I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 3 Chapter 12: Good news for Anson

There are no clouds in the clear mirror-like dome, only the sturdy goshawks go straight to the top of the clouds, hovering between the snow-capped peaks.

This is the east of the Dawn Mountains, the natural danger that separates the north and south of the world of order, and the endless hills and mountains connect the three kingdoms of Clovis, Iser, and the Seven Cities Alliance.

On the twenty-fourth day of the fourth month of the 100th year of the saint's calendar, a Clovis army, holding high the banner of the blood-colored Unicorn King, marched from the south of the mountain to the north.

Under the clear sunshine, the top of the mountain is covered with snow all year round, and the permafrost is covered with cold winds. The thin air and severe cold make it a forbidden place for life; but between the hills at the foot of the mountains and rivers is full of spring, and there are countless rivers here. Origin, bringing vitality to the earth.

And between the mountain peaks, a road that is not very wide traverses the earth; for thousands of years, countless wealth has flowed on this road, and countless wars have been staged here; every time there is a change of ownership, there are thousands of The blood of life waters the earth.

"And here is the Eagle Point Pass."

In the temporary tent, Leon Francois, who had promised to just watch, stood in front of the map around Eagle Point City, and talked to Anson and the other officers:

"At the western foot of the Dawn Mountains, the peaks there are far higher and steeper than here. If you want an army to advance on a smooth and unobstructed road, you can only advance along the edge of the mountain, from west to east, along the narrow mountain pass. "

"But it's different in the east. The towering Dawn Mountains have a huge fracture here and a relatively flat, but broken hilly area, and Eagle Point Pass is the flattest part of this area. wide road."

"These roads are divided by hills, cliffs, forests and rivers and lakes, and finally converge in the north, looking down from above is a triangle that resembles the head of an eagle, so it is called the 'Eagle Point Pass', and the one that controls the The fortress covering the entire pass was called 'Eagle Point City'."

"For hundreds of years, the Thun people have blocked countless offensives from the north and east here, always keeping the enemy out of the vast land, so the Francois family has the reputation of 'gatekeeper'."

The young knight's words revealed a strong sense of pride, but the officers in the camp were quite disapproving - the Thun's army that shattered when touched, no matter how solid the terrain and fortress are use?

"Because of this, the fortress of Eagle Point City is built facing the north and east, and surrounding the fortress is a defensive position composed of many forts, towers, and together."

Carl Bain took the baton from the young knight and continued to say to everyone: "Even an army of 40,000 people will be dragged to death in the outer defense line if there is not enough heavy artillery to provide fire support. Can't touch it anywhere."

And we definitely don't have an army of 40,000... An Sen, who was sitting on the side, complained silently in his heart.

"So the key to this battle is to cut off the enemy's logistical supply lines, harass and block all possible support; while the main force suppresses the defenders from the frontal battlefield, we will use any means to attack the enemy's morale... That's our job. "Carl sums it up this way:

"In order to complete the above tasks, we have to do three things in total: figure out the exact route of enemy support and supplies, get in touch with the main army as soon as possible, and determine the next battle plan."

That is to say, it is to decide to what extent the lone army that bypasses the enemy's rear will eventually reach its final goal.

The Army's instructions were to "harass the enemy's backline and assist the main army in capturing Eagle Point", but this was a very vague goal; you could say that as long as you fought near Eagle Point Pass, it could also be interpreted as ordering Anson to take two thousand Many people, and Ludwig attacked Eagle Point City from south to north.

As for why it's so vague, it's probably because the Army didn't expect more than 2,000 people to really successfully cross the Dawn Mountain Range.

According to the current situation of the battle, as long as Ansen led more than 2,000 people, relying on the support of Grand Duke Thun, and constantly harassing the supply lines and reinforcements in the direction of Iser Elf near the Eagle Point Pass, the mission has been successfully completed.

But Anson doesn't think so. More bluntly, he doesn't plan to cooperate with Ludwig's so-called "frontal offensive" at all.

