Only this heroic minister can make the Polish people obey.

However, Silver Hand became unable to move.

They were supposed to boost the economy in Poland, but now they were forced to stagnate.

This is something Silverhand has never encountered before.

The Minister of Magic said he believed it, but he had a forbearing expression.

This makes people start to think, has Silverhand's control over the country reached this level?

It was John's turn to take over.

The third day after the smashing incident occurred.

The silver hand reopened.

The Polish wizards sneered, laughing at Silverhand's wishful thinking.

But a newspaper fell from the sky.

The wizard opened it and looked at it.

"A detailed discussion of the Polish Silver Hand Incident, Silver Hand's Little Wizard Fund"

"The name Silver Hand may not be so familiar in foreign countries, but in our country, it is the name of a person who is known as a great philanthropist."

"When Silverhand was first established, there was a fund, the Little Wizard Fund."

"The Little Wizard Fund was born from John Wick's care for the cursed. The Little Wizard Foundation he established provides free wolfsbane potion to every underage werewolf. With the development of Silverhand, the Little Wizard Fund gradually Get involved in more things.”

"It covers funding for wizarding education at Hogwarts. It is reported that since last year, new students at Hogwarts can receive a price discount that is less than half of the normal price when purchasing learning supplies every year."

"Not only that, for little wizards with family problems who have difficulties in going to school, the Little Wizards Foundation helps them until the end of their studies. Because of the existence of this fund, the persecution of little wizards suffering from curses has been reduced."

"Silverhand expresses regret for everything that happened in Poland, and uses funds to escort every little wizard in Poland and is responsible for building school buildings for students to use."

"But recently, Polish Bankers discovered that little wizards' funds were frequently stolen. After investigation, they caught the culprit and handed him over to the Ministry of Magic."

"In order not to cause panic, they concealed the loss of funds."

The wizard read this report word for word, his eyes fixed on the words of the Little Wizard Fund.

Not only him, but also everyone else who read the newspaper.

They can die for their ideals.

Keren always has concerns.

Family is my biggest concern.

Funding schooling, curing curses.

The Little Wizard Fund covers every area where Johnny Silverhand lives.

But what did they do?

They smashed Johnny Silverhand.

This is ruining the future of the little Polish wizard!

Some people scoffed at the news and did not believe it, while others were dubious.

until the afternoon.

A young wizard came to Johnny Silverhand full of hesitation.

Because of the inferiority and embarrassment brought about by poverty, the little wizard did not dare to look up at the beautiful woman at the front desk.

"I would like to ask about the Little Wizard Fund..."

The beautiful woman smiled and said: "For matters regarding the application for the Little Wizard Fund, please go to the window of the second room."

The boy walked over in confusion, and there was a young man there.

When he came out, he looked at the student funds in his hand. It was not much, a hundred galleons, and a little wizard card that could not be copied or forged.

Deposit money into the Little Wizard Card and exchange it for points, and you can enjoy a 50% discount.

Everything seemed like a dream.

When he came to his senses, he immediately ran to his friend's house.

Panting, he asked him to apply for a Little Wizard Card.

The news quickly spread like a virus throughout Poland's wizarding families.

Who doesn’t want their children to live well?

The legacy of war will make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

No matter which world we live in, poor people must be in the majority.

Who doesn’t want a 50% discount?

They all came over and received bursaries.

At this time, everyone believed that this little wizard fund was real.

That night, some people came outside the Johnny Silverhand store, and they silently cleaned up the garbage left behind by their own destruction.

By the next day, the outside of Johnny Silverhand was so clean that it was incompatible with the rest of the place.

The wizard who was originally resistant to Silverhand was confused.

This is not a pie in the sky, but the food that actually falls in front of you.

As for Diawara's death, it seems that people are gradually forgetting it.

When it comes to it, some people will deliberately not talk about ‘heroes’.

This was John's counterattack.

He wanted those people to know that Diwala was not saving them, but harming them.

A little food?

Sorry, you can get more.

Money and ideals.

You can believe in the ideal spiritual world constructed for you, and you can believe that your efforts now will make everyone better in the future.

