I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 251: come to you

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After fully recognizing his mistake and feeling deeply guilty, Anson immediately expressed his most sincere apology to "Dear Fiancee", and said that he would definitely reflect on himself thoroughly, and sounded the siren on the downhill road to the abyss of sin, Just in time...brake. watermark ad test watermark ad test

Talia, who has always been considerate, expressed full recognition of his attitude, and firmly believed that Anson would maintain a higher interest in the choice of desires - if it is really impossible to improve, as a fiancee, she is not. totally unacceptable...

Anson is well aware that Talia has been monitoring herself through Lisa and various channels, and Talia also understands how flexible Anson's loyalty methods are - both parties have complete and unreserved trust in each other.

So when he was about to get up and leave, the girl "inadvertently" mentioned again that her father had officially left and set off for Beluga Port.

For this old man who had never met, An Sen once again expressed his warm welcome; to have such an apostle who is so tyrannical that even the Church of Order has to be calm and negotiated with him, the future of Beluga Port must be better than that of the Emperor of the Empire. Xiaolong City is also safe.

Of course, he was more or less curious about the way "Rune" arrived at Beluga Port; unlike Blasphemy Mage, spellcasters at the level of apostles can no longer "suppress" power to avoid malicious intent from the world. Its existence itself is the result of confrontation with the world.

Assuming that all the legends and the descriptions in the "Great Magic Book" are not exaggerated in the slightest, a blood magic apostle can affect all the surrounding creatures just by spreading his unconscious power - wheat and potatoes will be harvested, the dead will break out of the ground, Cabbage will grow fangs, lions and lone wolves will be hunted by sheep and deer, hunted...

In view of the fact that the food chain was not upside-down and chaotic in Clovis City, Anson temporarily regarded this as the Church of Order pouring dirty water and slandering the apostles for no reason.


Compared with "the great Rune is about to come to his loyal Moby Dick", Anson actually cares more about the plan in Talia's mouth; although she doesn't want to know what the plan is - she doesn't dare to ask - but she The expression on his face when he mentioned the plan made him very concerned.

That kind of entanglement that is very familiar, and always feels that he has seen it somewhere but can't remember it at all, makes him quite painful.

Who is it?

With questions that could never be answered, Anson left the Rune Mansion and walked to the Beluga Harbor Council.

It’s not even eight o’clock at this time. According to the work and rest time of the people of Beluga Harbour, they will not arrive until at least nine o’clock. The hard-working members of the Congressman, they will work hard for the people of Beluga Harbour for four hours every day before going there. Enjoy life as much as possible.

Pushing open the door of the office, Anson was not surprised to see Fabian who was sitting at the table next to him, smoking a cigarette and sorting out materials; the commander of the grenadier quickly learned about the current situation of Beluga Port after arriving. Taking over a lot of work from a certain chief of staff who was on the verge of shock, he booked a room in a hotel near the parliament.

Seeing Anson walk into the door, he immediately stopped the pen in his hand, picked up a few newspapers and documents and approached, first greeted by the management, and then went straight to the topic:

"There is an accident in Winter Torch City."

"Beginning in mid-October, groups of indigenous tribes have successively launched attacks on colonial cities, ranging from only a few dozen to nearly a thousand people. The trade routes of Red Hand Bay and Beluga Harbor."

The situation is so serious... An Sen frowned slightly:

"Who sent this news back, why didn't even the slightest bit of wind... Uh, there's no need to explain this."

He almost forgot that the Knights of Untrustworthy attacked the important informants of newspaper offices all over the world-the intelligence network that originally spread throughout the New World is now almost half deaf and blind.

The head of the grenadier team nodded slightly, and he cooperated very well with forgetting the ugliness of the commander-in-chief just now:

"This person should be familiar to you, Carin Jacques."

"He?" Anson was stunned:

"Is he still in Winter Torch City?"

"If there is no accident, yes." Fabian took out a copy of the "Winter Torch City Frontier News" and placed it in front of Anson:

"At present, apart from Grey Pigeon Castle and Beluga Harbor, Winter Torch City, where this apprentice is present, is the only branch that can still operate normally; he has provided many important information to Winter Torch City and our local garrison. , the loss of saving is immeasurable.”

