"I think Minister Crouch is the best Minister for Magic," exclaimed Seamus Finnigan. "I mean, he's great, isn't he?"

His words aroused the approval of many people.

After all, during the battle at Hogwarts, it was old Barty who descended from the sky with his magic soldiers and personally led the team to support Hogwarts and win this cruel victory.

This alone is enough to make everyone in Hogwarts become supporters of Old Barty.

John also saw Slughorn talking about how old Barty performed at Hogwarts when he was teaching.

"Basically, the whole country took it."

The corners of John's mouth curled up slightly. With enough information, you can change a person's image at will.

In this regard, Dumbledore was a good example.

Even the chief magician of the International Federation of Wizards was bombarded with information and shed all the layers of glory.

In a Muggle society, it would be okay. After all, these things are not in the hands of one person and there are channels to quickly receive information.

In magical society, where owls are used to communicate, there are only a few newspaper offices.

Unfortunately, these families are all in John's hands.

He didn't even let go of "The Quibbler," leaving Xenophilius Lovegood with a chief editor of more than twenty people.

"He took action."

Polish Ministry of Magic.

The lone brave man stood upstairs, overlooking the wizards wearing silver-hand costumes arriving below.

This game has already begun.

John used the most direct money to pry open Poland's mouth and let Old Barty take the food from the shark's mouth.

This is not the Europe of half a century ago. In this era, it is Wang’s home court.

The power of capital sweeps through magical society.

Chapter 624 Infiltration, Silverhand Poland Branch

Silverhand swaggers into Polish magical society.

Even the Polish Ministry of Magic had to look welcoming and make some concessions.

This is the power of the Silver Hand. Wherever they go, the Ministry of Magic needs to open a convenient door for them.

After all, their arrival has truly improved the local economy.

On the first day he arrived, Yin Shou accepted people with great fanfare.

The considerable salary makes many people want to squeeze in.

Use money to pry open the door.

John was telling Inge Griffith that ideals cannot fill the stomach.

A third Silverhand branch opened soon.

Silverhand style buildings are walking around the Ministry of Magic, and they seem to be planning how to build them.

To this end, Tang Mi went to meet with the Polish Minister of Magic.

"This is what the British Ministry of Magic looked like before, and this one is what it looks like now."

Tang Mi took out a photo of a big client from Yin Shou Fashion Construction.

Griffith picked it up casually and took a look at it. He smiled and said: "I completely believe in Silver Hand, and I believe in the Second King even more."

Leaning forward, Griffith gives people a sense of oppression.

"Tommy Shelby, you have chosen a good master."

Tang Mi stared at the smiling man in a suit in front of him. As a werewolf, he smelled danger from the man.

Thinking of his friend who died tragically, Tang Mipi smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

Tang Mi was going to direct the construction, Griffith waved, and Starr came over.

"Watch him." Griffith's smile faded and he said calmly, "I think Silver Hand will not refuse some people to enter the branch to work."

Starr knew what he meant.

That afternoon, two new clerks came to the Johnny Silverhand store branch.

Tang Mi wants to find Lippi's magic wand.

Lippi's wand has undergone some minor modifications, such as the handle being removable.

In the past, Lippi would hide small items such as cigarettes in the wand grip.

Based on Tang Mi's understanding of Lippi, if Lippi wanted to hide something, he would definitely choose to hide it inside.

But it was another troublesome problem for him to enter the Auror's office.

The first problem is the sight that follows him all the time.

Tang Mi passed by the Auror office and looked back behind him.

Starr smiled and nodded at him.

"It's really difficult." Tang Mi darkened his face, nodded in response, and passed by the Auror's office.

John's arrangement for him was to go to the Ministry of Magic to direct the decoration, but he did not delegate other tasks.

Tang Mi could only perform on his own.

The last holiday at Hogwarts has arrived.

Malfoy showed off his Easter egg, the Malfoy family crest painted in green and silver.

Astoria also got a Malfoy Easter egg, and Daphne's Easter egg was also gorgeous.

Some eggs are also decorated with gems and ornaments.

