This familiar feeling, this familiar spell.

Could it be that his Atuo is going to imitate Daphne?

Tom ran out of Slytherin wagging his tail and said goodbye to Crookshanks in the courtyard.

The two little guys did not have a bad relationship because of their master.

Hermione came out to look for Crookshanks and saw this scene.

She didn't interrupt, just watched Crookshanks leaning against Tom reluctantly.

Basil streaked across the sky, and Riddle, the black long-eared owl, flew beneath it.

Suddenly, Basil targeted a snowy owl on Gryffindor Tower.

The next second.

The showdown between Snowy Owl and Snowy Owl takes place, and Gryffindor Tower is invaded by Basil.

There were all kinds of screams and screams inside, and feathers were flying around the dormitory.

Ron's owl piggy huddled in the corner, afraid that he would also be beaten.

Harry discovered in time that neither Basil nor Ron had caught Basil, and he grabbed a few snowy owl feathers and ran away.

Fly out and scatter the feathers.

Feathers drifted dangling into the hallway.

Some students saw it and chased a feather very amusingly to catch it.

Just as Neville walked out of Professor Sprout's office, the student bumped into those strong chest muscles as if hitting a stone.

"Sorry." Neville remained motionless and stretched out his hand to support the student.

The feather rested on Neville's shoulder, and a hand tiptoed behind him to remove it.

Neville felt someone and looked back.

Hannah Abbott stood there handsomely, twirling feathers in her hands and smiling shyly.

Neville held out his hand, Hannah took it, and they walked down the corridor together.

"Hi Neville, Hannah."

Luna skipped past, hugging the fruit and happily saying hello to the two of them.

The shell as big as a disk swayed, and the sunlight shone on it.

The wooden skewers clinked on her wrists. When she walked to the window, she shouted down: "Mr. Corner."

Loosen the fruit and let it fall.

The curved-horned Snorlax on the first floor looks like a calf. It stabs fruits one by one with its horns and strings them together.

An apple hit the Snorlax's head and rolled to the ground.

Ginny picked up the apple and threw it into the Snorlax's mouth with the precision of a chaser.

"Hi, Ginny."

Ginny saw Luna and greeted Luna happily: "Hi, Luna."

She waved, not noticing the long-eared house elf passing in front of her.

Winky, who was carrying a potato, bumped into Ginny's foot and apologized in great panic.

Ginny generously said it was okay, and Winky ran to the kitchen with the potatoes.

Preparing for the end-of-term dinner required a lot of ingredients, so Winky had to go further afield to dig up some potatoes and pumpkins.

After entering the kitchen, Shining enters work mode.

Dobby ran over to help her, but Winky said harshly: "Winky doesn't need bad Dobby's help, Winky can do it on her own."

It seems that Winky still doesn't like the fact that Dobby is getting paid.

"Dobby is not bad, Dobby is a free elf!" Dobby argued with reason.

A potato rolled down on the table, passed through the feet of many busy house elves, and leaked into a drain that had been disassembled and cleaned.

Not too big, not too small, just enough to pass.

Potatoes kept weaving along the drainpipe, all the way down from the kitchen.

Finally, he fell from the pipe into Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets under Hogwarts.

In Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, a door opened.

Chapter 638 Slytherin, because I am proud

John re-entered Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets.

Among the secret rooms of the four founders, this is probably the one that most people know about.

The adventurous Gryffindor.

The Ravenclaw that smart people can't find.

Hufflepuff serving wizards at midnight.

This secret room seemed like a game-breaker from the get-go.

Its existence is full of terrifying legends, purging those wizards who are not pure blood.

A basilisk that breeds terror and magic that is connected with evil.

Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets is definitely an outlier among the four founders.

Nor did he remain conscious like other founders.

John came again, and he was a little emotional.

He once fought against the basilisk here, and also learned soul magic here.

Before the emergence of the Star Society, this was John's secret base.

Only he and Harry knew how to get inside.

All kinds of forbidden magic are experimented here.

Walking towards the huge statue, this place is built underground, and darkness is the theme here.

John's eyes could see darkness, but he still chose to create a ball of light.

The ball of light hung in the sky as John walked into the statue.

There are three floors of rooms inside.

Studio on the first floor.

Office on the second floor.

The restricted book area on the third floor.

John walked into the second floor and reached out to touch the silverware on the skull head.

The long box sat there quietly, empty and empty of anything.

After re-entering here, John's vision was completely different.

He glanced at the skull head silverware. It was an alchemy object, something similar to a pensieve.

It contains magic and a sentence written in an ancient language.

“Glory and light are indispensable.”

John picked it up and threw it away. There was nothing special about the long box that seemed to contain Slytherin's wand.

Holding the skull silverware, John walked into the third floor.

The books inside can be said to be the best-preserved things in the secret room.

The last heir was Voldemort, and that guy took away all the good things and everything he could take away.

John raised his hand, and a book flew over from the bookshelf.

To put it bluntly, the book here is the basis of John's taboo.

John flipped through it casually, and the obscure content became as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

His current attainments, not to mention reaching the level of Slytherin, are comparable to those of Slytherin.

He waved his hand and several books flew out from the bookshelf.

Return to the second level.

John lit the book on fire, and thick smoke drifted into the space.

Then he lifted the skull silverware, and the skull opened its mouth and sucked the thick smoke into its mouth.

Green flames ignited in the skull's eyes, which looked very strange when shining on the surrounding area.

And in the space illuminated by green light, a figure appeared here.

He sat there, flipping through the book in his hand, and taking notes.

Things around him seemed less ancient.

The fallen shelves were repaired and there were not one but two golden candlesticks.

John looked at the man and slowly said: "Salazar Slytherin."

This is not him, this is just an image.

This skull demonstrates what happened in the book.

Just like the statue outside, Salazar Slytherin looks like one of those evil wizards from storybooks.

But this Slytherin is not that old, and his beard is still black.

Salazar Slytherin's research was actually very boring. He kept writing until the image disappeared.

John put several other books in it.

Slytherin was just like John, either researching or experimenting.

He was passionate about magic and would sometimes stay in one place for whole days.

"Otherwise they will all say that I look like you."

John laughed dumbly, looking at Salazar Slytherin's hairless head, he touched his black hair.

"I don't have any hair, do I?"

He began to worry that he would become a bald man with no hair in his old age.

Until the last image ended, John couldn't help but shake his head.

"It seems that he is really not here."

He originally wanted to use the image to attract Salazar Slytherin to appear, but now it seems that he does not exist.

In other words, consciousness has died.

It's sad.

The four giants of Hogwarts, the ones who were supposed to be the most proficient in magic, were the first to disappear.

"Okay, whether you are here or not." John put down the skull and said loudly to the empty secret room, "As a Slytherin, I still have to tell you."

"I learned a lot in your secret room and it helped me a lot."

He waved his hand in the air and said, "I'm leaving now, leaving this school."

"Heir of Slytherin, I have never received this title."

"However, as the King of Slytherin, I need to say goodbye to the great Salazar Slytherin, the founder of this house."

"Glory to Slytherin," John chuckled, "Slytherin chases glory, gains glory, and defends glory."

"The great Salazar Slytherin, be proud!"

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