John said something that made Basil very dissatisfied.

It had another fight with Fox earlier, although Fox did not take action.

But the flames of the phoenix and the powerful magic power still made it impossible for Basil to defeat it.

After rubbing the heads of the two owls, John saw a moving sunken ship at his feet.

The melted Deathly Hallows symbol turned into a small snake, hovering on the bow of the ship, leading John to a place.

That should have been the battlefield John himself sought.

But magic is meant to be used for cheating, isn't it?

John took out his wand, a white birch wand with a thunderbird feather core.

The wand had been with John for over a year.

For John now, it has come to an end.

His magic power is too strong, and as an Obscurus, his magic power is corrosive.

The output of a large amount of magic power caused considerable damage to the wand.

The golden magic power rotates on it, and the charred blackness that originally appeared on it gradually returns to its original color.

John touched the wand with his left hand, and a small golden snake appeared on the wand.

The light dimmed, and the wand was restored to the same state as before.

Raise your right hand, silver covering the entire arm.

The five purple super magic crystals flashed with purple electricity from time to time.

Blue Philosopher Stone can enhance these energies.

John stared at the philosophical stone on his gloves, raised his hand and shook it in the air.

A beautiful silver sword appeared.

The Ten Trials of the Witcher are engraved on it.

On the hilt of the sword, the highest crystallization of alchemy, the red magic stone has infinite magic power.

This sword has been through a lot with John and is by far the sword that has been with him the longest.

They traveled through time together, touched souls, and journeyed in other worlds.

Witness the meeting of the heavenly spheres, which nearly killed Voldemort's body.

All in all, this sword finally became a treasure that is not inferior to the Sword of Gryffindor.

John's childish words in school were refined again and again, and he finally realized his dream.

"You were named Wick, and now you have to follow Wick and prove yourself."

John whispered, the sword trembling slightly.

This is a sword with a soul. Just like John, it longs for a battle.

It hopes to imprint the proof of becoming a king on its sword.

John looked up and looked ahead, Basil and Riddle flew up.

They flew into the sky, piercing the darkness with thunder.

A place shrouded in fog is being opened.

The last stop on the road to becoming a king.


The submarine received the order and rushed to a coordinate.

Chapter 739 The War of the Century

"It seems like my friends are worried about me."

John glanced at the badge and a smile appeared on his lips.

Looking up at the sky, the weather has not been good these days.

It seems to be to set off this unprecedented decisive battle at the end of the twentieth century.

Basil and Riddle tore apart the fog that existed in front of them, and the flapping of their wings was the trigger of thunder, lightning and storm.

Bad weather caused two huge whirlpools to tear each other apart on the sea.

The ghost ship passed between two whirlpools.

There was a soul residing in the blue soul lamp, and John raised his hand to place it on it.

The ghost ship walking on the sea emits blue light and immediately leaves the sea and flies up.

The storm is far from over.

The ghost ship became a small boat in the storm, pushing each other around in the wind and rain.

"This battlefield is really surprising."

John raised his eyebrows calmly.

The wind blows the sea water upward, and a seaspout is about to be born.

Riddle swooped down from the sky.

Its wings were like sharp knives, flying through the seaspout that was about to take shape.

The tornado that was cut off from it collapsed.

The ghost ship crossed over and entered the island far away from people and countries.

The ghost ship landed, and the fog disappeared before our eyes.


This place seems to be cursed by the goddess of spring, taking away all life.

But there are rich mineral resources here.

The exposed crystals extend into the depths like spikes.

At the end of the road, crystals growing wildly piled up to form a Throne of Blood.

On the throne, the white-haired man held his chin with one hand and let the other hand hang down naturally.

The Elder Wand, which symbolizes strength, hangs down, and the man's lazy posture carries an evil and bewitching smile.

"Like it?"

Grindelwald stood up leisurely and stepped down from the throne.

"This is the throne I built for you."

His hand touched the bloody throne.

"Just like what we have to do, a baptism of blood can make this throne moving."

John walked slowly, "That blood, was it you?"

"It could be you." Grindelwald did not deny it.

He walked down the steps and said with a smile, "I know what you're doing."

He looked John in the eyes and said, "You're planning a war."

"We're in the same boat at this point."

John said calmly: "You are also planning a war."

The two of them stood on the left and right under the throne.

John slowly pulled out his wand, "Those people, those seeds you left behind during the war."

"They've sprouted, haven't they?"

Grindelwald lowered his head as if thinking and shook his head.

"No, not exactly."

He tapped his forehead with the Elder Wand, "They are not under control."

"In the past, they also created the world with ideals, but now they..." Grindelwald said at the corner of his mouth, "They are a group of moths."

"As you can imagine, those guys were in those prime positions."

"Dead but not stiff," John tilted his head and wondered, "If those people are moths, Muggles shouldn't have noticed it."

"To be precise, their next generation."

Grindelwald and John are like old friends who have not seen each other for many years.

Even though they just chatted not long ago.

"You know, World War II in the Muggle world."

Grindelwald raised a finger and said seriously: "In just one brutal battle, they reached the point where the wizard had no chance of winning."

"Competition and crisis promote development." John muttered. "Having people you want to kill, or motivation to not be killed."

"That's right," Grindelwald nodded in agreement, "The development of Muggles has made rapid progress every time after the war."

"Muggles also understand this truth. Technology is their guarantee for survival, so after that war, they launched a plan."

Grindelwald said softly: "Paperclip."

"They recruited scientists who had helped their enemies kill themselves," Grindelwald said. "Those people just went from losers to the arms of their enemies."

"They suck blood inside, and use all the knowledge and resources that should be used to cultivate the new generation as their own nutrients."

"What would you do if I didn't show up?" John stared at Grindelwald, "Let wizards integrate into the Muggle camp."

"Yes," Grindelwald admitted, "wizards once served Muggles for a period of time."

"Integrate wizards into Muggles, extract what you need from them, and wait for the opportunity," Grindelwald said with madness in his eyes. "They will not let go of every bit of value of wizards. They will use paper clips like they did before."

Very good plan.

As long as those ideas are passed down, wizards with special abilities will check and balance each other's wizards in different lineups of Muggle governments.

"Why did you give up?" John asked, touching his chin, "It's quite useful, isn't it?"

Grindelwald smiled and shook his head, "Too long."

"We don't have that strong will. You should have noticed, Joel," Grindelwald said. "Compared to Muggles, wizards are more emotionally extreme."

"The education of wizards is not to the point where wizards can't escape. It's bad education and some pro-Muggle faction."

The wizarding education system is far less mature than that of Muggles.

It has obviously been developed longer than Muggle schools, but Hogwarts, with its thousand-year history, has not yet matured their education system.

This is disgusting.

Even Neon Magic School is more mature than other schools.

At least they know how to familiarize little wizards with magic in advance, while Hogwarts barely cares about the wizard until he is eleven years old.

This is true even for Muggle wizards who suddenly appear in Muggle families.

Only when I was eleven years old did I receive an admission notice.

At that age, the understanding of the world is basically set, which means that wizards from non-wizard families have long received Muggle education before receiving wizard education.

Their values ​​will also be biased toward Muggles.

There is a feeling of being too high and too low.

That's why Grindelwald said that wizards cannot use 'paper clips' to disintegrate Muggles from within.

On the contrary, they will be assimilated by Muggles.

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