They preferred to be with Neville than with those older professors.

"By the way, Miss Greengrass." Neville stopped and said to Astoria, "I wish you great success in the school league."

Astoria smiled and said, "I will, Professor Longbottom."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

As the Head Girl of the Student Union, Astoria took up the banner of Slytherin after John left.

She has a new name.

Almighty Astoria.

With the dignity and beauty of a mature woman, Astoria has become the goddess in the minds of many girls at Hogwarts.

As for boys, even if they feel this way, they don’t dare to say it.

After all, no one knew if the guy with platinum blond hair might be eavesdropping nearby.

Snape was in a bad mood, not only because he didn't get the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor position he longed for, but also because of Slughorn's day and night harassment.

"Severus, I remember you don't have the Order of Merlin yet."

Slughorn looked like a sickly old man who had taken something high. His eyes were bloodshot and he held the medal with trembling fingers.

"Look, as long as we complete this project, we will definitely get a medal."

"You are my most talented disciple, you are ten times better than Damo Alex." Slughorn did not give up his belief in recruiting people to join the team, and kept talking, "Look at him, he can even become the vice president. Chief, why can't I help you? If you finish this project, you can let the world see your strength."

Snape's face was livid. If he hadn't been taught by Slughorn when he went to school, he would have really wanted to teach someone a curse.

He read that information and found out that the curse of vampires was indeed famous all over the world after being cracked.

But it is impossible to get that thing within ten or even fifty years, unless John Wick starts researching it himself.

Slughorn was deceived by Dharma Alex.

The guy who was blacklisted by potion masters all over the world still expected him to come and help.

Forget it.

"If I remember correctly, the school league is about to begin." Snape said with a sinister tone, "Are you sure you want to show this look to everyone in the magic school?"

Only then did Slughorn realize that the school league would officially start in a few days.

As soon as he looked at himself in the mirror with unkempt hair, he panicked.

Not caring about the future glory, he quickly went to the bathroom to tidy up.

After sending Slughorn away, Snape's eyes fell on the table.

That's a box that can only be opened three times.

"Restrain." He stretched out his hand, but did not open it after all.

After tearing open the scar, the bleeding in his heart never stopped.

Underneath the outward restraint, there is a constant reaching out for greed.

This is a curse, obtained from the great Witch King, which is heartbreaking and requires a test of forbearance and restraint.

Chapter 810 I need a new chair

September 28th.

Time is like a magnanimous giant, walking step by step.

John suddenly said, "I need a chair."

Tang Mi paused, and he silently looked at John's old chair.

"With all due respect, my lord, your chair was just changed the day before yesterday."

"That's not what I meant."

John glanced at Tang Mi, "Don't think that I don't know that you took the old one."

"It is in the Silver Wolf Roaring Club office." Tang Mi couldn't say that he had taken it for collection.

"I need a better chair," John said.

"I can have someone customize it," Tang Mi took out the pager and said, "The werewolf craftsmen are also happy to make it for adults."

"No, no need."

John thought for a while and said, "I can just do it myself."

"Do it yourself?" Tang Mi looked strange, "You are the Witch King."

"Only I can do it." John ended the topic, "How are you preparing for the migration?"

"Everything is ready." Tang Mi said, "Except for various schools and a few residential areas, everything has been mapped."

"The world's most authoritative wizards have entered the Wizarding City on the magic train."

"Rita Skeeter took people there to film and record this historic moment."

"Gilderoy Lockhart wishes to have a golden statue erected in the Wizarding City."

John said: "You don't need to mention the last one."

"Okay, my lord."

John rubbed the ring and thought about the Wizarding City in his mind.

Compared with decentralized management, Wizard City requires more complete management.

The day will pass quickly.

Tang Mi also left work. As the only and most powerful Witch King in the world today, John did not need protection from others.

Tang Mi also gradually withdrew from his original security identity.

Once upon a time, Tang Mi was responsible for security and thug work.

Nowadays it is more like a civilian job.

This is how the years change.

"Why don't you turn on the light?"

The voice echoed in the dark manor.

John sat alone in the hall, and there was no light in the entire Silverhand Manor.

He began to dislike turning on the lights when alone.

Heinrich's arrival can be seen with peeping eyes at night.

The king's deputy came to Silverhand Manor before entering the Magic Kingdom.

John saw the face that was as young as himself in the dark, and he burst into laughter.

"Maybe it's not a very good idea." John snapped his fingers and the lights came on.

Heinrich came over and sat on the other sofa.

John smiled and said: "We will meet in a few days."

"But I can feel that my king," Heinrich's dark golden eyes looked into John's eyes, "is uneasy."

"After all, it is a big deal," John shook his head and smiled, "I still worry about whether I can do it well."

"You are already the best," Heinrich said, "both as light and as king."

"Edgar is full of light because of you, and the magical world has changed because of you."

"I'm a selfish person, Heinrich," John said. "Too many expectations will lose their luster because I don't respond."

"Then don't worry about it," Heinrich said seriously, "Just be yourself, my king."

"You're not the first person to tell me that."

John paused for two seconds, and his smile gradually disappeared.

"It's just...still scared."

The Witch King of the magical world spoke his heart in this empty manor.

"Unable to respond, unable to do justice to the wizard."

He was a little melancholy, "I gave too much to the werewolf, which is unfair to the wizard, but I can't let old Jack's life's work be ruined."

Emotions linger in the heart, and the Witch-King can read anyone's thoughts.

But he never uses it easily.

Because he understands that he may be afraid that they do not love him from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe that way I can take the burden off myself.

But what's even more frightening are those who are as sincere in their hearts as they appear on the surface.

That would make John push himself to be better.

Difficult choices between the two parties, contradictory.

John looked up at the gems on the crystal chandelier.

"You asked me, my king," Heinrich said, "whether I was qualified to be Edgar's light?"

"My answer is the same as always."

"Edgar's light," Heinrich said reverently, "is the light that never changes."

"Whether he is a wise king or a demon king who destroys the world, Edgar will follow the footsteps of the light."

Heinrich is the most special among the Star Club.

In Star Club, they are John's classmates and friends.

Only Heinrich regarded himself as a subordinate and was proud of his deputy.

From the very beginning, the day they met.

Heinrich had already decided who he wanted to follow.

He didn't start because of mutual benefits like Percy, nor because of the relationship of friends like Fleur.

Heinrich's arrival was followed steadfastly.

No matter what John becomes, there will be a deputy named Heinrich Edgar following behind him.

Like Grindelwald and Voldemort, Edgar's emotions are pure.

They seek the light, identify the light, and follow the light.

Stay in the darkness and sink with the light, or be pulled out of the mire by the light and become a member of the light.

No matter which one it was, Edgar never regretted it.

"Be yourself, my king." A smile appeared on Heinrich's face as pale as a vampire. He smiled. "Edgar will follow him unswervingly, without guilt or self-blame. "

John looked away from the chandelier and looked at the sincere, passionate face.

"What do you think if I change a chair?" John asked suddenly.

Heinrich stared at the sofa where Johann was sitting.

John smiled in relief, "That's right, just be yourself."

What to do with so many thoughts.

Just respond to expectations.

September 30th.

Basil is running after Tom.

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