A woman is taught by her barbaric father to become a killing machine.

But the civilized father was the first to abandon the daughter he had taught.

"Your father did not banish you," John sighed, "but your once savage self."

The woman raised her head and looked at John with a strange look in her eyes, "Do you really think so?"


John nodded and said, "I am also a king, so I know this."

"Are you a king?" the woman asked unexpectedly, "What kind of king are you?"

"Wizard King," John smiled, "I will be happy if you call me the Wizard King."

"You are very bold, talking to me like this." The woman looked at John steadily, "Are you also exiled?"

"Not really," John shook his head, "I walked here voluntarily."

"It's an adventure, so I'll tell you this."

For an exile, John saw the journey as an adventure.

So he talked a lot.

About my experience in the wizarding world.

Adventures as a child, adventures as an adult, and adventures now.

"You are also a king, you should conquer." After hearing John stop destroying that country, the woman said contemptuously, "Use your power to conquer that world."

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity that Slytherin is selfish." John didn't care about the woman's tone and said casually, "After the destruction, wizards have no ability to control those places."

"As a king, you have to think more, don't you?"

His words made the woman think deeply.

As the king's executioner in the past, she was destined to use killing as her method of action.

But John told her how to do things as a king.

"You want me to sympathize with my father?" The woman's eyes were cold, asking herself to forgive the old man?

"No, that's not being a king, that's being a fool."

John shook his head decisively. He was not a person with a Holy Mother's heart.

"Your father can banish you, so does he treat you as a daughter, not a tool?"

Not only was he not sympathetic to the woman's father's behavior, but he was disgusted with it.

The father taught his daughter the skill of killing and instilled the idea of ​​conquest, but he changed his mind later and betrayed the woman who fought for him.

As a king, he gave up the men he had trained.

As a father, what he did was banish his daughter and reprimand women for their cruelty.

That person, who is the culprit of ignoring all this.

And women are just the perfect executioners who grow up under his expectations.

Is the woman wrong?

She responded to her father's response to her king very well. The person who changed was not her, but her father.

"He sees you as a weapon that he cannot control," John grinned. "If you choose revenge, I will only clap my hands."

The woman also smiled, and the look she looked at John was neither murderous nor cold.

"You're a nice guy, and as a friend, I'm very likeable, boy." The woman extended her hand to John, "What do you think?"

"I guess that's a good title, friend."

John shook hands with him and said with a smile: "I hope we can meet again in the future."

The woman raised her chin slightly, showing her pride as the king's daughter.

As the Witch King, John also responded with pride.

Arrogant people always attract each other.

Even though it's just their first meeting, two people can become very good friends.

Maybe many years later, John would still have a living friend.

This is pretty cool.


But calling him a boy always feels weird.

"John Wick," John said, "you can call me John."

"Your name is ordinary," the woman said.

John said helplessly: "But this name is very good."

"I have many names, but this is the name my friends call me."

The woman laughed, and she said extremely arrogantly: "When I get out of this place and become a king, I will find you, John."

"When I finish my long sitting, we will meet again."

John sensed that the fog was approaching. He had stayed in this world for too long.

Death begins to expel the living.

"Maybe you should let me hear how loud your name is." After John finished speaking, his body was swallowed by the mist.

Similar to the feeling of being expelled last time, John felt that his body was being repelled by a strange force.

The woman's voice came indistinctly.

"Hela, call me by name, my friend, John."

Chapter 839 The Girl on the Magic Tower

John returns to the Death Hall.

There was a push behind him, like a hand pushing him out of the arch.

After staggering two steps, John looked back at the door helplessly.

"Did you agree to allow me to stay?"

He felt that the world of death was like a girl, changing her face at any time.

They were living harmoniously just now, but they turned around and kicked the person out.

After adjusting the clothes, the black cloak in the world of death changes back to transparent color.

This is probably why the two worlds are different.

Taking off the invisibility cloak, John put it in his chest pocket.

Although there was nothing gained from this trip, it was good to meet a new friend.

"This snow will last for a long time."

He left the Ministry of Magic and walked slowly through the streets of London.

The snow fell so deeply that people couldn't help but speed up their pace.

The heavy snow made cars drive cautiously.

Under the snow-white world, bustling London also becomes beautiful.

John walked to a coffee shop. The warm coffee was very popular among this group of British gentlemen.

Having a cup like this in winter, even the slight bitter taste is enough to make people happy.

Too bad John couldn't taste it.

He stopped in front of the coffee shop for a while, but did not go in after all.

Desserts on the street beckoned to him, and an Oriental restaurant that popped into his eyes was like a coquettish way to seduce his taste buds.

Faced with these temptations, John chose to pass by.

He spent a day sightseeing in London.

Today is Christmas Eve, and the Christmas activities have already started.

Tang Mi will probably arrange a wish-making event, and I hope a more reliable person will make the wish this time.

Xenophilius Lovegood's wish last year, and some teapots floating in the sky over Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley.

This Christmas, spend it at home.

John misses his parents and sister.

Speaking of which, I should prepare Christmas gifts for my family.

As the 'youngest' Ariana will be receiving a lot of gifts this year.

The uncle complained that Ariana had not received any gifts and hoped that they would not get those strange things this year.

Alone on the street, the sun goes down.

John came to an alley.

He heard a familiar voice inside.

"Amiya, it's time to go to bed."

"I know, Aunt Jula, wait until I beat Dad."

Gauss's voice rang out, "Haha, then prepare yourself to not be able to sleep."

This wanted criminal who was greedy for money took off all disguises in front of his daughter.

He is a father, and money is like something external to him at this moment.

Wang Zhongshi's subordinate once chose to accompany his Muggle daughter.

Joyful laughter came from the warm-lit room.

His retirement life has nothing to do with magic.

John should probably say hello, but he didn't want to disturb the family's life.

The tinkling Christmas songs have begun to ring in the streets.

The cheerful atmosphere fills the city with a happy atmosphere.

John stepped away.

He headed to King's Cross station.

Enter platform nine and a quarter.

This usually bustling platform was particularly deserted at this time.

He was the only one waiting at the platform.

A breath of white breath came out of his mouth.

John waited for the train to arrive.

The Albatross pulled into the platform to greet the lonely traveler.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the Albatross."

A mechanical female voice sounded, and the car door opened.

John walked inside and found a seat by the window to sit down.

There were only a few people in the car.

They all seemed to be lonely people with no one to sit with.

Long train, they are distributed in different carriages.

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