The only thing that is certain is Grindelwald's survival.

After joining the Saints in the American branch, John began to pay attention to the situation on the French side.

However, the other party seemed to be heading for Credence and did not appear in France.

Credence doesn't know why Grindelwald is looking for him.

What John is more concerned about is that the other party knows about Credence's awakening.

Yes, wake up.

In fact, Credence did not die when he ended half a century ago.

Credence's death resulted from the erosion of the body by the Obscurus.

Little wizards will be eroded by the Obscurus and die when they are young. It is a miracle that Credence survived to adulthood.

What John did was to use a huge amount of magic power as the last seed to preserve life.

When Credence was unconscious and on the verge of death, it was also when Obscurus was at his weakest.

At that time, the magic power will wash away the power of the Obscurus in Credence's body and replace it, weakening the power of the Obscurus, like a disguised domestication.

It's just that this process is extremely long. John originally calculated that it would be the day when he set the anchor point of time and space.

But Credence seemed to wake up early and went to find Nagini, missing John's letter.

If Dumbledore hadn't received the letter, I'm afraid John would have been stranded in the past because of this mistake.

Credence is extremely talented, and he can grow up despite the erosion of the Obscurus without any learning foundation.

During his time with Grindelwald, he learned how to use magic and was able to initially control Obscurus, but because his power was too powerful, he was unable to resist erosion.

When he woke up, Obscurus' power was weakened and could no longer affect Credence, so it was naturally controlled.

This method cannot be used on Ariana because she cannot control the Obscurus.

"It seems that the answer to all problems lies in Poland."

John pondered for a while, and now all the questions were focused on the Polish Minister of Magic.

What is the truth? We can only wait for Tang Mi's return.

Chapter 626 The second invasion, Gauss retires

In the international magical society, Poland is in trouble.

Grindelwald appeared before, then the Minister of Magic was physically attacked, and bad guys entered the Ministry of Magic.

It's a good thing that Silverhand Style Construction was responsible for recreating the Ministry of Magic.

But just some time after the Silverhand Fashion Building started, the Ministry of Magic was invaded again.

A figure was hiding on the floor of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, breathing heavily with a wand in his hand.

“This money is really getting harder and harder to make.”

Listening to the shouts of those running past, Gauss, who was hiding under his desk, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thankfully I'm smart, but that Minister of Magic doesn't seem like a good person."

He entered the Ministry of Magic among the employees of the Silver Hand Fashion Building, and sneaked into the Auror office while everyone was staring at Tang Mi.

Everything was going well until he saw the eye symbol on the door.

The Auror showed up and almost caught him, but luckily he managed to escape by blowing through the wall.

The current Ministry of Magic is like a maze, and this period of time is enough for the Silver Hand Fashion Building to complete a lot of modifications.

For other people, it would take a while to run out, but for Gauss, he has the architectural drawings.

Taking out the drawing, he identified his location.

"I should be in the Funny Products Patent Office now. I need to run to the right. There is a staircase leading up. At the last step of the staircase, there is a gap that is not covered by anti-Apparition."

Gauss memorized the route of the drawing and took out the stolen wand.

"Is this thing worth three thousand galleons?"

It's not that he didn't know the danger, but that the other party's bid was too high.

Gauss said to himself: "Retire after finishing this job."

After he finished speaking, as soon as he poked his head out of the table, he saw a wand reaching into the office.


As soon as the Iron Armor Curse was formed, the office was engulfed in flames from the explosion.

The next second, the table exploded into many pieces and flew towards the door, and a figure jumped out and rushed towards the door.

The Auror standing by at the door was about to check when he was hit by the exploding table.

Starr used the Iron Armor Curse to block the attack, and saw a green light flying towards him.

He stepped away without any hesitation, and the green light exploded behind them, plunging the area into darkness.

Gauss followed the green light and ran out, running towards the stairs without looking back.

"Stop him!"

Starr used Lumos to illuminate and spotted Gauss leaving.

Without any hesitation, the people from the picket department chased after him.

"Add more money, add more money, you must add more money this time!"

