He suppressed a blush and finally opened it.

There was a heavy landing sound, and the coffin lid was pushed open.

He checked.

Use the Hand of Glory to get close to Grindelwald's body.

He examined it carefully.

"What's this?"

He ran his hands under Grindelwald's calves and knees.

He pulled out a knife and cut his trouser legs open, his eyes widening.

A scar appears on the leg.

Thinking of something, Lippi cut the other trouser leg open.

The same scar appears.

I stretched out my hand and pressed it. The scar had been there for some time.

He touched the corpse's shoulder and found something hard.

Following the law, he cut his clothes open.

Things fell off his shoulders, making Grindelwald, who was already tall, look a little out of place.

"This is not Grindelwald."

Lippi concluded that this was a man disguised as Grindelwald.

Not using magic, but using simpler methods.

"They broke his bones and allowed them to regrow."

Lippi suddenly thought of something. They were all thinking about magic, but they forgot that besides them, there were also Muggles.

And this technology is in the hands of Muggles.

Lippi immediately took action and touched Grindelwald's face several times.

"There is a foreign body in the nose, and also in the chin."

He became more and more frightened, what was this, stuffing something on his face, turning him into another person.

No wonder the Apparition Spell doesn't work, because it's not magic at all!

Chapter 620 Lippi’s disappearance, investigation

Lippi now knows that this is not Grindelwald.

Then all that remains is to know who this person is.

He examined the body carefully, hoping to find markers that would identify it.

He opened the corpse's mouth and saw a severed tongue inside.

"No wonder he didn't speak up in the meeting that day."

Lippi felt a chill, if all this was fake.

Then the truth about Inge Griffiths is chilling.

"You are not Grindelwald, so where is Grindelwald?"

The face of Inge Griffiths appeared in Lippi's mind.

On the body, he actually found marks that could prove his identity.

Lippi pressed the abdomen of the corpse and found that there was something hard in the stomach of the dead body.

He struggled for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "This is the only way."

Putting the Hand of Glory into the coffin, he dug open the belly of the corpse and reached in with pain on his face.

"Oh, God, Merlin's beard."

The feeling of touching a dead body almost made Lippi vomit.

After a few minutes, he took something out of his stomach.

It was a ring, and Lippi looked at the ring with the help of faint light.

There is a family crest on it.

"Is it him?" Lippi's pupils trembled when he saw the skull on the ring.

"German Minister of Magic, Bart Schmidt."

The German Minister of Magic has been missing for several months, and even the German Ministry of Magic has been affected.

No one could have imagined that the missing minister would become Grindelwald's scapegoat.

Putting the ring away, Lippi was basically sure.

The current Polish Minister of Magic is probably someone else pretending to be him.

That person is probably Grindelwald.

"I see, everything is figured out."

Why could he know the traces of the saint, and why the saint died calmly in that attack.

This is a sacrifice that puts one's master on the altar.

"He wants to run."

Lippi's heart was beating wildly. Given the current situation, relying on his identity as 'the lone brave man who killed the Dark Lord', it is not impossible for Grindelwald to succeed.

That symbolizes the highest power in the wizarding world and is also the enforcer of the Law of Secrecy.

Once Grindelwald becomes leader, he can break the law of secrecy.

"I have to tell Secretary Crouch."

Lippi knew the horror of it all.

Picking up the Hand of Glory, he quickened his pace and left the black area.

Not long after I got on the lift, the lift stopped.

"meet again."

The tall Auror opened the fence and asked casually: "Did you get the file?"

Lippi whispered: "I got it."

"That's good." The tall Auror nodded and walked in.

There were only two people in the elevator, and Lippi felt the solemn atmosphere.

He had no choice but to break the silence and said, "Another picket duty?"

"Something went wrong," Auror glanced at Lippi and swept his eyes over Lippi's coat. "Don't be careless. The 'Observer' cannot miss any corrupt person."

"Yes." Lippi was as docile as a sheep.

While chatting, the elevator stopped.

The tall Auror arrived.

He walked out and nodded to Lippi, "For the people..."

He was hesitant to say Lippi's name.

"Drogon." Lippi answered hurriedly, and said with a flattering smile, "Drogon Drago."

"Nice to meet you." After the elevator door closed, the tall Auror suddenly turned around and asked, "Do you know what my name is?"

Lippi's heart tightened, but fortunately the elevator had started.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at his outfit.

He paused suddenly and locked his eyes on his pocket.

There was blood on it.

The elevator shook and stopped immediately.

Lippi's expression changed drastically, "Tough luck!"

He knew he was exposed.

Without hesitation, he drew out his wand and pointed it upward.


He blasted open the top of the car and climbed up without hesitation.

As soon as he probed his head, he felt the temperature rising rapidly.

The bottom of the elevator melted, and the tall Auror's voice came.

"Remember my name, Starr Rozier."

The door below was opened, Starr's wand lit up with red light, and detonated at the narrow entrance of the elevator.

Flames engulfed the elevator.

House at 221B Spider End Lane.

A short, sharp scream broke the silence.

Tang Mi turned on the desk lamp and hugged the person next to him.

"Okay, okay, it's okay." He stroked the pillow person's back and asked softly, "What happened, Oz?"

Oz Hilde's face showed the fear of an unfinished nightmare, and she held Tang Mi's hand tightly.

The strong woman said in a helpless and trembling voice; "I dreamed that something happened to Lippi."

"Lippi?" Tang Mi paused for a moment, then said after careful consideration, "He is in the Ministry of Magic..."

"He's not at the Ministry of Magic!" Oz's dream was too real, she said. "He was assigned other tasks after he left for Poland."

Lippi is the director of the Auror training class. His position is not low. Is there anything that requires a director to take action?

Oz showed his weak side in front of Tang Mi, and she asked fearfully: "I just saw something happened to him. That dream was very real."

If you were in a Muggle family and you dared to stay there because of a dream, your mother would let you know that reality is scarier than dreams.

But this is a wizard, and wizards have magical powers.

It is not strange for someone close to you to be in crisis.

Tang Mi hugged Oz, kissed her cheek, and said seriously: "I will send people to Poland to investigate. Don't worry, Lippi will be fine."

The helpless Oz clings to his support.

It's not that she's too fragile.

Lippi is her good friend and the three of them were once close.

During the time when Tang Mi left because he was bitten by a werewolf, it was Lippi who tried his best to get Oz out of that shadow.

Although he seems to be a bit philistine, he has never been greedy towards his friends.

Tang Mi finally got Oz to lie down. He went to the bathroom, washed his face, put on his clothes and went out quietly.

He felt heavy inside.


He thought about John's arrangements for the Star Disciples to go to Poland, and he was afraid that something had really happened.

Without hesitation, he rushed back to Johnny Silverhand.

"Send all the news about Poland!"

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