I Will Always Love You

Chapter 171: Got a bad cold 4

"Is there? I think it's okay..." Cheng Zhiyan sniffed, then sneezed twice.

"You really have a cold?" Xia Feng looked at him with a worried expression, stretched out and touched his forehead, and said in surprise: "It's hot! Cheng Zhiyan, you have a fever!"

He accidentally said this a little loudly, and the teacher who was in the class suddenly stopped the lecture and asked, "What's wrong? Xia Feng, what are you talking about?"

The whole class turned their heads in an instant, and looked towards where Cheng Zhiyan and Xia Feng were sitting.

"Teacher! Cheng Zhiyan seems to have a fever, his forehead is so hot!" Xia Feng was taken aback and hurriedly said loudly to the teacher.

The math teacher who was in class was the math teacher who liked Cheng Zhiyan the most. She immediately put down the chalk in her hand, walked quickly to Cheng Zhiyan’s desk, reached out and probed his forehead, and said with a worried expression: "I have a fever. Cheng Zhiyan, would you like to go home and have a rest?"

Cheng Zhiyan only felt that his head was a little dizzy. He just wanted to talk, opened his mouth, and sneezed twice.

"You can't do this, go home quickly, or go to the hospital, you should take medicine and take medicine, you should have water and water, you should take a rest, and the teacher will ask for a leave of absence from the teacher in charge." When he came out, he suddenly said anxiously: "Would you like me to call and ask your family to pick you up?"

"No need..." Cheng Zhiyan sniffed, his voice a little hoarse: "I can go back by myself."

Xia Feng suddenly looked at Cheng Zhiyan with a look of envy.

This is the treatment of Xueba! !

As long as you feel unwell, the teacher will let you go home and rest without saying a word. There is no worry that others will lose your homework...

Seeing Cheng Zhiyan packed up his schoolbag and left, Xia Feng sighed and continued to force the class.

When Xiaotu returned home, he saw Cheng Zhiyan's bicycle parked at the gate at a glance.

She ran upstairs quickly, shouting cheerfully all the way: "Brother Orange Juice, are you back?"

However, the room was quiet, there was no sound, and no one answered her.

"Brother Orange Juice?" The little rabbit opened the door curiously, the curtains in the room were not drawn, his coat was scattered on the ground, but the person was lying motionless on the bed.

Little Rabbit looked at his figure lying on the bed and couldn't help feeling strange. Why didn't her orange juice brother ran back to sleep after class? ?

"Brother Orange Juice..." The little rabbit tiptoed over to the bed and glanced at Cheng Zhiyan who was sleeping. His white and jade cheeks had an unnatural blush, and his thin lips seemed a little chapped.

It looks like this... Isn't it sick? ?

Little Rabbit was startled, and quickly reached out and touched Cheng Zhiyan's forehead, and suddenly touched a hot feeling in his palm.

Have a fever! ? ?

The little rabbit bit his lip, hesitated, turned around and ran into the bathroom, pulled a towel, soaked it in cold water, squeezed it dry, and ran out again.

She folded the towels into neat small squares, carefully applied them to Cheng Zhiyan's forehead, and then ran to the kitchen to collect a pot of water and waited for the water to boil.

While waiting for the water, she kept thinking, how could her orange juice brother get a fever and get sick? ? It must be because of the cold weather last night, but he only wore a short sleeve and took her home by bike...

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