In order to coordinate the troops of the Free Confederacy and establish a general staff that can manage the various colonial militia organizations - this is the surface reason, but in fact it is to make it easier for the Storm Division to interfere in the affairs of the Confederacy, Anson set up a camp fortress outside Winter Torch City , leaving behind about a company of reserves and a lot of supplies.

In this way, whether it is timely support for the colonies of the Confederacy, or sending troops to intervene when necessary, it is extremely convenient for the Storm Division; in the most extreme cases, it can also be used as a bridgehead for northward development, or a base camp after the fall of the southwest.

It is not only the starting point of interference, but also the final guarantee.

As the colony closest to the north, it is not surprising that Winter Torch City was attacked by indigenous people. This city built near the top of the mountain itself has the attribute of being a fortress, and it has a full understanding of how unpleasant the locals are.

The problem is that the time of the attack happened to be the time when the Untrusted Knights attacked the Storm Division's intelligence network... It's too coincidental.

Generally speaking, even in the most extreme cases, indigenous people rarely gather hundreds or even thousands of people to besiege the colony; and the number and frequency of this time are comparable to the "Beast Slave Rebellion" in the 100th year of the saint's calendar. ".

A common intuition error is involved here: colonists with weapons and various "advanced equipment" usually win more with less, several times or even a dozen times, dozens of times with poor equipment, or even naked. Aboriginal.

This may be true in the general environment. Occasionally, similar situations may occur, but the high probability is just the opposite - basically they are well-equipped, with a large number of colonists encircling and annihilating them, killing and hunting far fewer than their own number. Indigenous peoples.

The usual indigenous clans and tribes are usually between dozens to hundreds of people, and the scale is similar to that of the colonists on two or three merchant ships, and the colonists are often young and laborious, and the armed personnel can be quickly mobilized. The scale is also larger; and if the indigenous people want to organize so much combat power, they need a large tribe of several thousand, or even nearly ten thousand people.

Such tribes may have existed, but they have disappeared in the South of the New World in the 101st year of the saint's calendar, and the north, where the climate is more severe, is even less likely to support such a large group of survival activities; so there are more indigenous peoples and denser The region has changed from their tribe to the farmer's estate.

Even the previous "beast slave riots" that reached tens of thousands of people were dominated by groups of dozens or hundreds of people, and very few reached the scale of a thousand people; it was only the sudden incident and the internal riot that made the colonists Disordered hands and feet, almost a large area of ​​the colony fell.

After a quick glance at the newspaper, Anson immediately understood Fabian's thoughts: "Do you think that these attacks are not normal and may be a harbinger of some events?"

"Actually, there have been various rumors since June, claiming that the indigenous people are about to set off a new round of large-scale riots, but there has never been any follow-up." The head of the grenadier nodded, as he admitted his guess:

"Most of the rumors, I think, should have something to do with the legendary Knights of Untrustworthiness; and the attack on Winter Torch City this time is some kind of test for them to confirm the strategic deployment of the Storm Division."

"It's November now, and the severe winter has begun. In a dozen days at the latest, the wind and snow will completely cut off the communication between the various colonies; no matter what the storm division will do in the next few months, there is only one choice. opportunity."

Whether to continue to deploy troops in Beluga Harbor to ensure that the basic situation is safe, or to send troops to support the Winter Torch City Base Camp, which is being attacked by indigenous people and is being attacked on an increasing scale... An Sen raised his eyebrows:

"what you think?"

"My personal suggestion is to send reinforcements as much as possible, and it must be fast." Fabian said solemnly:

"The Storm Division can maintain its influence on the Free Confederation. In addition to supporting liberals everywhere, the most important thing is to act decisively and actively; to intervene quickly at the initial stage of the matter, and then seize the dominance later."

"Now that the first stage of the War of Independence has ended, the attitude of the Empire is still unknown, and it is bound to gradually reduce the Confederate's dependence on us; at the same time, Sir Louis Bernard, the Governor of Sailing City, is bound to do everything possible to win over the Confederacy and move closer to the Empire. , to establish a relationship similar to that between vassals and alliances."

