They talk about relief, but their hearts are constantly fighting.

"Don't lose, Malfoy."

In Silver Cross Hospital, there was no one in the bed where Astoria was originally.

Mr. Greengrass bit his nails and paced up and down the ward.

He looked nervous and looked at the game on the TV from time to time.

"Witch King bless me, my daughter is safe."

Mrs. Greengrass clasped her hands together and prayed for the child over and over again, hoping that her voice would be heard by the Witch King.

Tears fell from the corners of her eyes, causing Mr. Greengrass to stop.

Astoria's situation was not optimistic. She was galloping on the Quidditch pitch, but after getting off the broom, she was still particularly vulnerable.

Silver Cross Hospital detected some defects hidden in the body.

But she hoped that her husband could become a father without regrets and not let Malfoy accompany him.

Now that his daughter was bleeding heavily, Mr. Greengrass came to his wife, held her hand, and prayed with her.

The Witch King bless.

"The game has entered the match point!"

"England are 150250 behind!"

"They still have a chance!"

Ernie roared excitedly, as he said so, his eyes drifted to the sky.

The skies were gloomy there, and it seemed like even God wasn't helping England.

It’s even harder to find the Snitch in the rain.

Malfoy was anxious, and his thoughts were always about his wife in the hospital.

He wanted to end the game as soon as possible, and this was his mentality. It was as if the curse was beginning to take effect, and he didn't see a trace of the Golden Snitch.

Suddenly, Krum moved.

Fake action?

Or is it true?

Malfoy's mind turned quickly, and he rushed out together with him.

"It was Krum's fake move! Malfoy was fooled!" Ernie's heart rose in his throat.

Krum's Wronsky fake move deceived Malfoy, causing him to fall heavily into the quagmire.

The game was paused while the referee checked Malfoy's injury.

"Go on!" Malfoy stood up and picked up the broom.

His children await the blessing of this champion.

There was a dull pain in his right foot, but he endured it.

Krum used to be the pinnacle he looked up to, but now that he is competing on the same stage, he has a reason why he cannot lose.

Krum paid tribute to his actions, "You are a worthy opponent, Draco Malfoy."

"I hope you will still be generous when you lose." Malfoy snorted coldly.

The game continued and it was a tough battle.

"No, the curse is triggered in the pregnant woman's body!"

"Use the emerald potion!"

"No, it can't be stopped!"

"This is...blood curse!"

Therapists at Silver Cross Hospital were close to despair.

It turned out to be the Bloodborne Curse, a point hidden in the body, waiting for the opportunity like a poisonous snake.

To devour this mother and daughter.

Astoria's face was covered with sweat. She closed her eyes tightly and murmured: "Draco."


Malfoy turned his head suddenly and heard his wife's call.

It was also this time that he turned his head and saw it.

That flash of gold.

"Malfoy moved! He didn't hesitate!" Ernie shouted excitedly, "He found the Golden Snitch!"

"On the match point of 200340, he saw the snitch!"

Krum was also aware of all this, and without hesitation, he also chased after him.

The golden snitch on a rainy day becomes even more elusive under the reflection of rain.

Hazy weather, plus resistance from the wind.

The Snitch became as cunning as a loach.

From the sky to the ground, then above the auditorium and below the commentary box.

The voices of the audience gradually disappeared at some point, and their eyes followed the two afterimages.

Hold your breath, for fear that you will affect the competition.

This is a historic moment.

Chase, still chase.

A little bit, always a little bit.

Malfoy and Krum have reasons why they cannot lose.

They used all kinds of tricks, colliding, spinning, and knocking on the broom.

But no one can take that distance.

The Golden Snitch is the God of Quidditch who comes to earth and uses all his tricks to trick those who chase him.

The goggles were soaked by the rain, and the spell on them had expired.

In all the scenery, Malfoy's eyes were filled with only that golden glow.

Close, yet far.

Trembling arms, painful right foot.

His heart throbbed, as if something was moving away from him.

"No! I won't allow it!"

Malfoy was crazy.

The Golden Snitch turned again, and twice in a row.

This was the bad taste of the Quidditch god playing tricks on mortals. Krum slowed down. He always played steadily.

But at this moment.

An afterimage flashed across the corner of his eye.

It was a lamb who couldn't see the way forward and fought to the death.

Malfoy bowed and pulled suddenly.

The Firebolt bent at an astonishing angle.

Ernie boiled and roared: "It's here! Wick Arc!"

An arc that is so curved that one is afraid of breaking is a desperate struggle.

Holding your breath until your face turns blue, the audience forgets what it feels like to breathe.


Keep chasing!

I am not a genius, I can only use my hard work and craziness over and over again to bring you and me closer!

This time, it's not because of you.


For my children.

For my wife.

For the honor I hold dear.

"For eternal glory!"

He was still a little bit close, just a little bit there.

He looked at the golden haze less than an inch between his fingers, as if it was as far away as a chasm.


The dormant curse finally defeated the healer's methods.

The blood line entering the heart will devour the mother and fetus.

Nothing can be done.

The therapist was silent, and he sighed, "Tell the family."

There are always regrets.

Even in the magical world, it is still inevitable.

this is the truth.

Even a wizard's hospital cannot guarantee all cures.

The operating room door is opened.

It was a long, narrow and empty corridor.

Astoria's eyes opened, her beautiful blue eyes looking at the blurry and mysterious golden light.

She raised her hand.

Just a little bit.

The hand lost strength and slowly dropped.

Dropped hands.

A distance that cannot be crossed.

The unwillingness in Malfoy's eyes.

"You have to come again and again and again!"

He roared angrily and flew out of the broom range.

Why should I give up on something that is right in front of me?

Grab it!

Hands up!

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