John raised his wand and white ripples spread out.

Everyone dies.

He opened a passage and headed to the origin of magic.

There is devastation everywhere, and there are endless wailings under the ruins.

This is Grindelwald's ultimate goal, a performance that deceives everyone.

John's expression was numb, and he walked towards the Castle in the Sky.

Someone asked him for help on the road, but he didn't seem to hear him.

Step by step towards the destroyed castle, John saw it.

He sees his partner.

Yes, it's him.

That almost carbonized body.

John walked away numbly.

He lost, completely.

With careful planning, he wanted to push Old Barty into that position.

But the result was a huge failure.

He reached out and touched old Batty's hand, and the residue fell off as soon as he touched it.

"It seems I'm not smart enough."

John stared at Old Barty's body and slowly stood up.

Like a zombie, he walked down.




The flames carried the smell of burning, and there was a cry under the ruins.

The cries of lost loved ones, the groans of pain.

Everything was impacting the second king's heart.

He thought he had been through enough.

Killing Voldemort is enough to put yourself at the top.

That brutal Hogwarts battle was enough to make me proud.

John's heart throbbed.

He stumbled and looked up.

Half of the body buried under the rubble was revealed, and that face was Theodore.

Seeing his familiar face, John's numb expression finally took on another color.

He waved the weight on Theodore away and pulled the man out. He used a healing spell to let Theodore heal.

Theodore wakes up and sees John.

John put the man down and his body erupted with light.

Then flew into the sky.

Like a little sun, he attracted everyone in this disaster.

John waved his wand.

The passage in front of you opens.

The Star Spirit Divine Guards appeared, and golden little men jumped from the sky one by one and turned into divine guards when they landed.

Then he waved again, "Divine Guard."

Streams of silver light flew out of the wand and fell to the ground.

Where he pointed, elemental divine guards rose from the ground.

They moved the rubble away and rescued the people inside.

White light condensed on the tip of the wand and fell from the sky.

Wherever the light shines, the injured are healed.

At this moment, John was like a god coming to the world.

His light shines upon every wizard.

A Ministry of Magic employee was treated with white light. He watched this scene, silently raised his wand, and used projection magic.

The extinguished images of the Ministry of Magic in various countries gradually lighted up.

Everyone who was affected by the attack just now was there watching.

They saw that the second king was shining brightly.

They saw that the second king saved the world.

This disaster was caused by John's help.

In the ruins of death, thousands of wizards were rescued.

They all looked at the man who was like a god.

Facing everyone's gaze, John slowly fell down.

He didn't speak, just walked by silently.

The wizard looked at him.

John stopped and said calmly: "Go home and take them back."

No one objected to his words.

The wizard found his family and friends. They looked at the dead people and tears fell silently.

Justice is born out of evil.

Heroes are born after disaster.

Chapter 667 Sacrifice, Turmoil

The train was heading towards Hogwarts, it was a happy day.

On the train, people from the past left.

New people follow the train to the magic school.

Luna sat in the car, and the compartment was occupied by a curved-horned Snorlax that had grown to the size of a bull.

She was lying on the Bent-Horned Snorlax, and the brown hair wrapped around her body was so fluffy and comfortable.

The Bent-Horned Snorlax breathed and mooed, and Luna stuffed a skinned dragon fruit into its mouth.

He turned around and looked through the carriage glass at the two people who were at war with each other outside.

"You were really lucky last time."

"Really? I don't think it's just you who are lucky."

The girl with the red hair and the girl with the blonde hair met each other in the aisle and refused to let the other go.

Ginny crossed her arms, raised her eyebrows, and said with a fighting spirit: "This year I will end Slytherin's victory."

Astoria was noncommittal.

The two people passed each other.

Luna flipped through "The Quibbler."

Suddenly, Luna looked out the window with feeling.

The large disc shell she wore swayed.

An owl appeared outside, followed by a second and a third.

More and more owls appear, flying past the Hogwarts Express and towards Hogsmeade.

Urgent newspapers fell from the sky one after another.

The beautiful proprietress of the Three Broomsticks walked out of the door. She picked up a newspaper, and the indifferent expression on her face turned to horror.

"Merlin-" She covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming.

Her eyes were red, and tears streaked down the side of her face that fascinated the wizard.

The teardrops broke free from her skin, fell from the air, and shattered on the newspaper.

The broken teardrops were printed on the newspaper about the city covered by fire.

More and more people read the newspaper, and their reaction was disbelief.

Everyone looked at the newspaper.

The wind blew up the newspapers that fell all over the sky, flying towards Hogwarts.

Slughorn was looking at the instructions, holding a red can and thinking about it.

"Pull the tab and you're done, magical Muggle."

He opened it curiously, and the gas turned into white and floated out.

"Oh, crap." Slughorn glanced out the window, where the owl tapped against the glass.

When he put down the soda, he accidentally touched it, and the soda spilled on the desk with white steam.

Slughorn quickly held up the jar and heard the owl's urging knocking sound again.

"Okay, okay, I'm here." He had no choice but to put down the scribbled things, walked over, opened the window, took the newspaper, waved his palms angrily and said, "You are such a annoying owl, leave now!"

The owl pecked the back of his hand dissatisfiedly and flew away.

Slughorn yelped.

The damp air hit his face. Slughorn looked at the sky and said, "It looks like it's going to rain."

The gloomy clouds murmured, and Slughorn walked into the house and put down the newspaper, intending to clean the table first.

He accidentally glanced at the newspaper and froze in place.

"The Kingdom of Bhutan exploded, many Ministry of Magic personnel died, including Barty Crouch"

He stared at the newspaper.

The unclosed window was blown open by the wind, and the parchment he was working on yesterday was blown up.

Slughorn waved his hand wildly, sending a piece of parchment flying away.

The parchment followed his force and flew out of the balcony, swinging on the top floor and flying down.

Passing by the Transfiguration Office on the second floor, I was hit by a falling drop of water.

Then came the heavy rain that made it wet and fall.

Professor McGonagall's office faced the Quidditch training ground. She sat there with her hair in a bun.

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

She looked at the newspaper delivered by the owl and murmured to herself with tears in her eyes, "This is so cruel."

Thousands of wizards died under gunfire. This was the biggest disaster in the wizarding world in 500 years.

She saw the list of dead people and looked at the young or not young faces on it.

Some are former students of Professor McGonagall.

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