As soon as this statement came out, the principals all agreed.

After all, they know their school.

In addition to Wagadu and Hogwarts, if werewolves were mixed into other schools, I'm afraid the parents of the students would also have some objections.

The establishment of the Silver Wolf Magic School was also unanimously approved.

The school-level league will be implemented next year and will be held every three years to ensure that every student can participate.

During this period, John decided that the first school-level league would be held at Hogwarts.

Why Hogwarts?

Because the second king graduated there.

And it also allows Astoria to participate, well, just right.

This meeting is over.

Slughorn walked out feeling dizzy.

Ms. Maxim was a little gloating.

Snape and Professor McGonagall, who were observing, also benefited a lot.

Especially Professor McGonagall, this exchange made her more aware of the shortcomings of the current magic school.

Even the fact that Hogwarts was mentioned so many times made Professor McGonagall a little nervous.

It wasn't her fault, because those things were all caused by Dumbledore.

Snape had mixed feelings.

"John Wick will not be changed, but he will change the world."

Quidditch Committee, Mente is very supportive of the school league.

This means that Quidditch can expand its influence to more places.

At the same time, a large amount of sponsorship fees and the player trading system that will be launched next year made him smile from ear to ear.

John found Mente, who ran over to him.

"I'm applying to a Quidditch club."

"Okay, Mr. Wick, do you want to apply for a...Quidditch club?"

Mente was dumbfounded.

what is this?

Will the organizer beat someone at the end?

The second king builds a Quidditch club, who wins?

If nothing else, just hearing the name John Wick demoralizes the opponent.

Mente said with a sad face: "Sir Wick, please stop joking."

"I'm not kidding, but it's not my club."

John naturally understood that with his current reputation and power, interfering in Quidditch matches was completely bullying.

He said, "Donmie Shelby, I think you know him."

"It turned out to be Mr. Shelby." Mente breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the name of the second king is not attached, the Quidditch League will not become an entertainment venue.

"I can help them apply. They need a club name, venue and player registration," Mente said.

"The club is called the Silver Wolf Roaring Club. The specific personnel are to be determined. The person in charge is Tangmi Shelby."

John said without changing his face, Mente was dumbfounded.

You don’t have a single player, and you open a club?

Taking a deep breath, Mente maintained his smile and said, "Okay, I'll do it for you right now."

"But the venue..."

"East of the Werewolf Community, Silver Wolf Quidditch Field."

Mente wondered: "How come I haven't heard of that place?"

"Because it hasn't been built yet." John looked calm.

Not built?

If another person dared to come to him with a club without players and a venue, Mente vowed to make that person curl up in a ball and get out of this door.

But opposite was his immediate boss, so he had no choice but to wear a bright smile that did not suit his status and said that he would get it done quickly.

In this way, the first club belonging to the werewolves was officially established.

No players, no field.

John asked Chudai to select young werewolves with Quidditch experience to form a club. He had already ordered Silverhand Fashion Construction to build the venue where he said.

And these are not things that Tang Mi can handle with twenty years of salary.

If others find out, it will be said that the second king is too partial to werewolves.

Chapter 693 Neon is beating, please sit with someone else

Things in the international magical society change a lot every day.

Not long ago, Puddlemere United won the league semi-finals and successfully advanced to the finals.

John didn't want attention either, but Malfoy stated in the badge how weak the opponent, who was about seven inches long, was, and said that the pressure in a professional game was not as good as competing against Potter.

It wasn't until Furong revealed that he was almost killed that he stopped.

Hibiscus is now a French hibiscus, and she is fully booked for many social occasions.

Fleur: "There are so many things going on recently, including various cocktail parties, including the Ancient Alliance cocktail party."

Ancient Alliance reception?

John didn't have to think twice to know that it was Lucius who did it.

The ancient alliance is an interest group. They not only need to exchange interests, but also need to intersect with each other on various festivals.