Based on what he knew about the archbishop's own son, basically, once he left the artillery, he would not fight; and the Eagle Point Pass with complex and rugged terrain was almost the least suitable battlefield for large-scale cavalry and artillery offensives.

Not surprisingly, Ludwig's tactics were either to use the fortress tactics to advance step by step, or to ask for help from the rear for heavy artillery, smashing hard with artillery shells or gold coins, and smashing the fortresses on the periphery of the defense line one by one. Under Eagle Point City.

The common point of the two tactics is that they are too slow, and there will be garbage time in the stage of unnecessary confrontation and stalemate; and this time Clovis declared war in a hurry, and he was not prepared at all, so he did not have the capital to remain in a stalemate with the enemy.

This seemingly solid tactic can only waste the time gained by abrupt declarations of war and quick maneuvers, allowing the Iser elves to assemble their legions to destroy them.

With only more than 2,000 people in Ansen's hands, it is impossible to stop the continuous reinforcements of Iser's elves... Probably Ludwig didn't expect him to be able to block them all.

Therefore, if you want to win Eagle Point City quickly, you must not fight this battle step by step; you must force the Iser elves in the fortress to surrender quickly, or let them have the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to evacuate.

"Relying on our Thun friends, our army does not need to worry about the enemy from the south for the time being." Carl Bain continued to explain the current situation to the officers:

"There are roughly three roads that can provide support to Eagle Point City from the country of Iser Elf, and all of them extend from southeast to northwest. The roads are roughly parallel, but they are divided by the surrounding hills and forests."

As he spoke, Carl pointed to the landmark on the map with his baton: "The three roads are not very spacious, they are only barely able to pass through one or two fully-staffed infantry divisions or a single cavalry division. An established legion is impossible."

"Isel Elven Kingdom has two main legions, the Praetorian Guard and the Western Army, with a total strength of almost 80,000; the Western Legion should have received the news of the declaration of war now, and is stepping up its preparations for defense. It will not pose any threat in the short term."

"Therefore, the only troops they can send and support immediately are the Imperial Guards, which are armed and trained by the Empire and commanded directly by the Elf King."

"If the information is correct, this corps consists of three infantry divisions, two light cavalry divisions, two heavy cavalry divisions, fifteen artillery companies—that is, forty thousand men, and at least one hundred and twenty artillery pieces. "

"This legion will definitely be reinforced from these three roads, and the strength is unknown; but if we want to assist the main force in conquering Eagle Point City, we must try to delay their arrival at Eagle Point City as much as possible."

When the words fell, all the officers couldn't help but gasped, and their faces instantly turned pale.

Although they despised the fighting power of elves, this group of people was still very self-aware - even if the Yisel elves were broken with a touch, the two thousand or so of them would definitely not be able to stop them.

In other words, no matter how many reinforcements there are in the direction of Iser Elf, these people actually don't want to face the enemy head-on; no matter how you look at it, Eagle Point City must be the spoils of Ludwig and the main force, even if they are wiped out, How much benefit can you get?

The officers looked at each other in dismay. Anyway, now that the Deputy Commander has drawn over to the Grand Duchy of Thun, it is impossible to thank them no matter how many commanders you are, so let's just accept it when we see it.

The little secretary in the corner was still writing down the minutes of the meeting, while Lisa sat cross-legged on the chair with her rifle next to her, and yawned boredly.

"I have a question." Fabian glanced at the silent Anson, raised his hand and said to Carl Bain:

"According to the Army's pre-war instructions, our mission is to cooperate with the actions of the main force—in this case, shouldn't we first send scouts, try to get in touch with Commander Ludwig, and then consider the next move? ?"

Carl frowned slightly: "Of course that's true, but..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped talking, and looked at a certain deputy commander, His Excellency, with deep resentment.

That's right, according to the order, the first thing they should do now is to get in touch with the main force; but who would have thought that this guy lost his way on the snowy mountain, not to mention, but also took the troops to Jinshicheng for a circle!

The direct result of this was that they arrived nearly half a month later than expected; no matter how sluggish the Iser elf was, half a month was enough for them to send the first batch of reinforcements.

