"You can know this through prophecy?" Percy asked, "What are the side effects?"

"The ability to predict is not omnipotent," John shook his head slightly, "I need a mediator to do it."

The invisible beast's prophetic ability can only see the near future, and John's ability has improved a lot, but it is not omnipotent.

For example, he couldn't predict the death of old Batty.

Some things about yourself require triggering media.

That Deathly Hallows symbol may come from someone with a high status in Grindelwald's camp.

John saw some of Grindelwald's plans through the hidden grid symbol.

"Our relationship with Muggles is becoming increasingly tense," John said. "Whether it is from a development or personal perspective, I do not want to be an enemy of Muggles."

Quite simply, base determines everything.

Not to mention whether the wizard can win, even if he wins, it will be a miserable victory.

John is a Muggle-born wizard, and he also understands Muggles.

From his point of view, going to war with the Muggles also meant that his family would be involved.

That is an immeasurable number of deaths.

Percy and John were on the same page about this.

Weasley, who was closest to the Muggles, did not want to antagonize the Muggles.

Instead they preferred to coexist peacefully with Muggles.

The current situation has become tense, with the Saints constantly wreaking havoc and straining relations between the two parties.

"We need to deal with the Saints as soon as possible," Percy said. "The Minister of Magic usually communicates with the heads of countries. I will complete the communication with the British Prime Minister as soon as possible."

"You need to be careful. The current situation may make the government afraid of us."

John and Percy communicated, and their conversation ended after they entered the elevator.

"Supplementary Aurors can be obtained from Strikers," John said. "The 'Zhi' series are used in similar ways, and Strikers' equipment is similar to that of Aurors."

"I know what to do."

The elevator reached the lobby and John walked out.

"John." Percy called to John. He looked at John's clothes that had not changed due to his busyness and said, "Take care of yourself."

John smiled and nodded.

The lift door closed and John left the Ministry of Magic.

A few weeks passed.

Since the last collective Saint attack, Saints have appeared in the Muggle world more and more frequently.


A major event happened, which directly dealt a heavy blow to the peace that had been whitewashed by entertainment.

John even arrived at the scene in person.

The silence of death filled that place.

Thirteen corpses were brought back to the Ministry of Magic from Westminster Abbey.

It is a killing and a defending death.

Thirteen heroic Aurors stopped the Saint's attack, but at the cost of their lives.

"A wizard with only one ear appeared." Fourteen Aurors were dispatched, and only one survived. The Auror burst into tears. "He brought saints to attack. We resisted desperately, and Abe was hit by a disarming spell. It took a dozen spells to kill her.”

Abe Joy.

Harry listened to his colleague's words, he couldn't believe it.

The female Auror he first met died in this mission.

They got word that a saint had appeared near Westminster Abbey.

It happened that Harry went to Weasley's house to rest for a day because of Mr. Weasley's strong invitation.

It was this day that allowed his colleagues to die.

Harry stayed in the Auror's office in a daze.

Thirteen Aurors died, which was the biggest loss for the Ministry of Magic since Old Barty was killed.

The entire British wizarding community mourned the disaster.

In the Ministry of Magic, an obelisk was erected with the names of thirteen Aurors.

They will be remembered forever.

Percy looked at the obelisk, "Sacrifice."

The incident of the Thirteen Aurors will affect future generations.

The Golden Hall of the Ministry of Magic turned black, and in a solemn and solemn environment, John came over to lead a moment of silence.

"Our peace is not yet here and this is a wake-up call in our minds."

John sighed, the families of these thirteen people would be taken care of by the Ministry of Magic.

The Second Dynasty will also help their families move through this grief.

This is not a childish game, death is the main color of society.

If you need protection, you need to pay a price. John made a decision.

"The memory cancellation command's operations have stopped."

It was a bold decision that Percy didn't even react to.

"Stop erasing Muggle memories?" Percy said. "This will accelerate the exposure of the wizarding world."