As Miss Delacour, Fleur could not miss such social occasions.

Malfoy asked: "When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

The only response to him was the silence inside the badge.

Don't you have any idea why I didn't ask you to come over?

In the Star Club, except for Kim Ledisley, they are all descendants of the ancient alliance.

Speaking of King, he has been back in the United States for some time.

I heard that the situation there has changed somewhat.

As the most powerful country in the world today, the United States can get more useful information about Poland.

Fortunately, American wizards are in a situation where they cannot interact with Muggles.

The Magical Congress of America has been nearly discovered many times due to secrecy laws, and it also has a mature system for Muggle emergency measures.

But even so, the United States is worrying.

Jin's news said that there are not many weapons lost in the United States. There are legal weapons manufacturing companies there, resulting in the number of weapons lost in them being several times that of other countries.

Among them are some weapons of mass destruction.

"Where did Grindelwald hide all these weapons?" John wanted to push back Grindelwald from Muggles.

Just the number known so far is enough to worry the Muggle country.

While thinking about where Grindelwald would use weapons to bomb, John received bad news.

Not Grindelwald.

But another annoying guy.

Neon Ministry of Magic.

As a member of the International Confederation of Wizards, the Neon Ministry does not recognize John's position.

They resented the wizard for destroying their school.

The Minister of Magic, who was affected by this incident, has now announced that if the International Federation of Wizards does not allow the demon to step down, then he will lead the neon wizards to withdraw from the Federation.

A naked threat.

"He's really a clown." John looked at the neon minister of magic in the newspaper detailing his evil deeds. He felt funny. "Does he think he can shake me?"

John never took this guy seriously before.

Now that he jumped out, John didn't mind getting rid of this person.

There's one week left until Christmas.

John was sitting in the conference hall, holding a new newspaper in his hand and reading it with interest.

The representatives from various countries were a little confused and continued the meeting as usual.

Most of them are about how brutal the team led by Barty Jr. killed whom, or where the saints appeared and escaped.

When he was almost finished, John put down the newspaper.

At this time, everyone could clearly see what was written in the newspaper.

An Asian man who doesn't look very serious is mumbling something in the image.

"I remember something," John smiled. "What do you think about the Neon Ministry of Magic withdrawing from the International Confederation of Wizards?"

As soon as he said this, Charles Roland combined the information in the newspaper and understood that John was going to use the knife on Neon.

"The Ministry of Neon Magic did not act on certain matters," Minister Roland said after careful consideration. "After the scandal at the Magic House was exposed, the Ministry of Neon Magic repeatedly refused to acknowledge the matter and denied the information provided by Mr. Wick. The list denies authenticity."

Speaking of this matter, Minister Roland's face darkened.

"As for the resettlement of young wizards and Muggles after the disaster, the Neon Ministry of Magic did not come forward to express its position. Instead, it blindly avoided it."

"I think...the International Confederation of Wizards should condemn it."

Charles Rolland has made it clear that he stands by John's side regarding what the Neon Ministry of Magic has done.

Gresham also believes that the Neon Ministry's irresponsible behavior needs to be condemned.

Maybe it was because the Neon Ministry of Magic was not responsible for personnel matters at the time, or maybe everyone had completely taken John's side.

Almost no one objected, and everyone felt that it should be condemned internationally.

John smiled slightly when he heard this, shook his head and said, "Although the Neon Ministry of Magic has done many wrong things, their crimes are not so serious."

Minister Roland's expression froze. Could he have made a mistake?

its not right.

The second king doesn't care about the Ministry of Neon Magic?

This is not like the generosity of the second king.

Minister Roland was a little uneasy. He couldn't be wrong, could he?

The next second, John said: "Since the Ministry of Neon Magic strongly demands to withdraw from the International Federation of Wizards, then let's allow it."

"Ah?" Minister Roland was stunned.

Not only him, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Quit the International Confederation of Wizards?

In all these years, no one has ever done this.

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