Of course, Carl Bain didn't want to die on his own initiative - he didn't come voluntarily - but the problem is that Leon Francois is here, if he can see through the so-called "elite" The "Southern Legion" is a group of scum who are passive and avoid war, bullying the soft and fearing the hard, and the Thun people who seem to be very friendly to them at the moment can immediately fall to the Iser Elf in a blink of an eye!

Of course, if Karl knew what the young knight beside him was thinking, he would not have such concerns.

From the beginning to the end, Leon Francois didn't take his eyes off Anson for a second; especially from the beginning, he didn't even blink.

In his eyes, Anson Bach in front of him was simply amazing!

There are only more than 2,000 people in the entire army, but when he heard that the Yisel elves had 40,000 reinforcements, he still had no fear; he observed the performance of his officers without saying a word, and calmly made the most reasonable decision. judge.

The so-called not being shocked, probably refers to a commander like him?

So, what will he do next... The admiration in the young knight's eyes almost overflows.

"What are you going to do, Deputy Commander?" Carl turned to Anson.


Anson was startled suddenly, raised his head and glanced around the tent quickly, and then slowly focused on his adjutant's face.

Seeing his virtuous appearance, Carl twitched the corners of his mouth and looked a little ugly... Did you just get distracted?

An Sen, who raised his brows, immediately smiled...how could it be.

Stop talking, I can see you can't open your eyes!

No no no, that's just an expression of my thinking, and I just happened to come up with a plan that's especially good for us.

When you think I am them, will you believe your nonsense?

Can you listen to me explain, this plan is really perfect...

In just one second, the two quickly "exchanged opinions" with their eyes and micro expressions; just when An Sen was about to stand up and speak, the tent was suddenly opened.

"Deputy Commander!"

A panting scout rushed into the camp and slammed his right hand into his chest with a "Bang!": "Emergency Information - The Second Skirmisher Company of the Storm Regiment found a comatose light cavalry while reconnaissance at the pass."

"He calls himself Hank Love, a messenger sent by Major General Ludwig Franz!"


"From Deputy Commander Anson Bach:

The main force of the Southern Legion's outpost has reached the Eagle Point Pass and is advancing steadily towards Eagle Point City.

According to reliable information, an elf reinforcement force of about two infantry divisions is coming from the east of the Dawn Mountains and will arrive at Eagle Point in three days. This army is mainly infantry and carries a considerable amount of supplies.

I have ordered Lieutenant Colonel Roman to lead an army of about 3,000 people through the enemy's defense area and stop them around the Eagle Point Pass for three to five days; support.

Ludwig Franz. "

An Sen, who was standing outside the tent, took a quick glance and closed the letter with a bang.

"How's it going?" Carl asked worriedly.

"Well...it's pretty much what I thought." Anson was not surprised:

"There are about two infantry divisions to support Eagle Point City. He asked us to find Lieutenant Colonel Roman who was rushing over and try to hold the elves for three to five days."

The adjutant's eyes widened instantly—two infantry divisions, that's more than 10,000 people!

"How to do?"

"There is no way, I can only do it." An Sen sighed and said:

"Ludwig is very polite, but if you don't implement it, you will be disobeying the military order."

"How sure are you?"

"It's hard to say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Half of it depends on who the commander of this elf army is." Anson shook his head, his expression a little heavy.

"What about the other half?"

"It depends on how quickly Colonel Roman can get here."

Carl looked at Anson, nodded slightly and said no more.

The two walked into the tent one after the other. In the heavy tent, all eyes were on the letterhead in Anson's hand.

Facing a pair of nervous eyes with a bit of fear, An Sen, whose voice was low, suddenly raised his voice:

"Everyone, I have great news!"

"A large supply force is about to rush from Eagle Point Pass to Eagle Point City, and will pass by us soon - only infantry, a small number of cavalry, and not many heavy weapons are guarding them!"

"It is said that all the equipment, supplies and belongings are worth at least two infantry divisions!"

"Now tell me, do you want to follow me to make a fortune?!"

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