The car was getting faster and faster, and Malfoy switched from walking to running.

"Atuo, you have to be happy and happy. It doesn't matter if you lose the game!"

Malfoy started running, crying and howling as he ran.

"Atuo! Atuo!"

"Atuo, I'm not here at school, so you have to take care of yourself!"


"Atuo, let me go too, Atuo!"

Malfoy chased him for several hundred meters.

A touching scene fell in John's eyes. He looked at Daphne silently and asked, "Why don't you just hang him up."

Daphne smiled, but her fingers turned white and she clenched her wand.

A few minutes later, Malfoy was hanging from a laurel tree at the Greengrass house.

As for why John was at Greengrass' house, it was thanks to Astoria's assist.

As the representative of Greengrass' high emotional intelligence, Astoria has perfectly inherited her mother's ability to control the situation within three inches.

Unfortunately, Daphne inherited Mr. Greengrass's caliber of manipulation.

Wanting to help her sister, Astoria broke the news that she was going to school and asked John to come over to the house.

Although John felt that even if he wanted to send it off, it would have to be at King's Cross Station, but after Astoria's repeated insistence, he still came over.

I also witnessed the epic drama of ‘Malfoy’s car chase’.

"I can confirm just now that Mr. Greengrass has almost stepped on the accelerator."

John was sure the car was going to fly.

Who makes Malfoy run fast?

Today is the first day of school at Hogwarts.

Around October, John will go to Hogwarts to watch the school league as a guest.

Daphne looked stiff after hanging up Malfoy.

I don’t know what happened, but the house elf in the family was taken away by Mrs. Greengrass and went to Mrs. Malkin’s place to sweep the goods.

John and Daphne were the only ones left in the huge manor.

Daphne nervously fiddled with the hem of her clothes. If she had known that John was coming, she would have put on a beautiful dress.

Daphne was now wearing casual clothes, and the loose clothes didn't matter whether they fit her or not. They were as comfortable as she could be at home.

I didn’t even wear perfume!

"Are you hungry?" Daphne asked coyly, "I learned a new cuisine, Indian cuisine."

Indian food came to John's mind, and he said calmly: "I'm not too hungry, but it seems to me that Malfoy hasn't eaten."

"Oh, he's not hungry."

Malfoy never thought that he escaped death because he was hung.

John was visiting Greengrass' house, and he said curiously: "Speaking of which, this is my first time at your house."

The Greengrass family is no worse than the Malfoy family. The home uses a lot of laurel wood for decoration, and there is also the laurel family crest.

In the corridor are portraits of many of Greengrass' ancestors.

These people approached the frame one by one, followed by the two people.

The portrait muttered: "Hey, I know him."

"We all know that he is my great-granddaughter Daphne Xi..."


Daphne was so happy that she cast a silent spell to eliminate the sound of the portrait.

Grandpa Zeng was yelling there, but no sound came out.

Daphne's sharp eyes scanned the ancestors.

The group of portraits dispersed in fright.

John visited the rooms of the manor with great interest.

"Mr. Greengrass has recently been interested in letting you take over the family business," John walked leisurely in the manor. "After officially moving into the Magic Kingdom, I am going to let Greengrass take on the transportation business in various places for wizards."

Stopping in front of a room, John turned to look at Daphne and said seriously: "That is not an easy thing."

"Not just for wizarding business, but for Muggles as well, and those ships responsible for the harvest from the last battle."

His red-brown eyes seemed to suck Daphne in, and John said, "That also means that it is a very tiring thing."

"how about you?"

Daphne's gray-blue eyes met John's, and she asked, "Aren't you tired?"

"Me?" John was stunned and chuckled, "How could that be?"

"I am the Witch King," John stepped forward again, pushed open the door of the room with both hands, and stepped into the sunny hall. "When I take on this responsibility, I cannot give up because of myself."

This was the great hall of the Greengrass family, and fine ware and much laurel wood adorned the spacious place.

A huge oil painting depicts this hall.

This place is very bright, so bright that it's a bit dazzling.

John stood in the sunshine and said to Daphne: "I'm lucky to have friends around me."

"When I feel tired, I think about everything I cherish, trying to get better so that they can enjoy it."

