But it also caused a break between the wizarding world and Muggles.

Magic relies too much on its own strength, and it is difficult to surpass the energy of a country by itself.

It is also because of this that Garland wants to accelerate the development of magic.

"A band of martyrs."

John thought of Inge Griffiths.

The Polish Minister of Magic who was chosen by Qilin.

He protested against the old system and the over-reliance of wizards on magic to the point of blindness and even stupidity.

It was also Inge who became a martyr, completed the sacrifice, and shattered the wizard's blind obedience to the magical system.

If Qilin had followed Qilin's choice, John might not be able to reach this position.

Just like he never divided himself into the lineup of justice and mercy.

He resembles Grindelwald more than Dumbledore.

Selfishly, his choices will benefit himself.

For example, under the sweep of the Second Dynasty, many small shops were unwilling to obey and went bankrupt.

Sacrifice seemed essential to John.

There is a certain amount of resources in this world, and the more you get, it means that others will be harmed.

"You need a hero."

John looked at the ceiling, with a very sarcastic smile on his lips, "So you have to create a hero, right?"


So confident, so strong-minded.

They don't care, or are just doing the final craziness.

Either a hero will be born in the flames and ruins, or he will be completely destroyed in the flames along with the ruins.

This is a huge gamble, and the entire magical world is on the line.

"It's a pity that you can't make me feel pity." John's sneer disappeared. He raised his hand expressionlessly and looked at the silver ring and emerald stone on his finger. "Kill them all. This is what I will do."


Those who died were sacrificed as they deserved.

John doesn't care.

But what shouldn't be the case is that the people he values ​​​​have also become sacrifices to make magic great again.

John closed his eyes, "The price cannot be less, this is an exchange of equal value."

The captured saints were sent to the Supreme Arbitration Court of Wizards.

After trial, the lightest sentence was life imprisonment.

Azkaban welcomes new residents.

There are countless tortures that make life worse than death, waiting for those unlucky ghosts who violate magical laws.

Even death will be an enviable relief.

As they entered, two more people were leaving happily.

Their bodies were more than one circle wider. Old Crabbe and Old Goyle, who had regained their freedom, got on the carriage home with the belief of loyalty to the second king.

Their families prepared sumptuous food at home.

Chapter 725 At sea, missile attack

Outside, someone called the three families this.


Lucky Weasley, who had survived attacks by Voldemort and Death Eaters, had followed the First King, and their children were friends of the Second King.

The once poor family is now a wealthy family in politics and finance.

The other two are Lucky Goyle and Lucky Crabbe.

Their luck makes people feel even more magical.

No one could fathom that two families working for Voldemort could actually bring them back to life.

What's even more unexpected is that the two people who were supposed to never come out of Azkaban not only came out, but also gained a lot of weight.

You must know that the other Death Eater families who are associated with Voldemort can be said to be almost dead if they are not wiped out.

Besides, a few of them have already been destroyed.

But for these two, it doesn't matter if they haven't wiped out the clan, the family is getting better and better, prosperous, and even reached the position of the Twenty-Eight Ancient Clan.

You must know that none of the twenty-eight sacred tribes in the past had a place for them.

This can't help but make people regret why they didn't let their children have a good relationship with the second king.

Look at people, those two younger brothers are not even the second king, they are Malfoy's younger brothers.

It is indeed a blessing.

The two families that were originally recognized as having low IQs in the wizarding world have become representatives of great wisdom and foolishness.

Goyle and Crabbe once again donated half of their family fortune as a token of their gratitude.

They didn't even hesitate.

It was just like the last time they donated half of their family property, but taking advantage of the Second Dynasty, a cruise ship that only moved forward, they changed from that half of their family property to three times their previous wealth.

Lucius Malfoy teaches the secret to success, just be the second king of mindless investing.

Old Goyle and Old Crabbe cast admiring glances at the same time.

Their father rushed the two fat men who were already calculating tonnage to Lucius and asked them to study hard...Forget it, it wouldn't hurt to hang out with Lucius more.

It turns out that they are really lucky.

Because of hanging out with Lucius, Lucius encouraged the two to invest in the club.

Two people voted.

And they are all clubs from different countries.

Because of this inflow of funds, the two clubs that were on the verge of bankruptcy were brought back to life.

Lucius took the two of them to visit John.

John looked at the two fat men and fell silent.

Although he has been detained for two years, he may receive some care.

But you took such good care of me.

John didn't know that as the second king's reputation became more and more powerful over the years, the food for the two of them was gradually getting better.

When John was King 2, they had donuts for dessert, fish and steak, and the occasional drink.

But after John became the leader of the International Federation of Wizards, their meals were upgraded to meat every meal, wine every day, and even the limiters were removed.

Others are getting more and more haggard and thinner when they are sucked in magic power every day.

The two big fat guys are very down to earth, really down to earth.

John has never seen anyone kowtow to themselves first when they come in.

You must know that there is no such thing as kowtow ceremony here, and I don’t know where they learned it from.

Anyway, this kowtow at least made John feel that he had not raised two old Voldemort friends.

By the way, Goyle and Crabbe are also old followers of the Malfoy family.

After meeting the two of them, John didn't have many arrangements.

Mainly because of the current state of these two people, being a family manager with a corpse-like meal is already the maximum limit.

But Old Gore had news that surprised John.

"When I came back, I saw a series of interesting ripples." Old Gore said, patting his belly. "If my donut hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have noticed it yet."



Appear out of thin air?

John asked: "Where?"

Old Goyle thought for a while and said: "Azkaban area."

John nodded and said thoughtfully: "I think this is good news."

He glanced at the two fat men, maybe the corpse meal was really suitable for two people.

Above the sea.

John stretched out his wings from behind and looked down at the ocean below from the sky.

The sea is quiet, with occasional waves rolling up.

He closed his eyes and activated his mental magic.

His magic spreads.

From 100 meters, expand all the way.

Soon, everything over fifty nautical miles was taken into his mind.

He changed places and continued to use it.


John opened his eyes, a little surprised.

He lowered himself a little and didn't feel anyone.

Or is Grindelwald the only one in Nurmengard?

If that were the case, perhaps it would be much more difficult for John to find out.

The super-sensible spell is activated.

John explores the sea.

Using shapeshifting to create a dragon's lungs, John dives into the sea.

He dived towards the bottom of the sea, a tail growing out from behind him.

The tail was like a fish's tail, swaying to increase John's speed.

Going deeper, John saw a big fish passing in front of him.

He reached out and grabbed the fish's tail, swung it into a circle and threw it out.

The fish turned into a fish arrow and sprang out quickly.

After finishing everything, John floated cross-legged in the water, touched his chin and thought: "Did Old Gower see it wrong, or has he already left?"

According to the saint's description, Nurmengard is on the sea.

The picture linking stolen weapons happens to include this area.

If it wasn't a mistake, then Nurmengard should be nearby.

John's tail swatted away the approaching manta ray, and he stared ahead.

In the sea, a strange rhythm reached John.

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