Gauss lowered his head, and a green light flew past his hair.

He waved his wand and drew the table to block the attack from behind.

Gauss scolded Musashi for his lack of loyalty. In the past, everyone was split 50-50, but Musashi stayed in Neon because of matters at the magic institute.

Now I am alone and being chased by a group of people.

The table exploded into pieces.

Gauss sent himself into the stairs with a sliding shovel.


After closing the door and using the permanent sticking spell, Gauss looked up.

"No one told me the stairs were so long!"

He looked at the long staircase and hated the guy who designed it.

Sprinting up there, there were constant banging sounds outside the door.

Starr pushed the Auror out of the way and pointed his wand at the door.


The explosion opened a hole in the door, and Starr frowned, "Everyone use the explosion spell together!"

This door was specially chosen by Silverhand to block more time.

But several Aurors took action together, and a rumbling explosion sounded.

Gauss, who was climbing the stairs in pain, knew he wouldn't last long.

After looking at the last dozen steps, he wailed and climbed up.

On the last five steps, the door was blown open.

Starr rushed into the stairs, pointed his wand at Gauss and fired magic.

Gauss bent down to avoid a red light, then used his strength to run forward.

"We must pay more this time!"

He roared angrily and stepped onto the last step.

Starr was hit by the red light and lost the wand in his right hand. He reacted quickly and threw a silver light with his left hand and flew towards Gauss.


Gauss disappeared.

Starr panted and climbed up to the step, staring at the place where Gauss disappeared, and said coldly: "He can't go far, so he's wanted."

The Auror who was climbing the stairs was also breathing heavily, mentally scolding the man who built the stairs hundreds of times.

On that step, a drop of bright red blood was left there.

Starr dipped his wand into the drop of blood.

The arrest warrant was quickly issued.

The Polish Ministry of Magic is holding Silver Hands to task. The Ministry of Magic they built has a flaw.

But Tang Mi, the person in charge of Silver Hands, generously admitted that the construction of that place had not been completed and the original plan was to repair it today. However, due to the invasion, they were controlled to live in the hall and had no right to enter.

The Polish Ministry of Magic suffered a dumb loss.

Gauss appeared at the alley where wizards gathered. He covered his chest and inserted a silver blade into his chest.

Blood dripped down his fingers.

"I didn't expect that one mistake would almost take my life."

Gauss smiled bitterly, glanced at the wand in his hand, and walked into the path holding on to the wall.

The top priority is to find a contact person and take away the wand.

Hiding behind a box, his breathing became heavy and it felt like every breath he took was tearing his lungs apart.

Excessive blood loss left him unconscious.

"This is a product of black magic."

The damage caused by black magic is difficult to treat. If he pulls it out rashly, Gauss may be bloodied on the spot.

Hearing the footsteps of the searchers receding, he poked his head out from behind the box.

A thought in his mind supported him to continue walking.

"More money, give me more money, double this time, no! Triple it!"

He staggered a few steps towards the Johnny Silverhand store branch.

But here, Starr had already led a team to guard the area.

Gauss took a deep breath, the heart-piercing pain almost suffocating him.

"Are you going to explain it here?" His eyelids were heavy, and he used his last strength to go to another junction.

Fortunately, there is a second connection point, but it is a pity that he cannot use the second apparation now.

That would completely crush his heart with this sharp blade, and he could only go there on foot.

He evaded the search team along the way, and he would use up his last strength just to go there.

The Ministry of Magic probably didn't expect that he would choose to walk over on his feet.

None of the Aurors he met along the way noticed him.

Finally arrived at the connecting point.

On a bridge, he leaned on the guardrail. In a blur of consciousness, he saw a person walking in front of him.

Gauss could only hope that the person coming was the connector, otherwise he would not have the ability to fight back.

The man came to Gauss and was frightened by his injuries.

"Are you okay?" The voice was a little young.

Gauss raised his eyes and said impatiently: "Will you feel better if you stab your heart?"

The man was also speechless. Gauss pulled out his wand, pointed at the man's heart and said, "Tell me, who do you serve?"

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