He smiled, causing Daphne to follow him involuntarily.

She walked through the shadow and tried her best to get closer to the king who was attracting everyone's attention.

She suddenly had the courage, reached out her hand, and gently grabbed John's left hand.

"I just want to follow you, my... king."

Daphne looked at John intently, the loose clothes on her body were as elegant as a delicate black evening gown.

She curtsied and brought her left hand close to the corner of her tender lips.

With a gentle kiss, Daphne raised her bright eyes slightly, revealing a heart-stirring smile.

"Standing at John Wick's side as Daphne Greengrass."

It's such a picturesque scene that one can't tell whether it's reality on the other side of the oil painting, or whether it's here outside.

It's like a princess kissing her ring finger and never leaving her, or a knight kissing the back of his hand to express loyalty.

John raised his right hand and slowly approached Daphne.

Daphne's heart was beating rapidly and she felt dizzy after everything she had done.

Her mind was filled with heat, and after she reacted, her body quickly heated up.

The white and tender shoulders exposed by the loose clothes turned reddish, making people want to take a bite.

She closed her eyes and swallowed nervously.

He raised his head and faced John at a 45-degree angle.

The lips wanted to refuse but still welcomed, waiting.

It's a wonderful feeling when you're close.

She obviously closed her eyes, but she felt that it was so magical.

On the shoulder, the hand fell.

Immediately afterwards, the clothes on the exposed white shoulders were pulled up, and John's voice sounded.

"This dress seems too big. I also know your determination to take over Greengrass."

Daphne opened her eyes to see John's heartfelt comment.

She lowered her head and glanced at her clothes. She felt like crying but couldn't express it in words.

"I thought we were going to kiss him!"

Irritated shouts resounded in the hall.

The two looked over.

The picture of the empty hall was crowded with the ancestors of the Greengrass family.

They crowded in the front of the frame one by one, beating their chests and feet, looking like they hated the iron.

Even Grandpa Daphne, who was under a silent spell, vividly expressed her anger with body language.

The ancestors of Greengrass were talking in a flurry of words.

The lobby is as chaotic as a market.

The ancestors who had been following the two of them had only one piece of information to summarize.

I've been watching for so long, and you just let me watch this?

They complained collectively, and there was also an old aunt who was obviously not married. She also talked nonsense in the family portrait about how many people were chasing her back then. If she hadn't been unmoved, the Malfoy family would now have the surname Greengrass.

Daphne's face was turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Daphne was in urgent need of someone who could let her vent the nameless fire caused by shyness.

Obviously, in this kind of situation, one character is indispensable.

Malfoy rushed into the hall angrily, stretched out two fingers, and roared loudly: "Two and a half hours! I was hung up for two and a half hours!"

Doesn’t anyone want to save themselves?

He shouted dissatisfiedly.

And Daphne slowly turned around.

John looked down at his pocket watch and said, "It's time for me to arrive. Madam Maxime wants me to go to Beauxbatons to fulfill my promise."

After that, John said goodbye to the two of them and stretched out his finger to open the air portal.

He went inside and disappeared.

Daphne's ancestors dispersed again, and no one noticed anything was wrong.

Later, Mr. Greengrass returned from sending his daughter off and saw Malfoy at the door of Greengrass.

He was indifferent and even wanted to laugh.

Chapter 801 Beauxbatons Speech


Furong's alma mater.

One of the three magic schools in Europe, along with Hogwarts and Durmstrang.

With John's arrival, the school is fully prepared for the opening dinner.

The principal, Ms. Maxim, is carping about the opening dinner.

She took a bite of the potato pancakes made by the house elves, frowned and said, "This obviously doesn't taste the same as Hogwarts."

The house elf didn't dare to say otherwise, so he could only prepare again.

The ingredients are tasted under Ms. Maxim’s golden spoon.

"French fish soup?" Ms. Maxim took a sip and said with satisfaction, "Perfect."

Even the normally aloof principal lady came to a place like the kitchen, and the house elves worked even harder.

"Listen, your craftsmanship will be spoken by the most distinguished people in the magical world," Ms. Maxim said critically, "It must be impeccable!"

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