"After all, the Confederacy is still dominated by the Empire, and it is far closer psychologically than the Clovis people like us, and the cost of winning is lower; as long as the Empire promises not to continue to intervene in the affairs of the New World and maintain some hypocritical respect for the Confederation, Combined with the advocacy of Sir Louis Bernard, the consequences are unimaginable."

"But if it is decided to send troops, the officer corps should agree, but it is more difficult to convince the soldiers." Fabian suddenly changed the conversation:

"Beginning in March, from Beluga Harbor to Longhu Town, Winter Torch City, Black Reef Harbor, Gray Pigeon Fort, Sail City... The Storm Division has almost traveled the entire southern part of the New World from west to east, and finally returned to Beluga Harbor is resting and stationed, and it is impossible to accept the order to start again immediately—not to mention the most desolate and remote Winter Torch City."

"In addition, it is already November, and even if you set off immediately, it is difficult to guarantee that you will not encounter all kinds of force majeure obstacles - wind and snow blocking the road, beast attacks, plagues and cold... Even if there is no enemy ambush throughout the whole process, you can reach your goal smoothly. Here, various non-combat attritions are still inevitable.”

"Of course, if you insist that you must send an army, commander, even if there are many difficulties, I believe that the officer corps will try their best to overcome it and complete the order you gave."

After he finished speaking, he put down the document in his hand, and his burning eyes seemed to be waiting for a reply.

So turn around and come back again, or let me make the decision? Then what is the meaning of your analysis for such a long time... An Sen pondered for a moment, and said calmly:

"I think this matter needs to be seriously considered. After the military meeting of the headquarters, we will discuss it collectively."

Due to the situation, Anson actually supported the rescue of Winter Torch City; but on the one hand, the winter was approaching, the weather did not allow large-scale military operations, and the morale of the soldiers was relatively low; on the other hand, local messengers and investors from the Roland family Coming to Moby Dick, he must ensure that the colony is armed enough to avoid any surprises.

What's more, the Knights of No Letter have been completely disintegrated by him, and Fair Cressey is missing, which is not enough to pose a threat to him for the time being; a small number of indigenous people's attacks can still be solved by the Winter Torch City itself.

Even if the worst happens, they can retreat to the camp fortress established by the storm division, and there is still room to clean up the situation.


The head of the grenadier and the master of nonsense, Fabian nodded and agreed.

With the excellent, lively, solidarity and high-quality atmosphere of the Storm Division officer corps, the final result is 100% to express their own opinions. When the commander-in-chief, An Sen, speaks, he applauds and supports; he works hard and never takes any blame.

Just as the two were about to continue discussing how to rebuild the intelligence network of the various colonial newspaper offices and speed up the formation of the shooting army, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the house.

"Master Anson Bach, is it convenient for me to come in now?"

The voice of the little secretary came, and it sounded a little flustered.

"Of course... I mean, please come in."

An Sen glanced at Fabian with a little surprise, then glanced at the figure who pushed in the door: "Didn't I already say it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Among all the storm division people, it is possible to not communicate with each other. You are the only one who sees me directly...you, what's going on with you, what happened?"

Scribbled chicken coop hair, wet collars and cuffs, crooked little bow ties, dusty trousers, one shoe missing...if not shorter, and that never gets rid of. The temperament lost, Anson will definitely regard the little secretary in front of him as Lisa.

Hearing Anson's question, the little secretary trembled all over, pursing the corners of his mouth and widening his eyes, as if full of endless panic and grievances:

"Thanks to the care of the commander-in-chief, your clerk has just encountered a sudden disaster without any preparation. The cause is mainly due to the unprepared meeting, which is embodied in the objective events and general environment of the past two working weeks. There are thousands of incident connections caused by the change; based on the relevant information already known, it is not difficult to infer that the contingency and inevitability of such a situation will have adverse effects on all participants and related persons.”

"If you want to describe it in a clear, concise, and neat way, it can be classified as one sentence..."

"Wife of Speaker Mason Weitzler, shot by Harold's widow, honor Mrs. Weitzler, she's coming to you."

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