But why wait until the future?

The benefits you can now earn can keep you fed.

ideal? How many people starve to death without seeing the results.

To be an enemy of Silverhand is to ruin the future of the young wizard.

Even if an adult is hungry, he will grit his teeth and persevere, hoping that his future will be better.

But children will cry when they are hungry. What they know is that their ideals make them hungry, and they smash the silver hand that can fill their stomachs.

John dropped the newspaper at Wick's house.

“You can have fighters for ideals report distorted facts, and I can spend money to write the correct one for me.”

Spending money was like water, but John didn't feel any pain.

A lot of money is just a pile of garbage if it is not spent.

Why think of other solutions when things can be solved with money?

Thinking of those fighters who would rather starve to death for their ideals than say something bad about Silver Hand, John touched his chin thoughtfully and said, "Why do I feel like a bad person?"

This scene is more like a group of people challenging capital, and the boss behind the capital uses profits to buy off those who are not determined.

John laughed to himself.

Chapter 643: Night sailing, no one returns

Wizards were hunted for a period of time, so there were some remaining hiding places where wizards gathered.

A small boat rowed down the river to the gathering place.

A young man got off the boat.

The young man, wearing a hood and with a cold expression, tied up the boat.

"It's you again?" The old wizard chewing his pipe on the side saw him and said with a smile: "What do you want to buy this time?"

The young man looked around and saw that there were more smiling faces on the street.

"Prepare some food for me." The young man took out a list, looked at it, and said, "In addition, I need some nails from Mao Zizi's right front paw and white fresh food."

"You want a lot of things." The old man took the list and muttered.

The young man immediately took the list back and turned around to go to another place.

"Oh, I can't get it," the old man said anxiously, "other people can't get it."

The young man stopped and said coldly: "There are many people who do the business you don't want to do."

"Why are today's young people so..." The old man wanted to complain, but when he saw the young man's impatient expression, he promised again and again, "As usual, pick it up in the afternoon."

Nodding, the young man walked towards the gathering place.

Seeing him walking away, the old man put the list away with a smile.

"You're an idiot. You don't know that Silver Hand sells all these things."

With a smile, the old man took out his grandson who was studying, handed him the list, and said: "Take the little wizard card and go to Silver Hand to buy it."

Sun Tzu said reluctantly, "The money here is for study."

"Go quickly!" the old man said fiercely, "What's the use of studying? Money is the last word. Only by making more money can we live a better life."

He urged his grandson to buy it.

Ever since Silverhand released the Little Wizard card, he has done this often.

Let your grandson buy some things and then sell them at a 20% discount.

After going back and forth, in addition to running errands, I made a net profit of 30%.

This was a business opportunity he discovered, and he asked his grandson not to tell anyone about it.

The grandson runs an errand to Johnny Silverhand.

This store, which was criticized not long ago, can now be seen with many people buying things inside.

A little wizard like him took the card and went to check out.

The grandson picked each item on the list, but there was something that made him confused.

Baixian is a material that can effectively treat wounds and can be purchased in general magic stores.

But the other cat's right paw nail was something rarely sold in magic stores.

He had no choice but to tentatively come to a store clerk and ask, "Do you sell Mao Lizi's right paw nails?"

"It's you again?" The male clerk saw the boy and smiled, "The nails on Mao Nizi's right paw are in the alchemy materials section, but you have bought a lot of things these days."

When the boy heard the clerk's question, he quickly said thank you and ran away.

The male clerk looked at him deeply.

Tang Mi walked out, and the male clerk walked over and said, "Mr. Shelby, I suspect someone is using the Little Wizard Card to make money."

"Oh?" Tang Mi said, "What's going on?"

The male clerk told the story about the little boy. After hearing this, Tang Mi glanced at the male clerk and said thoughtfully: "I understand, you go and do your work first."

After dismissing the clerk, Tang Mi followed the little boy to the alchemy materials area.

Generally, little wizards will not come into contact with these things. Most of them are adults looking for materials there.

So a little boy could easily be found inside.

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