Blaise's easter egg contains a ruby.

John received three Easter eggs from home.

He could basically identify three hands from different people.

The one with the Snitch and the Seeker, I knew without even thinking about it, was from my dad.

The red doodle on the petals and puppy belongs to Mrs. Wick.

The pink one with the bear and owl is Ariana.

Along with the easter egg, there was also a letter from the Wick family.

"Are you going to open a new store again?"

Dad is preparing the thirteenth hotel and preparing to go to Hungary.

And it was a publicly funded trip for the whole family.

John looked at the letter full of show-off, and he could probably tell the proud expression on his father's face when he wrote this letter.

This was in retaliation for John leaving him alone at home for the holiday last Christmas.

"How old are you and you are still so childish?" John secretly despised his father.

This old man really has a strong desire to win.

Ignoring his father's insistence, John summarized the characteristics of the Star Guards after many days of observation.

It is a magical creature with extremely high growth potential and does not need to eat. It only needs to absorb enough starlight at night to maintain its use.

But it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't eat. Stars made of pure magic power are very popular among the stars.

John also discovered that Hector was interested in these things when he took away the stars. After using the stars, the protoss could briefly enter the explosive period.

John didn't need to turn on the light that day anyway, because Hector's whole body glowed like a light bulb.

"It seems that magical creatures have very low resistance to the stars."

John looked at the three bottles of stars in the cabinet and fell into deep thought.

Whether it is the unicorn, the spirit of the black lake, or the guardian of the stars, they are all fascinated by the stars.

Slughorn searches for John.

He happily put an easter egg aside and said, "The paper has been approved. I think someone will tell you that it's time to receive the new Order of Merlin in the near future."

Slughorn prepared a cabinet for his office, with the top space empty for the Order of Merlin.

He came to tell John the good news and said, "I have a party and I thought if you were free..."

He rubbed his hands in embarrassment. If John could be there, it would be a great honor for him.

John is now a more famous person than Slughorn.

"Of course, if you don't have time, you can go about your own business." Lest John might misunderstand his words, Slughorn hurriedly added, "It's just an invitation, right?"

John smiled slightly at the suggestion, "I think I'll be free that day."

It wouldn't be a bad thing to have more contacts with Slughorn.

Slughorn was happy to hear John agree.

He has a party almost every month, and now he doesn't need to hide like he did during Voldemort's time.

Slughorn was almost as happy as receiving the honor from John.

The appointment was made on Saturday night, and he kept emphasizing that it didn't matter if John was late, he could come over anytime.

He was afraid that John would let him go.

Of course John wouldn't.

He should cherish this last time in school.

There are two weeks off for Easter.

However, these two weeks are usually accompanied by a lot of homework, so most people choose to spend it at Hogwarts.

Of course, relatively speaking, this is also a good thing.

That's true for Malfoy.

He assembled the Quidditch team and gained early access to the Quidditch pitch at Snape.

Early in the morning John could see Malfoy there, lecturing students who were troubled by their homework.

"I saw in Astoria's eyes her murderous intent for Draco."

Malfoy was in high spirits there.

He had completely forgotten that Astoria was in her fifth year, the busiest year in the entire seven years of Hogwarts.

Before she finished her transfiguration homework, Astoria was pulled over for training.

Blaise bet Pansy: "Astoria will definitely dump Draco this year, bet ten galleons."

Pansy rolled her eyes at him and sneered, "I'll bet twenty galleons."

Malfoy's unethical behavior of preemptively applying for a training ground did not attract criticism from other houses.

On the contrary, Gryffindor was very grateful that Malfoy acted quickly enough.

Because they had a captain who had the same plans as Malfoy, Harry reluctantly looked at Malfoy who was strutting into the Quidditch pitch.

Little did he know that his team members were thankful that they still had time to complete their homework.

In fact, Malfoy was anxious to train, not only to prevent himself from being named on Slytherin's pillar of shame, but more importantly, to train the second generation members.

There are not many seventh-year Gryffindors, just Harry, Ron, and Dean Thomas.

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