time, these guardians developed diversity.

However, it's hard to see it in the protoss state, but the personality becomes more distinct.

For example, what should be annoying is even more annoying.

Well, Xiaolong.

John watched helplessly as Xiaolong walked into a door in high spirits.

After a while, the stars at that door collectively transformed.

Xiaolong was chased like that the whole time and ran away with his head in his arms.

"I didn't know Draco had such a big influence."

John was numb. He discovered that Xiaolong really didn't stop spreading hatred for a moment.

And its owner, one draws hatred from the outside, and the other draws hatred from the inside.

Now John regrets extremely, he should not have persisted so much in the first place, and should have let Xiao Long stay in Hogwarts.

But it's not without its benefits.

Xiaolong's defensive shield gradually became stronger as he was beaten continuously during this period.

Hector's talents are all focused on Star Flash, and various attacks are connected to Star Flash.

Helmer became more and more flexible. He clapped his hands and pulled out two swords made of rocks from the ground.

"The talents of the two divine guards are obvious. It seems that the divine guards need to be around people to be able to breed more talents."

John saw that the divine guard who had followed Neville had an arm that was wider than the other divine guards. He could shake the earth with one punch, and his height had also changed, tending to grow towards nine feet.

Daphne's divine guards are proficient in various attacks that can knock people down and hang them up, and have used them on Xiaolong many times.

Observing the growth of the Divine Guard, John looked at the time.

"It's time to go to class."

The door of Star Club appeared in the corridor on the first floor, and John opened the door and came out.

Today is Care of Magical Zoology.

Hagrid has been waiting for a long time.

"John." Hagrid waved to John.

John looked at the direction he was in. He was not at Hagrid's hut, but at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

John walked over and Hagrid motioned for him to keep his voice down.

"What's going on here?"

Seeing a Thestral pacing back and forth in a circle outside, John asked Hagrid.

Hagrid said excitedly: "This is a rare moment when she is giving birth."

It was a female Thestral, restless in anticipation of giving birth.

Hagrid learned the news by judging its size and movements.

This was the moment when a little life was born, and Hagrid held his breath.

Thestrals walked to a tree and banged their heads against the trunk to relieve the pain of childbirth.

"Come on, little guy." Hagrid secretly encouraged him.

John also stared at this moment of birth.

Hagrid suddenly remembered that he was still a professor, and whispered on the side: "Thestrals are regarded as an ominous symbol in many places. Some people think that they will appear in places where bad luck is born. In fact, that is wrong."

"Those thestrals were there, it was death that allowed wizards to see them and regard them as bad luck."

"Therefore, many wizards do not welcome Thestrals, which has also led to the rapid reduction of Thestrals' habitat. There are only two places in the country."

John, listen, you can always trust Hagrid when it comes to magical beasts.

"Life born of death," John murmured to himself.

The Thestral, which was considered dead, was finally born after repeatedly hitting the tree trunk.

A little Thestral fell to the ground. It was swaying and it was very difficult to stand.

Mother Yeqi anxiously circled around to get her child up.

After trying many times, Xiao Yeqi still couldn't get up.

Seeing this, Hagrid said with regret: "This is a defective Thestral. It may be exiled by the Thestral clan."

No matter where they are, newborns with defects are always abandoned.

The Thestral Mother seemed to be aware of her child's shortcomings. After circling around twice, she used her head to nudge the little Thestral.

This is the last tenderness of Xiao Yeqi.

John looked at Hagrid and asked, "You won't help it?"

Hagrid shook his head and said: "It can't be helped. It can't survive on its own. It can't return to the tribe. Even wizards need to follow the laws of nature."

For newborns with defects, life is far crueler than death.

This honest and honest big man sees things clearly before nature.

John saw that the Thestral mother was preparing to make one last effort. If it could not stand up this time, it would give up the child.

Xiao Yeqi seemed to know that she was going to be abandoned, and looked at her mother with the whites of her pupilless eyes.

For the last time, Xiao Yeqi exerted her strength.

John raised his finger.

Xiao Yeqi stood up, and when he was about to fall down, he staggered and did not fall down.

"It worked!" Hagrid cheered.

John put down his fingers and looked at Xiao Yeqi who was staggering beside his mother.

“Sometimes all it takes is a little effort.”

He didn't heal the Thestrals' hind legs, he just injected a walking seed into his mind.

Xiao Yeqi stood up, relying on her own efforts.

Those magical creatures with defects are not wizards who are cursed.

John said: "So wizards are different from magical creatures in that they will rebel against the rules set by nature."

Hagrid burst into tears.

John began to understand why Hagrid was always able to maintain a purity that was different from others.

Because everything he saw was the purest.

Just as he was sighing, John looked up.

An owl approached him.

When it was less than ten meters away, a white figure appeared and kicked the owl's more than ten feathers away.

The fallen newspaper was accurately caught, and Basil landed on John's arm and stopped.

"I think I should write an apology letter to the Owl Post Office." Glancing at Basil's proud expression, John opened the newspaper.

"Is this time to distribute newspapers?"

Hagrid asked strangely: "Aren't they all in the morning?"

"I am their super VIP member." John shrugged and said, "I can read newspapers in advance."

Hagrid, who had not kept up with the times, was confused. When did such a thing appear?

John opened the newspaper and read it.

These are first-hand information, and he would not have gotten it if he had not acquired half of the shares in the Daily Prophet.

"European craze?"

His eyes moved across the newspaper.

There have been a lot of exciting things going on in Europe recently.

The German Minister of Magic has been missing for several months, and the German Ministry of Magic cannot live without a master for a day.

So a new war for the Minister of Magic has arisen within Germany, and Yalevan is one of the candidates.

That man was an admirer of Dumbledore, and he also mentioned at the International Federation of Wizards that he wanted Dumbledore to come back to take charge of the overall situation.

However, those who can play with Dumbledore are usually targeted.

Several other qualified contenders from the German Ministry of Magic are tacitly targeting Yalevan because he controls the most important Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Among the candidates, John also saw a name.

"Ludwig Edgar?"

He narrowed his eyes. It would not be impossible for Edgar to have a Minister of Magic, but that would make Durmstrang fall into the trap of others.

In the short term, the Minister of Magic has great power, but in the long run, he does not have as much influence as Principal Durmstrang.

"I might be able to support someone." John glanced thoughtfully at the Yale contenders.

Turn to the next page, and there is news about Poland becoming more and more active on the European page.

The Polish Minister of Magic is using various news to bring Poland to everyone's attention.

The first thing that caught his eye was the attack by the Saints on the Polish Minister of Magic.

The saints attacked a country's minister of magic in public.

And it almost succeeded. The crazy people stopped the saint and allowed the Polish Minister of Magic to be treated.

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