“We need to get some people to spread the word of goodwill on our behalf.”

John's eyes flickered, "At least, we need to let those smart Muggles in the UK know something about us temporarily."

"I learned that not all wizards are crazy."

Since Mycroft guessed that there were two parties, John didn't need to continue to cover him up.

The more Mycroft knows, the safer the wizards will be.

"Did he choose to sit back and watch the fight, or choose to participate?"

John thinks the former is more likely, which is exactly in line with John's expectations.

As long as the Muggles don't take action, they can wait until they deal with the saints.

This act was very bold, and after thinking about it for a long time, Percy decided to agree.

But he couldn't let it go completely. If there were more than five people, he would have people cancel their memories.

John had no problem with that, it was better this way.

Too many people made it seem that the wizards' deliberate actions were too obvious.

Malicious speculation about the unknown is everyone's first thought.

Even wizards first speculate whether Muggles will harm the wizarding world, instead of thinking about how to live in peace.

John looked up at the Thirteen Auror Tablet, which stated that the reason why the Aurors died was to prevent the Saints from harming Muggles.

With an inexplicable look in his eyes, he murmured to himself: "The best way to express goodwill is to protect."

And let protection release goodwill to the greatest extent.

It's a sacrifice.

Only death can make good intentions appear sincere.

John whispered in front of the Thirteen Aurors monument: "Rest in peace, your sacrifice will not be in vain, you will become a bridge for peaceful coexistence in the future."

The atmosphere in February is serious.

This is incompatible with the upcoming festival.

After the daily meeting of the International Federation of Wizards, John had a flash of tiredness on his face.

He goes through the fireplace to Johnny Silverhand's store.

After looking around, he didn't find Tang Mi.

After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that today was Valentine's Day.

Tang Mi took a rest and left.

Since Tang Mi was away, John chose to return to Silverhand Manor after handling some matters at Johnny Silverhand's store.

The huge manor no longer needs too many security guards. After all, with John's current strength, the only one who can threaten him is Grindelwald.

He generously allowed those security guards to go home for the holidays.

They also have their own families.

Chapter 710 Valentine’s Day, Chocolate

Valentine's Day.

The holiday never seemed to have much to do with John.

Oh, no, one year he also received something that was either a love letter or a prank.

This year's Valentine's Day is still John's day alone.

He asked the security guards to leave, and he was left alone in the huge Silver Hand Manor.

It's not as cold as Christmas.

John also had no intention of going home.

He was dealing with files from the International Institute of Magical Science and Technology, as well as some questions from the Ministry of Potions about the werewolf vaccine.

There will be the first school-level league this year, and preparations need to be made half a year in advance.

The goblins instead minted coins, and the First Magical Savings Bank established by John was responsible for issuance and storage.

None of these things could get him out.

Basil stayed beside Riddle and tilted his head, watching his master struggle with the endless files.

Tom lay curled up at John's feet.

Helmer runs through the empty manor and Hector can't find it.

The atmosphere was quiet except for the sound of quills scratching parchment.

From time to time John needed to stop and look at the ingredients.

"Countries have also suffered some losses. The Bulgarian Ministry of Magic wants to buy more Silverhand products? That's right."

Some matters concerning cooperation with the Ministry of Magic in the Second Dynasty also required John's nod.

There are more and more documents he has annotated on the right.

The top wizarding league has not yet started, and Malfoy appears in Hogsmeade.

"Ato, here." Malfoy waved his hand.

Astoria came running over.

Today is also the day when Hogwarts goes to Hogsmeade village, where the two people have agreed to meet.

"The opponents are very strong this year," Astoria and Malfoy were sitting on a bench in Hogsmeade, drinking hot drinks and talking about Hogwarts Quidditch.

The team led by Ginny put great pressure on the Slytherin team, especially the team that lost its excellent seeker, and they needed to work harder in scoring.

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